I used it for 4 months with CH grip.
It is heavy, even with some rubber changes. It will take about a week to start stroking comfortably.
I used rakza 7fh omega iv asia fh and lt sound fh lt plus bh.
With the rakza setup it was good for looping, close to the table with a smooth arc.
I felt some deficiency at close games, very receptive to incoming spin and i found hard to adjust.
Mid range (1-2m away) it still producing good speed and control, more than enough id say.
Away from the table i cant say because im terrible at it, sorry.
With the Calibra setup, way lighter i must say, it was better for drives and pushes, costing a bit of loop. The very soft sponge of LT Sound made every ball hit the table, medium arc, with some spin. Top spin exchange with huge direction changes was a breeze.
Did i mention is has little vibration? Compared to my previous Aries 8 and current RW V, it is rock solid!
In short--
Close-mid range
Medium soft sponges
Loop is good, topspin/smashes awesome!
Passive block is good, pushes well it some expertise.
Must watch rubbers weight, combined it can be over 190 easily!
Very durable. Not a single scratch till now.
handsome grip!
it is yasaka!
Easy to sell also, i think.
Price/Benefit ratio is little! just 70usd for a blade that will last way more than any of my dates and performs like any 150~usd 7ply all wood blade!