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  • Hey Splasher78, I don't know how to reply on that message since I'm new to this website. Actually I'm used to Chinese rubber on forehand and soft rubbers in BH. So I wanted to try these DNA PRO H since it's hard. I actually used the Vizcaria Blade but it's too expensive and it's not mine. Then I wanted to buy something that has medium tohigh trajectory, good feeling/dwell, spinny, and also speed. That's all. Since hard sponge like DNA H pro has very low bounce or trajectory you need to brush it all the time. So that's my kind of play but I'm considering the weight too because it's quite heavy so I need to pair a good blade with it:). Not too stiff and hard. That's all. Thank you:)
    Thanks for the offer. I’m sure you can sell the dignics in a second, I’ll pass for now as I have some rubbers to try already. If something, I’d be more interested in a red one and possibly thinner. For the records I slapped a Vega pro 2.0 and a Vega Europe 2.0 on the Darker. The racket is sublime, I’m so happy! Played for the 1st time today and I feel it’s a keeper. I much prefer the Vega pro, the Europe is a bit too soft for my BH but in general the Darker is such a crazy nice blade, the sound it makes is the most satisfying I’ve heard, a good shot sounds similar - I don’t know if you play tennis- to when you hit well with a tennis racket and it does a big ‘pop’.. so satisfying! A little bit of a slippery handle cause the wood is so smooth but that ads to the lush feeling! I will put another pro on the BH or go T05 and put an end to it LOL
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