5 out of 5 rating for Acuda S1 Turbo
It can allow us to make good topspins and make good delivering balls close to table but at long distance it is a bit slower so it is kind of difficult to make strong and fast spins at long distance.
It can allow us to make good topspins and make good delivering balls close to table but at long distance it is a bit slower so it is kind of difficult to make strong and fast spins at long distance.
Marcos Freitas deserves much more to be in the top 10 and he has never been but i'm sure he will!!!!
About Pitchford he still has a lot to learn and i don't see the potential to be in top 25...i guess he will always be in the 30's
Hi guys, sorry but in Portugal we say "left" and "right" ahahah sry
I use a Samsonov Alpha blade it is not that fast so it will probably have a great balance between spin speed and control.
I'm more like a topspin and sidepin player but basically i balance between an offensive and allround plays...
Hi there guys
I just called for an Acuda S1 Turbo for the right and an Acuda S3 for the left...
Some told me it wasn't the best choice...
Could you tell me what you think?
Thank you
i want this blade because:
-my playing style would change for better
-i could never ever had a chance like this to play or buy with a blade like this!
-it is like a dream becoming true because i am such a big...