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  • Yes, the rubber felt harder. I play with relatively hard stuff with soft topsheet (and BD has soft topsheet), but I need something that lets me manipulate the ball. Hard stuff requires too hard a swing to get things moving sometimes and I don't swing hard enough for the 39 or 40 degree sponges. I also like to use the same stuff on both FH and BH so it was hurting my BH the most.
    Not an equipment expert per se. I did use Big Dipper but stopped because I didn't like the inconsistent quality control. Also Big Dipper's softest is 38 deg. I haven't used any of the others. But yes, Big Dipper was very good for me on both FH and BH. If they made the QC consistent, I would probably still be using the 38 deg today as the quality of my counterattack with it was very strong.
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