Great rubber for FH and BH. I've said this quite a bit, but our rhyzm line has always seemed to be more of a speedster while our maxxx line has always focused more on spin.
After you glue it, it will probably shrink a little bit when you reglue it. Also with all of our maxxx and rhyzm lines you're likely to get it pre-tuned from the factory. So if you're using the water based glues it is a pain to reglue so you can pretty much do 2 things. Either just glue a layer on top of the old glue or make sure to use good white glue like finezip, haifu, dianchi or dhs.
I personally liked this rubber on the BH. As with any of the newer rubbers these days durability is really low compared to rubbers from a few years past. But then that makes sense as with any business that relies on repeat customers rubbers that last too long (1-3 years) will not make them profitable. It costs a lot to purchase the fees for certification and then get a mold ready then you have to play around with the composition as best you can since all rubbers in ESN (major European rubber manufacturer) are basically the same. Doesn't matter if it's JOOLA, Donic, Stiga or Adidas you're most likely looking at an ESN rubber. These days with the plastic ball brands are all about the grippy surface and bouncy sponge.
But what that means is that your rubbers will not last as long as they used to. If you're training with a plastic ball it also means that you're going to lose durability because the balls just do more damage than the celluloid ball did. They're a bit heavier and have a little more friction and they break all the time which scratches the rubbers more than celluloid did.
So just in general you'll find that you're rubbers don't last as long with Plastic as they did with celluloid.
MSRP $64.95
Everyday $59.95
MAP $39.95
PM me if in the USA, I can probably get it for cheaper.