I was very happy to buy this blade. I have also tested it with an official butterfly importer and sportsman and he admitted, that this blade is a good Boll Spirit clone. Maybe there is a bigger variation in production or some reviewers are too fanatic butterfly lovers, to negatively describe this blade. I believe this is a clone with 85-90% identity. It does vibrate only a bit more, because it contains karbon+kevlar instead of arylate carbon. Arylate absorbs much of the vibrations. This blade has a soft touch works well with medium to hard rubbers. Looping is easy, speed is a bit more than Timo Boll W5. Very precise blade with little vibration. Lifting is very nice, pushes drives smashes are powerful, but very controlled. I use it with Tibhar MX-P and Bluefire M2 on BH. The assembly of the blade is good. I can only recommend and hope that all buyers and owners recieve the same quality that I have.
But to be honest I tried Donic, and three Butterfly blades. Each blade was an expensive competition blade and found out that the Donic and Butterfly manufacturing can easily vary at least a tempo in speed, 7-8 gr in total weight. I tried a spirit with 88g and one with 81g, and a Maze passion with ALL+ and OFF speed, a Zhang Jike with OFF and OFF- characteristics and a Donic Waldner Senso Carbon blade with ALL speed and OFF- speed. So don't say if you buy two Yinhe blades that there is no continuity or identity in a product line, but there are variations, just as in other world famous brands.
Updat! 2017. I had to revert back to this blade from Waldner WC '89, because I switched to Donic Bluestorm Z2, which was lightning fast for me. Official Donic catalogue claims Z2 is slower than M1, but that is a lie, they have the exact same sponge... Since Z2 is more bouncier and faster I went back to my old Yinhe Venus 14. I have tried this blade with MX-S, MX-P, TinArc, EL-P, M1, M2 and now with Z2 on both sides. It does work well with these rubbers and till this day noone said that my blade is cr@p. In Europe players and customers believe, that quality has a price. That is why Butterfly can sell it's equipment with beefy price tags. When they noticed my new blade, because of the yellow handle, they immediately asked, what is that, it looks fancy. I showed them and seen their disgust, ohh its not Butterfly... But when they played with it, some of them admitted that this blade is good. Even a well respected coach tried my blade and only said two thngs: "This blade has a good feeling, don't sell it.".
Reverting back to the blade took 2-3 weeks, but now I can say, that this is a fine OFF-/OFF blade with that limba feel. Since Z2 and the karbokev do not absorb as much vibrations as T05 and ALC, I have much better feedback of my shots. My blade is 87,53 gramms.
Only one downside is the handle. It is a bit bulky, so I had to sandaper it to get it a bit flatter. Also it does not absorb sweat, instead of Waldner WC '89, so I have to dry my hands more often. But I had once a Venus 16 and it had a perfect flat Flared handle, variations in the product line.