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  1. I Challenged The WORLD'S BEST KID! | Benyamin Faraji

    He looks like he has technique like Dane
  2. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    Any latest on this matter? WTT posted this recently ..
  3. We Met Ma Long & More | TTDCast #22

    Fun stories guys. Will you be getting Ma Long on the podcast like you did with Waldner?
  4. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    What does this translate too please @Tony's Table Tennis
  5. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    FZD has made a comment on weibo “I am unsure when the specific policy for penalizing players who withdraw from tournaments was first introduced, but I am certain that there was no official notification before, stating that withdrawing from a tournament would incur a fine. I personally...
  6. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    Have any players spoke on Weibo about this situation? ML etc
  7. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    Fan Zhendong replies to WTT's statement on Weibo: 刚仔细阅读了WTT的声明,本着严谨的原则和对国际组织的尊重,简单补充几句:处罚不参赛球员的相关内容具体何时首次出现,我不确定,但确定此前从未被官方告知过退赛要罚款,个人猜测是因为今年底以前WTT尚未形成完整赛历。我本人是上周接到的正式通知,说明年起WTT会严格执行最新颁布的处罚规定。本周一收到文件,当天即签名上交。感谢大家的关心,我深爱乒乓球运动,也衷心祝愿国际组织越来越好。 I have just read the WTT statement carefully. In line...
  8. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    I really don't understand why WTT would not want to have Fan Zhendong playing?? Why haven't they found a way to make it work. There must be more going on than we realise?
  9. Fan zhendong, Ma Long and Cheng Meng announces Retirement from WTT/ITTF

    FZD words translated Fan Zhendong's Words: I remember it all too well❤️ 五月写下last dance的时候已经预想到了巴黎可能是我的最后一届奥运会,必将全力以赴为国而战。圆满完成奥运任务后,由于巴黎周期遗留了巨大心理消耗,除了下届全运会确定参加,我对未来职业生涯尚未展开具体规划。近日WTT颁布了不参赛就罚款的新规,个人实在无力承受但依然尊重国际组织,所以目前只能选择退出世界排名。按照国际乒联和中国乒协的要求,本周已提交报告。 我还是我,不会退役,会继续努力参与到更多不同的赛场中。 Never stop...
  10. If you got anything table tennis related for Christmas…

    Trying out the Harimoto Super ALC. Got some mizuno's too, my last pair of shoes had a rip.
  11. Saudi Smash 2024

    What is the prize money for the winner of Saudi Smash? Does the winner get 65,000 USD or do they get 65,000 USD plus the semi final prize, plus the quarter...
  12. China announce additional lineup for 2024 Paris Olympic Games

    China announce additional lineup for 2024 Paris Olympic Games. 1. Women's singles: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng 2. Men's team: Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong, Ma Long 3. Men's P card: Liang Jingkun 4. Women's team: Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Wang Manyu 5. Women's P card: Wang Yidi
  13. Was it a mistake? Should Franziska have been picked for the Olympics?

    Is it possible to change the selection now or is it not possible? If a player gets injured does Franziska fill that spot?
  14. TTHopeful

    So many upsets lately

    So many upsets lately