Who will topple China?

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says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
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This could make for an interesting discussion. Looking at the training and performance abilities of the up and rising junior and cadet players around the world, consider the top junior players in Europe and Asia and elsewhere around the world, results at WJC events and World Cadet Champs etc. In your opinion which nation will be the one to rise up and defeat China at a World Teams Championships?


Image from hubpages.
says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
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From the looks of it Korea have the most promising junior players currently globally since their under 21 players are performing so well in mens divisions. It is hard to say whether Europe have the potential to beat China any time in the short term future. France have some promising cadet and junior players and Germany is moving forward way ahead of the rest of Europe on the table tennis scene. HARD TO SAY, but right now, I think it has to be Korea in my opinion!
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
I don't know guys, toppling China is gonna be tough, but maybe not impossible. It's just that it probably not going to be in the near future. Even if the unthinkable happened, it will certainly send the entire country into crisis. And within the next few years after, they will come back even stronger, and it'll be another eternity for another country to beat them.
They just have the most incredible pool of outstanding players.
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Oct 2010
This is such an obvious answer Matt. Everyone knows it's going to be Aaron Page, the mighty no.1 of Waikato, New Zealand who topples Zhang Jike in the next world champs. Paving the way for New Zealand's dominance over the world, with the Page family at the forefront! Especially in doubles!!
says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
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This is such an obvious answer Matt. Everyone knows it's going to be Aaron Page, the mighty no.1 of Waikato, New Zealand who topples Zhang Jike in the next world champs. Paving the way for New Zealand's dominance over the world, with the Page family at the forefront! Especially in doubles!!

I'm not really at liberty to discuss that one lol this is a public domain. I'll just go as far as to say you're a funny guy and I heartily appreciate the sarcasm :p we all know that secretly your answer to the topic is Japan because you love Kenta
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says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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It is not players that sets China apart, it is the training process. The way the team training works. If the European countries got together and set up a training facility and trained together, constantly working on drills and getting the players to play each other over and over, so that the players got to train with a larger variety of opponents, they would have a better chance. Even if one country really got things together under a great coach or coaching staff and developed a comprehensive training program, like Sweden in the 80's, there would be a chance. But without the training regimen, it is not possible. If you look at Zhang Jike's play a year ago, and consider how much he has improved, or if you look at how much better Ma Long's backhand is than it was a year and a half ago, those things are happening for a reason. These guys are working on developing their game.


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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
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I honestly think it will be France....

They are putting a lot into there development, their competitive system is unbelievable. If they keep producing players like Adrian Mattenet I think they can start pushing with the top guys! I think the likes of Korea, China, Japan will just keep producing players for the next 50 years..

Lets hope the Werner Schlager Academy can grab real young talent and mimic the likes of the Asian country's in their training programmes. I think we are going to need more Asian players and coaches into Europe to compete with the best of the world currently.
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Well-Known Member
May 2011
I honestly think it will be France....

They are putting a lot into there development, their competitive system is unbelievable. If they keep producing players like Adrian Mattenet I think they can start pushing with the top guys! I think the likes of Korea, China, Japan will just keep producing players for the next 50 years..

Lets hope the Werner Schlager Academy can grab real young talent and mimic the likes of the Asian country's in their training programmes. I think we are going to need more Asian players and coaches into Europe to compete with the best of the world currently.

I think u are right, among the European youth the French players are the most and the strongest. I really hope the Schlager Academy can produce some people that take on the world top. If the current European top players train there as well, they can help to raise the level of the youth faster. If the coöperation between the countries is working well, I have really good hopes that this Academy can improve European top level in general.
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Just 15 to 20 years ago, chinese sports are no where close to the western worlds..just look at the medals tally at the Olympics. Suddenly, the government doubled or even tripled their effort in producing top athletes..and shazaam, their athletes are world beaters now. And we are not just talking about TT. TT has a special place in all chinese hearts, and they really take it seriously, and I don't think they will let it go that easily.

Like Dan said, they probably be up there for the next 50 years or so. Every time that we think we are a step closer to them, they take another two steps. The rest of the world may get one or two exceptional players, maybe even from WS Academy, but its no match to the sheer volume and quality players that the Chinese are producing. When it comes to team competitions and especially the women's tourney, the Chinese will more often then not comes out on top.

Please don't get me wrong, I do want TT, or any sports for that matter to be more open, and unpredictable, but until we start figuring out the best way (training and development) in producing top players (instead finding out what the Chinese are doing and copying), we still have a long way to go.

Another thing that have this wondrous affect with the Chinese is fame and fortune. In Brazil you have football, in the US probably is the big three.(American football, basketball & baseball), in Malaysia its badminton. Stop anyone on the streets anywhere in the world, there are greater chances that they will know who is Federer, Ronaldo or even Kobe, but try and ask if they know who Boll is, even Zhang Jike. You probably have blank stares looking straight back at you. Like I said before, until TT start offering bigger stash and rewards, we will never be able to entice youngsters (parents play an important role) seriously to venture into the game. Imagine this, the table tennis geniuses from the rest of the world are probably playing football or tennis or everything else, but table tennis. Their real TT talents will never be discovered let alone developed.


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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
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Another thing that have this wondrous affect with the Chinese is fame and fortune. In Brazil you have football, in the US probably is the big three.(American football, basketball & baseball), in Malaysia its badminton. Stop anyone on the streets anywhere in the world, there are greater chances that they will know who is Federer, Ronaldo or even Kobe, but try and ask if they know who Boll is, even Zhang Jike. You probably have blank stares looking straight back at you. Like I said before, until TT start offering bigger stash and rewards, we will never be able to entice youngsters (parents play an important role) seriously to venture into the game. Imagine this, the table tennis geniuses from the rest of the world are probably playing football or tennis or everything else, but table tennis. Their real TT talents will never be discovered let alone developed.

Excellent point there Azlan! Very true, we all know the big stars in basketball, football ect.. The problem is, I have no idea how on earth it would get the media attention like these other sports are getting.. Hopefully it picks up slowly throughout the years which i believe it is starting to do so :)


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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
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Buddy, by creating this excellent forum, you just did. Every little effort do count. Sharing our ideas is a good start, and hopefully some people up there will take notice that TT is in dire state globally.

Aha your the best :)... I think this Werner Schlager Academy can be the break through :).. Right i need to get back to watching the champions league final hehe
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Nov 2010
Its not only the training, I think Chinese people in general are just frankly more willing to sacrifice now for future gain. They are willing to slave it out regardless of what it is, not just table tennis, until they make it. Like most Chinese in the US who come here, are able to work insanely hard, given up any time to enjoy themselves, and then they make it. Same with table tennis players, even if European players had the same level of training, they probably wouldn't be willing to put in as much time as the Chinese players do.
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
You couldn't say it any better Scylla. Btw, Barca won the cup Dan. The better team won..and you can see how they are dominating football at the moment, and if Adham Sharara is the president of FIFA, he might change the size of the football. hahaha.. Gdnite guys, its 5am here, and its time for me to hit the sack.


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
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You couldn't say it any better Scylla. Btw, Barca won the cup Dan. The better team won..and you can see how they are dominating football at the moment, and if Adham Sharara is the president of FIFA, he might change the size of the football. hahaha.. Gdnite guys, its 5am here, and its time for me to hit the sack.

HAHA yes Scylla nailed it there!

And haha yeah Barcelona are from a different planet! :) good night mate speak soon :)