Search results

  1. Switch away from Chinese FH rubber, what to choose?

    I primarily play with 729 Battle 2 H40 on FH and Donic Bluestar A1 BH I find if I flip my bat around I can easily adapt to Bluestar on FH, it's certainly faster but to me still feels quite familiar as a tacky rubber user. Hard feeling with a bit of springiness but nowhere near as bouncy as...
  2. How do I improve my backhand? (closed)

    It's tough to say without seeing your technique in action. But from this description I wonder if you are contacting the ball too late in your swing, therefore you struggle to generate the grip because your racket is decelerating, the trajectory is straight because at the point of contact your...
  3. ❓What Is Your Setup, and WHY?

    Blade: Xiom 36.5 ALXi Reason: I was learning to play TT using borrowed or gifted bats and felt I was improving enough to invest in an upgrade. Started researching the blades I'd used already and hitting with club mate bats to see what else I might like and found I don't particularly like all...
  4. Upgrage from Yinhe Big Dipper

    If you like Big Dipper on FH, stick with it but try the H40 version. Its plenty fast and the harder sponge supports bigger hits better. In my experience BD38 is great for control and spin, less good for speed because it's soft enough to absorb some energy on impact. If BD H40 isn't fast...
  5. Medium hard rubber for backhand

    If you wanted more from Vega Europe but found Vega X was too fast. I would highly recommend Vega Korea.
  6. Best BH rubber (xiom vega)

    I would recommend vega Korea. Great rubber with lots of control and super reliable for making heavy spin shots if you prioritise spin over speed. Either that or Vega X if you prefer speed over spin and have (or are prepared to work on gaining) the confidence and technique to use it. Both are...
  7. Zhang Jike signs with Donic

    A reasonable example. But blades are a bigger investment and a more personal choice, so much harder sell. How many people the world over, buy D09C because of FZD though? I bet that is making BTY far more money than the blade series.
  8. Zhang Jike signs with Donic

    I think this figure was described as his current contract which I interpreted as the butterfly deal. And I didn't see it mentioned that was per year. So 500k per year I very much doubt. 500k over a contract length of several years, maybe.
  9. Zhang Jike signs with Donic

    Personal problems aside. ZJK is still a huge name in the sport and deserves the respect his TT skills earn him at least. He might not be playing anymore but if he's coaching a lot, especially if the coaching is available online he's still a big influence in the market. If ZJK says "Watch me do...
  10. Looking for best backhand 47.5 / 48 rubber for SALC

    For sure O7P is a great BH option. Same sponge hardness as J&HV47.5 but a softer bouncier topsheet.
  11. Gewo Codexx Super Select Vs Rasanter R 50/47 - Alternatives?

    From what you said about having a more linear rubber with easier access to power I think experimenting with slightly softer sponge could help you. G1 is super versatile and is a great spin rubber.
  12. Looking for best backhand 47.5 / 48 rubber for SALC

    I used Xiom vega Korea on backhand which I upgraded to Xiom Jekyll & Hyde V47.5 because I felt Korea was too soft. The J&H V47.5 is probably a bit harder feeling than G1. I don't find it too heavy in Max thickness but it's also available in 2.1mm
  13. Gewo Codexx Super Select Vs Rasanter R 50/47 - Alternatives?

    It sounds like you're still getting used to the Gewo rubbers. If you're winning more games with the Gewo rubbers it's probably best to stick with those rather than change again. I think the choice you need to make is between: Keep Gewo rubbers and practice applying more power to shots. Or. Go...
  14. A light Chinese rubber with a little catapult and decent spin

    I can't comment on the AK. But agree with you on moon 12's catapult effect or lack thereof. I would say its a very safe rubber if you see that as positive. It's quite slow if you see that as a negative. If you can hit hard consistently and you're good at using your opponent's pace and spin...
  15. A light Chinese rubber with a little catapult and decent spin

    +1 vote for moon 12 blue. It's linear, great short game control and outrageous spin on properly brushed strokes. You say you'd prefer something more advanced but I think moon 12 gets overlooked for being a cheaper option. It's super worthy of a trial and not a wallet buster if it doesn't work...