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  1. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    I've heard many reviews saying that is fairly more easy to activate the sponge with that LAC in comparation with the Rxton 9, you tested both so could you give me your opinion ?
  2. Loki Arthur China alternatives?

    It's easier to activate the sponge on the LAC or R9 ?, I don't have much strength on my forehand (not weak, but I'd say I'm somewhere in between).
  3. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    Man thanks so much for all your help. I'm going with LAC and moon 12, again tks so much for your time and knowledge.
  4. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    Oh moon 12 might be a good one, last question I promise, at the same price point it's available the GD5, GD9, Hurricane 9 and Hurricane 8 any of this would be better than the moon 12 or should I just buy the moon 12 ? (also for me just not disturbing you again, could you recomend a budget blade...
  5. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    I've already tested ak47 red and for me its too fast and the throw angle is just to low, most of my shots were not passing the net, never heard about the Moon 12 and Telson could you compare them with H3 neo and big dipper ? ( on chinese rubbers I've played sorry )
  6. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    Thanks so much! I will get the LAC for my fh, if I could borrow your knowledge I bit more could give me opinions about bh ? I was thinking of buying the GA8 but its too expensive here, could you give me some recomendations ? ( my backhand is pooery bad )
  7. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    overall which would you say it's the best ?
  8. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    What about loki arthur china, I see many people saying its good and better than rxton 9 and 7, and its one of your rubbers so could you give me your opinion ?
  9. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    is R7 faster than h3 neo ?
  10. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    So I'm still learning many things, I would say I'm more of a beginner, in that case do you think that the rxton 7 (unboosted) would be better than the rxton 9 ?
  11. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    tks! My lack of power is more on the backhand, I tested rxton 9 and liked for fh, just one last quetion, i`ve read some reviews about the Hurricane 8-80 (soft) if you have tested this rubber could you give me your opinion about speed, spin and control comparing it to the GA8 (47.5) ?
  12. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    So do you think GA8 47.5 can be played as a BH rubber ? Cause I lack power on the bh, and I would use the Rxton 9 on the fh, could you give me your thoughts on this setup ? Also I didn't see many people talking about how GA8 performs in more a defensive way on the bh ( principally chopping )...
  13. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    Tks! Do you have any recommendations?
  14. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    Tks! Is gold arc 8 faster than Rakza 9 or 7, could you give me like a comparison of its speed compared to other rubber ?
  15. GAN reviews Rxton 9

    For a more defensive All Round forehand, the rxton 9 or the gold arc 5 or 9 would be better ?
  16. Sugestion of Rubber

    You think Rxton 5 or 5 pro would be better than the Big dipper 39deg ?
  17. Hurricane 8, underrated, overlooked rubber?

    Have you ever tried bloom arc ? if yes what is the difference between arc and power on fh ?
  18. Battle of the best FH rubbers

    I like to attack and defend on the forehand, you think it would be better for me to get the Loki or the big dipper ? ( I'm looking for a rubber faster and spinner than the tornado but not as fast as the AK-47 red )
  19. Battle of the best FH rubbers

    Im thinking on buying it for my fh I have a tornado V5 you think it would be a good upgrade ? Also is it fast and spinny like everyone say ?
  20. I need help on chosing my new rubbers

    Agora que eu fui ver que você também é brasileiro kk, eu já vi muita gente falando sobre a big dipper e a jupiter 3 asia mais quais são as diferenças praticas entre elas ? (velocidade, giro, etc)