Search results

  1. Good and cheap cs blades?

    If you pay for shipping I can send a couple of CS blades.
  2. Friendship 729 battle 3

    If I were to compare Battle 3 to the set of Battle Max Pro, Battle 2, Hurricane 3, Hurricane 8, Skyline 2 and Skyline 3 I would say it's closest to Hurricane 8 in terms of how it plays overall. But of course there will be differences.
  3. Friendship 729 battle 3

    B3 feels more muted which better control, more spin and better counterattacks. Bloom Power has more of a blast but the ball will go all over the place. Bloom Power is affordable and fun to practice with but is not a professional grade rubber.
  4. Friendship 729 battle 3

    H8 and B3 is quite comparable I would say.
  5. How to generate wobbling balls. Some worthy hints.

    At my club the ones with improper FH technique can generate those wobblers.
  6. Stiga Dynasty Carbon xu xin alternatives

    Yasaka Atletico Spin
  7. Yinhe Pro 03 (Inner Koto blade)

    Brown or dyed koto works very well for inner carbon blades, loved by penholders.
  8. Rubber recommendations to replace Friendship 729 Battle 2 National B.S

    If you want something easier to play with try Battle 2 Soft.
  9. New 729 Battle 2 Variant?

    Please provide links to the products.
  10. Anybody tried Air Assassin rubber?

    The alternative 729 hardness scale is not the same as ESN.
  11. Does it matter which glue you use for the performance of the rubber?

    It matters, DHS No 15 is the fastest WBG I have tried.
  12. DHS hurricane neo 2 or neo 3?

    Do you play like Wang Liqin or Ma Long?
  13. Any thoughts perspectives DHS 301Z

    Ask them to lacquer/seal it for you.
  14. Any thoughts perspectives DHS 301Z

    Be aware of bad QC. Sealing is a must if you want to reglue more than a few times. Use DHS No. 15 glue to prevent splintering.
  15. Old and new Hurricane 3 experience

    Still significant tack on all versions I have tried. I normally play with 41 degree National and 37 degree soft.
  16. Whats your experience with H37/38 backhand rubbers?

    Comparing boosted Chinese 37/38 deg to ESN 45-50 is like comparing a boner to a flaccid penis.
  17. Seamoon vs Expensive boosters?

    National versions are even more jelly-like but it spreads well.
  18. Good Red/Coloured chinese-style rubbers

    I have tried H3 Neo 37, H8 37, Big Dipper 38, Bloom Power 45, 47, Pro Dragon Medium/Soft, B3 38, B2 38 (commercial, provincial, national), B1 38. B2 Soft 37 is the one I would recommend. Durability is good, price ok and boosts well.