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  1. Is Ai Fukuhara a Villain?

    Chiang is trash
  2. Is penhold still viable?

    by sanding off the entire wing it's possible to free up wrist to allow for RPB punch block motion. Although most players are never going to do that for fear of "shifting the balance of the blade" like that's a bad thing. But if it were RPB only that's a better alternative than TPB punch...
  3. Is penhold still viable?

    Yes. More effort for lower quality shots. Not exactly a good tradeoff. One might argue TBH punch is more powerful than its's RPB counterpart but the need to be in position 100% of the time leaving the FH side wide open just isn't worth it. For modern play the ability to pull of shots out of...
  4. Is penhold still viable?

    Jpen no longer viable. I'm sure you'll find exceptions, probably even a couple of top 100 international (if there are any at this point) or top ranking players within their own respective national scenes. Maybe someone will even post that video of the Japanese guy playing against Xia with a...
  5. Butterfly Racket 801

    when it comes to pre-made blades they are glued with the most bare minimum rubbers usually in the 1-1.5mm sponge thickness. what matters more is blade thickness and blade plies. That is why you're better off buying blade and rubber separately and having the distributor glue them for you. These...
  6. Forehand or Backhand

    Develop a consistent and safe backhand and power finishing shot forehand
  7. New blade

    thin Hinoki Carbon 5.8mm. How about trying out a thicker Hinoki Carbon like Sardius, Iolite (7mm+) or many others with minor variations?
  8. Thoughts on stiga clipper cc and why isn't it used like its brothers

    That's the issue with most Stiga blades. The "CR" era, the "Tube" era, the "NCT" era, the "CC" era you had blades that were more or less variations of their classic blades with differences in wood glue formulation or different ways to treat the top layer from lacquer to sprinkling pixie dust to...
  9. What are Stuor and Lemuria?

    end of the day it's a sheet of several wood layers cut out into racket head shape. unless it's something extreme like those old 70s model meteor bats with the entire top layer gone towards the top half of the bat or something the quality isn't gonna be as horrible as people make it out to be...
  10. Want to know? what is the fastest blade on this earth

    RSM, Ariex etc. Any 1 ply Hinoki 10.5 mm thick or Yinhe T10+, Agilite Balsa, any Balsa blade thicker than 11 mm. I believe Sanwei or some other company sold one that was 14 mm or something. Not sure which is faster as I haven't been able to compare them side by side. I'll vouch for the thickest...
  11. Just curious how many Penholders are on TTD?

    Just to be clear when we say "TPB" we're talking about the standard minimal spin backhand punch/drive. Pushing short balls close to table on your backhand side with your forehand rubber is just that for penhold because how else would one push otherwise. Short game would be 10x better with a...
  12. Modern JPen blades - overview??

    Nittaku with their Sou MF model Armstrong with Kase Grip Sanwei with Su-type Grip these seem to be the companies who get modern Jpen designs taking into account RPB but there don't seem to be many buyers. For the most part leading companies still stick to traditional design despite using...
  13. Can't find any info on this blade

    why can't I see the pictures?
  14. Can't find any info on this blade

    I thought the "Iolite" model had ALC but this one seems to be an older model using Tamca and a generous amount of it too. It's 9mm total and a notch faster than your standard 1 ply hinoki 9mm. This is no doubt the fastest blade I currently own. With the amount of carbon that's in this thing I...
  15. Just curious how many Penholders are on TTD?

    Y'know I don't know anyone buying Jpens brand new. Can't even find reviews of any composite Jpen blade even if they do exist based on BTY and Nittaku's catalogs. Maybe it's a different story in Korea. I personally own six 1 ply hinokis plus another one on the way as well as one composite Jpen...
  16. Tokyo 2020 | 2020/7/24-8/9

    ??? How else are you gonna measure a person's achievement in a sport if not numbers? Personality? Influence? Smug expression while playing? If we were talking about personal favorites that'd be one thing but GOAT can only be measured by numbers.

    hahaha where are "mUh wALdNur" boys at?
  18. What, if any carbon blade would you do you use or recommend for short pimples.

    I only tried the old discontinued T11 but the new T11+ models with the 2nd outerply should be good. Predicting it'll be a little better in the short game while being just as fast on quick strokes.
  19. Tokyo 2020 | 2020/7/24-8/9

    Hayata has been playing impressively every match I've seen. Greater potential than Hiramo imo
  20. Can Anyone Educate Me on the Butterfly Lin Gaoyuan ALC Blade?

    your standard ALC blade that no one (else) uses because it isn't associated with Zhang Jike