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  1. I am taking a break from Table Tennis. How far will my skills drop?

    Breaks are good, your body will recover and you can come back stronger.
  2. Unique grip styles
  3. 5 Wood + 4 Soft Carbon composition blades

    Sanwei had a lot of different multilayered blades, interesting.
  4. 5 Wood + 4 Soft Carbon composition blades

    Any other Chinese made?
  5. 5 Wood + 4 Soft Carbon composition blades

    Hello, Looking for blades with this composition , I am currently using Palio Energy 03 , but interested in alternatives with same composition.
  6. Why can't they remove the dust from new balls?

    I believe it is there for a reason. Could be that the powder has some use as a conservative.
  7. Backhand smash tips

    My tip is to jump to raise the swing plane of your backhand for those high-high balls.
  8. Nittaku Fastarc G1 vs Xiom Vega X?

    Vega X , more catapult, firmer topsheet. G1 , More linear and less catapult. Not as firm top sheet. If your coming from the rubbers that your stating in your profile i would suggest G1 for easier transition.
  9. Horrible backhand, stiff wrist.

    Im aware, i just didn`t had it in me to say 10/10 or 100/100. ;)
  10. Horrible backhand, stiff wrist.

    The player your giving advice to would beat you in 9 out of 10 games.
  11. Post your latest EJ purchase

    What i meant is it was actually an planned purchase with a thought behind, shame on me. ;) And yeah i really like the finish and the quality, much better than Yasaka. I'm considering stepping down one sponge thickness with the same rubbers i currently use to get a little bit more control and...
  12. Post your latest EJ purchase

    Perhaps not an proper EJ buy, but i just got the Yinhe PD-537. Coming from Falck W7 i would consider this an upgrade. I have tried it a couple of sessions now and Im learning to tame it. Has certainly added a bit of spice to my play and i really like the handle.
  13. I lost my spark for playing TT

    Sometimes a break can make wonders.
  14. Win a Ovtcharov ALC

    Dan 5 Dima 11
  15. Talking big.

    You are just full of yourself.
  16. Video of my counterpunch, please give me advice

    Had a short view. Take the ball earlier. Try lower posture. Follow thru with your body. Power is generated from your feet and thru whole body.
  17. Where can I watch Star Contender ESS Day 3 Table 1?

    Truls creativity is unmatched in todays table tennis. Liang Jingkun had no response tonight. Interesting to see him breaking down one of the chinese machines. Lets see who he face in the final, and what comes out of it.
  18. How do you learn the counter-punch stroke?

    There are no shortcuts in table tennis, you need to put in the work to make progress. And material used is secondary. Start with regular block and then add more power as you go.
  19. looping racket angle

    Yeah, cool story.
  20. Yasaka Rakza Z and Rakza Z Extra Hard rubbers

    Since my comment i changed back to my Yinhe V-14 pro, i like the Rakza Z even more on this blade. But W7 certainly gave me more confidence and rebuilt my trust.