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  1. I Played Sun Yingsha!!! :)

    That’s really cool We should start a “Today I Played” thread🙃
  2. I Played Sun Yingsha!!! :)

    I shall pass it onto a worthy heir :)
  3. I Played Sun Yingsha!!! :)

    Sources say she’s 162cm
  4. I Played Sun Yingsha!!! :)

    Hello beautiful people of this forum! I know the high school version of PingBirdPong hasn’t been on this site for a while, but today was too crazy not to share. So somehow the president of our school’s TT club(close friend of mine) somehow invited Ma Lin, Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha to our school...
  5. This place hasn’t changed one bit

    Gonna remember to hop in once in a while ;)
  6. This place hasn’t changed one bit

    Welp. High school is busy, and I’ve only been playing TT off and on for a while now. Kind of forgot about this forum for a few months, but came back and found the first few threads arguing about whether “equipment has control.” It’s still the TTD I know and love :)
  7. Happy Birthday to TTD´s one and only Upsidedowncarl

    Hi Carl, haven’t been here for a while, but have a splendid birthday ; )
  8. Why I’ve been gone

    Toefl 117 first try with no prep FTW! Thanks for the advice on the SATs, and I’ll be sure to check out the AP classes you mentioned. AP Chinese is of little value to me, so as of now I’m not planning to take it.😁
  9. Why I’ve been gone

    Hello wonderful people! I’ve been absent from the forum for a while, mostly because high school life is REALLY busy, and quite stressful. Everyone is doing an “arms race” to maliciously one up someone else in studies. Paired with the much harder curriculum, it adds up to a lot of stress. I am...
  10. Liang Jingkun suspended

    EMOTION——— IS—— WEAKNESS——— (robotic tone)
  11. Why did my boost job turn out lumpy?

    “One sees what one desires.” ——Master Oogway
  12. Cured of EJ!

    We’ll see😁(Loses it when BTY releases Boll ALC 75th anniversary)
  13. Cured of EJ!

    Hello great people! Today I officially cured myself of EJ by selling my CLCR, and gluing up the spare Boll ALC I had all this time. I now only use my two Timo Boll ALCs, both with H3 provincial and tensor. I’ve been using my old TB for two months now without using any other blade, and I feel...
  14. Should i stay with equipment i am succesful or switch

    I’m more than half sure this is the same troll with a different account.
  15. How to play against "wall" player?

    Anyway I tried these tips on the coach of the school team at my new school. I got whacked and he didn’t even flinch during the entire game. He plays penhold as well. He is an active member of the Shandong Provincial team but that probably isn’t important😉. What can I do?🤣
  16. How to play against "wall" player?

    Maybe try pushing short? All the time? What’s he gonna do? Loop it?
  17. What do you think is the best tournament ball?

    If BB was here he’d be REALLY disappointed in All of you!🤣 Is there really that big a difference between brands? Even bigger difference than new and old balls? For example, people say “heavier” or “lighter”, but I’ve weighed 6 brands of balls and they all average 2 grams, with minuscule...
  18. Talking big.

    Gozo will go on to play Tenergy until the day his wallet suffocated him with a pillow…