I've been playing with this blade since 95 or 96 aproximately. Is the regular one, not WRB.
First of all I've to say my wood is from 90's, now I think this model isn't hand made, whatever the actual Stiga OC wood aren't as good as the old ones. If some one are interested I give you some good alternatives similar to the old one.
It's a OFF- blade, it's elastic, thin blade of 5 plys (koto-spruce-ayous-spruce-koto). The blade have a good control, ideal for the short game, and allow a good curve trajectories on topspin. It's a good off- wood for an allround-ofensive game, but not so ofensive since speed glue was banished.
From my experience with this blade and the new rubbers, the rubbers that best fit on it it's the medium or soft rubbers (I don't get good feeling with hard ones on it).
If you used to play with this or you are interested I think today are similar blades but maybe more adapted to the new kind of playing style.
The most similar blade I've found its Avalox P5, indeed I think it's a copy of the old one. The composition and proportions are the same, but it's maybe a little more hard than the old stigas.
Yasaka Ma Lin Extra is also in the same direction, not the same blade, more sweet spot and more consistency but similar feelings.
Waldner Dicon it's more rigid and fast but I think if you like this blade and want to try something similar but faster it's a good option.
There is also other blades like Nittaku ANV (discontinued) or some DHS (sorry I don't remember the name) that has the same or very similar composition but they are more thick.