Search results

  1. What happened to Asuka Sakai?

    Do you guys remember that kid with the crazy fast serve? I've watched a match by him and he seemed like a promising player, but I don't see any matches from him after 2014. Does anyone know what happened?
  2. The future of chopping

    I think it's a good thing, although I might be biased as a Chopper. Even from a non-chopper perspective, having a player like that around is good because you get experience playing against them.
  3. The future of chopping

    Seeing as chopping has slowly disappeared as a top-level playstyle ever since the advent of the platic ball, do you guys think it will slowly fade out of prominence, sort of like Korean penhold? Do you guys think we will see anymore chopping prodigies, or is the style doomed to irrelevancy?
  4. Why Telegram for Table Tennis Messaging Groups

    I was thinking Discord. Most hobby inclined kids use it, it's not exclusive to gaming. It also hosts features that are helpful for hosting a large community. I can get more in depth if you want. Telegram is great though!
  5. I'm a beginner chopper, pls help

    I already got FL3 but I'll try to get my hands on the Dawei 388d-1 when I can. See which one I like better. As for the blade I am definitely going for the Defplay Senso. Maybe I'll get the korbel in the future. \ Thank you all for helping.
  6. I'm a beginner chopper, pls help

    I've been playing on and off for a few months now and play very defensive, mostly chopping and waiting for an opportunity to smash or for my opponent to mess up. I've been using the pre-built Palio Expert 3 and want to create a custom racket in preparation for a local tournament. I want Long...