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  1. C

    I leave my mail. Be well. [email protected]

    I leave my mail. Be well. [email protected]
  2. C

    Thanks, for you too a happy new year. Much success in everything:) I'm new here, and I have some...

    Thanks, for you too a happy new year. Much success in everything:) I'm new here, and I have some difficulties to adapt because I speak Spanish and I translate the page, jajaaj. But very good TABLETENNISDAILY. Greetings.
  3. Is table tennis the hardest sport in the world?

    A very complex sport that requires great skill, fitness, good reflexes and a workout. Also a fun sport, in my opinion the best. Greetings.
  4. Article: Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    Hi, Greetings to all from Chile.:)
  5. Welcome to TableTennisDaily!

    Hi, Greetings to all from Chile.:)
  6. C

    Comment by 'claudia.belen.07' in media 'Jan-Ove Waldner Vs Timo Boll - AMAZING POINT'

    Waldner, eres el maestro del tenis de mesa.