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  1. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    I think stiga blades have different handles than their pre made bats. I have tried couple of them and I have stiga cybershape wood fl. Premade handles have thicker handle.
  2. Butterfly Rozena or Glayzer on Forehand

    I have used both in my bh. I use glayzer right now. For beginner Rozena is good for fh but for intermediate, glayzer is way better. Rozena is too soft for real fh. With good technique glayzer is spinnier and faster while having a little worse control of course. If you have decent technique and...
  3. Butterfly wildin

    Maybe the n stands for new? Idk. One degree harder sponge or something to make it better for modern game or something. Probably not.
  4. Butterfly wildin

    From ITTF equipment database. What?
  5. Small wings

    Don't know yet. I have used chinese rubbers on my fh for test around 5 months. I will try D09C soon and then think what rubber suits me best. If I like D09C, then I maybe go back to allwood. If chinese is better, probably inner carbon. Let's see.
  6. Small wings

    Thanks for the tips! It is basically easy but risky. What if I don't want to do that? If I get 200€ blade and I mess this modification...🥶 I want information what brands or models have small wings and what brands don't. Easier to buy ready bat than mod.
  7. Small wings

    Not long time ago I got bruise to my hand because of my blades wing hit me between thumb and index finger during bh loop slowdown. I don't want this to happen again. I think my blade (victas zx-gear in) has big wings. What brands have small wings? I am mainly interested in Butterfly, DHS and...
  8. Which one is better between Butterfly Lezoline Rifones and the newer Levalis?

    You can fund the size chart from butterfly website. Try this
  9. Difference between H3 and big dipper

    Big dipper 38 unboosted was dead. Unusable for me. Ball didn't go anywhere with it. So much better with booster. Could have been older sheet or bad one. Glayzer is faster and not that spinny. Bd feels slow and dead in my bh. Glayzer feels easier to use but not as spinny. Could D09C be good...
  10. Difference between H3 and big dipper

    Can someone compare Yinhe big dipper black 38 degrees (i have boosted this with 1 and 2 layers of falco tempo long) to Hurricane 3 neo blue sponge provincial boosted with 2 layers. I especially want to know about how effortless these two are, how fast, how much they need power to use and how...
  11. Rank the Top 5 FH and BH in the world today!

    Someone really mentioned Benedek Olah. Torille perkele!
  12. What elo rating is TTD and Pongfinity?

    I don't know if this helps but here are pongfinitys finnish rating points(rating+bonus rating): - Otto 2439+48 - Miikka 2322+7 - Emil 1860+0 - Benedek Olah 2625+5 - Beginner 700-900 rated - Top 100 is around 2000 rated Bonus rating is the amount of winned games Rating is elo style
  13. WTT Finals Fukuoka 2024, 11/20-24

    What is this? Free stream in youtube not available in Finland. Why? Behind the paywall of some streaming service here, I guess.
  14. How many of you use Table Tennis as a vice?

    When I go to practice hall, I forget everything else. Playing and practising is just so much fun. And I love the challenge of developping in the sport. Rhere is always something what I could do better. I am interested finding the perfect setup. I love watching the pros play. I can't sometimes go...
  15. Medium hard rubber for backhand

    Butterfly glayzer?
  16. 3d printed paddles + rubbers

    How it plays? Is the rubber made out of TPU? How good is the grip? How bouncy?
  17. Aliexpress Singles Day 2024

    Cheap ESN Aliexpress Can it be real? 15 buck ESN?
  18. Full carbon table tennis blade
  19. Wingspan blade

    Where can I buy this?