I played Nexxus EL PRO 48 on BH, and it's great, but for FH it's too slow and "bouncy" for me, so tried XT version... And for me XT Pro 48 is almost ideal for FH, it feels much harder than EL version, dwell time is much less on XT, it's have much more max speed and power potential compared to EL, the arc of XT is much lower than EL, so XT is great for powerful topspins and flat smashes, also nice on the short play because it's not bouncy and topsheet is very spinny (I even maked a few successesful backspins on topspins far away from the table, and they were deadly for my opponents)... For me XT on BH is not a option, because it's too speedy for me, but mosly because it's lacks of dwell time and have a low arc, so it's too hard for me to start topspin on backspin close to the table (or on table), for me EL is much better on BH...
So, for me EL PRO 48 on BH and XT PRO 48 on FH is just awesome combination, at least on my current blade (Tibhar Cedric Nuytinck), actually I like it so much, that I maked second setup, which is the same as my main, will be using one on trainings and second on tournaments.