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  1. Call for Awareness and Action | Corruption and Fraud at ITTF/WTT

    I would be absolutely ASTONISHED if WTT's revenue was 50M or greater. 80% of their events last year looked so undersold. Youtube's livestream numbers are really not that impressive. Only thing that I will say I have no idea about and would love to be educated on is if the licensing and...
  2. What is the technical reason Ma Long and top pros love W968?

    Not really a ton of proof to help you find a nice, objective answer to your question, but I really feel that the Chinese system believes strongly in the limba top ply inner carbon builds for fh dominant players. limba is a softer wood than something like koto and it really does seem like that...
  3. Blade sealing w968 help

    These are such high quality pieces of wood. You can feel it when you first hold it in your hands. I would not worry about it splintering and would not seal it.
  4. Slower Setup for Harimoto alc

    Serve recieve is one of the most difficult parts of the game and over time you will become better at it. That bring said, it might be beneficial for you to try a newer rubber. Tibhar hybrid mk has been praised as being very controllable and, while you will be punished for misreading a serve...
  5. Blade Recommendation for BH dominant player.

    Someone said the Yinhe Pro 01 to which I will + 1. The idea behind a viscaria is having a fairly stiff outer carbon blade. I also just want to say that if you get a viscaria, they can be played with for a decade + (easily) and hold their value extremely well... Sometimes even go up in value...
  6. 2024 WTT Champions Incheon 03.27-03.31 Korea

    Yeah, good spot! For all we know, the ttd video could have been some strategic marketing tool, but I mainly just mentioned it to supplement what you said about how he is (most definitely) able to train at a higher level. The equipment aspect, while maybe insignificant, is just another variable...
  7. 2024 WTT Champions Incheon 03.27-03.31 Korea

    Not to bring a post about equipment into the fray, but within the last 6-9 months he finally switched to a carbon set up and is probably getting used to it now. He was historically against carbon as he is a "feeling" type of player. Here's the ttd video where he talks about it: Regardless...
  8. Using a Blade designed for table tennis - Why isn't everyone making the switch!?

    My bad, to answer the question you asked more directly, if you were buying blind I would get the normal Tenaly for 55 over the carbon one for 69. If you just wanted to try it that should be enough to get a good feeling for it. If you are going to be in Tokyo, that's great and if you get a...
  9. Using a Blade designed for table tennis - Why isn't everyone making the switch!?

    Of course and totally understand. To be honest, the thing that felt the most obvious difference-wise between the blades I have used, is that the normal "carbon" version had a slightly more slim handle and is usually lighter in weight than the other blades... very interesting as the acoustic and...
  10. Using a Blade designed for table tennis - Why isn't everyone making the switch!?

    I completely understand where you are coming from with how different pro players make contact so instead of further trying to describe in text my experience with the backhand, I just cut a couple of videos of me looping underspin in practice and also just some backhands I had in match at the US...
  11. Using a Blade designed for table tennis - Why isn't everyone making the switch!?

    I usually just lurk on here but since it seems that not many people have real-time exposure to the tenaly, so I'll add my experience with it. On the spectrum of EJ's I would considered myself high. I've spent well over 15k usd in the last couple of years on table tennis equipment (when I...
  12. Good source of insoles for sport shoes

    I’ve spent hundreds on different insoles over the years (both custom and in store) and I absolutely love Z-liners. They’re also machine washable. Just dry them on lowest heat setting
  13. LF Viscaria

    I have a K-series 93g, pm me if interested
  14. Any other sport or activity where a 14 year old can defeat a world champion?

    What Harimoto did was pretty incredible and it’ll be hard to find something similar. On topic- I know there’s some really young F1 (also F3, etc) drivers like Max Verstappen who will win some races (similar to winning an open). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Why China are the best!

    I think it has less to do with coaching and more to do with the fact that, culturally speaking, playing table tennis is the thing to do. Much how kids in the US dream of being in the NBA or NFL or kids in Europe and South America dream of playing in the EPL or FIFA, the kids in China dream of...
  16. S

    Hey Chen- do you have any rubbers for sale? If so which ones? Saw the red 05 pro on the forum...

    Hey Chen- do you have any rubbers for sale? If so which ones? Saw the red 05 pro on the forum but it's from a few weeks ago. Thanks!