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  1. I think I stumbled Upon A Way to Improve One's RPB

    So scroll down for the TLDR part under the line for a quick "what this is" post. But first, some context. I'm a lefty penholder. I've been playing penhold for 15 years. When I started back in the day, I didn't know at the time penholders primarily use the RPB. I thought they stilled played TPB...
  2. Pleasantly Surprised So Far With Meteor 845 Blue Short Pips

    I think you'll like it. After all this time I'm still a fan and I stand by that it's very much like 802 but a fraction (and I mean a fraction. basically the same) less spiny. Hits well. Can chop with it too. Can't be the price and the blue color looks great too. Enjoy. Report back what you...
  3. which players have the best serves?

    The one with the most illegal serve. You're welcome. ;)
  4. Double Fish samples has arrived - what is your opinions?

    At our club sits a donation pile free for anybody to use should we get some new people at club. One of these items is a blade with DoubleFish 8484 on it. It just sits in an open dusty box. Not cared for one bit. That topsheet is still just as tacky as any H3 the day it's fresh out of the...
  5. Is this bad form? Or am I overacting.

    Eh I don't think you can say that about MJ in that he never trash talked back. He was one of the biggest most famous (Bird right there with him) trash talkers of all time. The man called himself black Jesus in response to Reggie Miller after Reggie talked trash to him. No MJ talked plenty. I...
  6. Is this bad form? Or am I overacting.

    Perhaps I didn't paint the picture very well. Yes it's a club night. Yes everybody knows one another and are pretty friendly. That does not mean in the least that while we're chummy throughout the night that during a match people are not trying to win. This particular group of guys don't seem to...
  7. Is this bad form? Or am I overacting.

    I guess agree to disagree. I look at it as answering the level of competitiveness and/or gamesmanship to match their level. It's a club night and yes we're all friendly but in a match make no mistake, everybody is trying to win and the competition level ramps up when the game starts. So I'll...
  8. Is this bad form? Or am I overacting.

    Well this topic certainly has gotten a lot more traction than I anticipated. I appreciate all the thoughts on the matter from everybody and respect the many views on it. With that being said, just like everybody else, I have thoughts of my own. Given this was Sunday night and I've had time to...
  9. What rubbers do i use for Stiga Clipper Ch pen

    Well if you want more control, the Clipper is a great choice. IMO slower blades do offer that. Feels easy to put the ball where you want it. I think Gambler's Exotic Rosewood is every bit the level, the clipper is but better in that it's slightly faster. This isn't sponsored or anything but I...
  10. Is this bad form? Or am I overacting.

    This isn't a big deal really but thought I'd share with you guys. So last night at club in a doubles match, I had a service error. We're all pretty chummy & friends at club. It's nothing serious. We all play to win but this isn't the world championships or anything. I say that to establish that...
  11. What rubbers do i use for Stiga Clipper Ch pen

    I have that blade. Great feeling. Nice blade. But in today's game and compared to some carbons I have, I find it to be a little slow being all wood. Just my two cents. Good blade. But IMO you can get better for a cheaper price for sure.
  12. Pleasantly Surprised So Far With Meteor 845 Blue Short Pips

    Okay I've had about a 1/2 month's worth of table tennis with this rubber against varying players. Yesterday I played a good player and that was the final piece I was waiting for. Previously I had played against more hitting/smashing style of players. This player was more of high quality spin...
  13. Pleasantly Surprised So Far With Meteor 845 Blue Short Pips

    Have you all tried or seen this yet? So I'm teaching my girls to play table tennis and of course they want colored rubbers. Because they're still kids and I want to keep it light, I say why not. I get them their setup but on ali express I kept seeing this Meteor 845 Blue Short Pips based on my...
  14. Xuperman Powerplay-x: A Rubber by Xu Xin

    That feels like an easy one to explain right? The Chinese Super League is tougher.
  15. Is Liu Guoliang “fairly” one of the greatest players of all time?

    He had legal equipment by the rules. There's no almost about it. Almost isn't cheating. Players today "almost" hide their serves but what really matters is if it's actually hidden or not and if it gets called. He's absolutely, by essentially everyone who follows the sport, considered one of the...
  16. How does TTDSL work as far as team format, points etc?

    I help run our local tt club here in the states and I find the TTDSL pretty entertaining. I like the comradery the guys feel playing in a team. To my knowledge, we don't really have team leagues here in the states and TT is very much an isolated, work on your own craft game. That's fine and I...
  17. Anybody Have or Seen A Good Net Post Cap Design For Longevity?

    I am contemplating some sort of glue method. While super glue is thin and would for sure practically weld those plastic parts together, problem is that when a net eventually wears out, I'd like to not destroy the post and or cap that I 3d print. I need a glue that's removable but can hold good...
  18. Anybody Have or Seen A Good Net Post Cap Design For Longevity?

    I run our local small week club here in the states. One of the biggest rackets in all of table tennis are flimsy net post caps that break or fall out of the posts and you have to buy a completely new new post set for around $70 give or take up or down depending on what you're looking for...
  19. Just curious how many Penholders are on TTD?

    Got the ever elusive 3-1 victory on the best young player at our club. This was nice as he will quickly become the 2nd best player at our club in probably less than a year. Here he had been serving down the line a lot. I was planning on stepping around that down the line serve and forehanding...
  20. Just curious how many Penholders are on TTD?

    Welcome. So TT is a life-long sport so don't worry about being 16 playing for the first time. I started when I was in college. Played some buddies there. Then played occasionally in my mid 20s at times. Didn't start playing weekly at a club until I was 30. And all that time prior was shakehand...