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  • Hello Zhang I was wondering what you think about DHS H301 which I currently playing with? I onestly never experienced better blade than this one (my first composite blade). Just from a first training make it so easy to play with and full of control. The speed seems to be perfect and the rest of a specification just suits my needs and playing style perfectly. I'm two wings attacker with forehand dominance, power from the ground, full movement strokes, chinese way of play etc. Wery crisp feeling gives a pleasure of playing with. How can you compare it with other models? I found information that DHS long 5 NARIONAL (N301) have the same composition. I was wondering what's difference between them? I guess maybe the quality of material used as is a national version. What can you say about? Did you ever play with it?
    Hi. I wanted to ask for a comparison between the Tmount T560, DHS HL5, W968 knowing that you are an expert on dhs equipment and have tried the tmount t560. Thank you very much
    Hi. I'm thinking about buying new blade and test out some Chinese rubbers. Currently playing tibhar stratus power wood. The blades I think about are
    1. DHS 301
    2. DHS Fang Bo 2
    3. Yinhe v14 pro
    4. Yinhe pro feeling. Can u say something about them?
    hmm just curious to ask what are the differences between the national and pro version play wise coz of great review of what it feels like
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