Der_Echte has made the Tibhar Kim Jung Hoon his primary battle ax for the last week and is ready to report findings...
KJH blade is designed by Nexy for Tibhar. Korea pro Kim Jung Hoon wanted Nexy to design his namesake balde. KJH was impressed with the early versions of the Nexy Peter Pan and told Pr. Moon what he wanted. I watched this exchange at Nexy HQ a few months before I left Korea. The basic things KJH wanted were...
- High spin potential and high arc
- Feel for the ball
- Decent top speed gear
- Controlled pace on shots that are not full swing
- Solid feel on direct struck balls
- Ability to block both fast off the bounce and soft BH defense
- Reliability close to the table on counters and off the bounce loops
- Flip and short touch performance
KJH got what he wanted. This blade isn't a rocket blade, but you make the "bang" impact, the ball will move out. The top end has enough to finish points, but you really have to have the timing of your body parts to make the thing leave a vapor trail.
I REALLY like its ability to fast block close to the table and also soft block when I loosen the hand pressure. I love how it can make good pace with a firm grip right before impact given a short compact swing.
My game relies on an ability to spin the first ball heavy and loop drive or hit the return. This blade does that. On receive, I tend to either be really aggressive or indecisive and ultimately passive, but the touch you can put on the ball can save your bacon. This isn't an OFF+ class blade, but you can still lay the smack down on finishes given the chance. I also like its ability to play more offensive minded close to the table, whether it is fast blocking or countering, you really can apply pressure to an opponent. That counts for a lot.