TableTennisDaily Podcast #2 - Patrick Franziska

Hey everyone,

Here is the second episode of the new TableTennisDaily podcast. In this episode we are joined by German National team player and world ranked 42 Patrick Franziska. Patrick is now playing for German Bundesliga side Borussia Düsseldorf the current German Champions. In this episode we cover everything from training methods to what Patrick likes to do in his spare time as well as what it is like playing alongside Timo Boll and Dimitrij Ovtcharov in the German National Team. We really enjoyed recording this episode and hope you will enjoy listening.

We would like to thank Patrick for giving us the time out of his busy schedule to talk to us. Hope you guys enjoy and be sure to like and share this episode and subscribe on YouTube and iTunes. We would also love to hear your feedback on what you enjoyed about this episode and any ideas you might have for episodes in the future.

Enjoy the show.

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Be sure to follow Patrick Franziska on Facebook for all his updates.

If you would like to save or listen to the podcast on itunes, search TableTennisDaily in the itunes store.

Thanks for listening!


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Patrick Franziska has just won the 2016 German Cup with Timo Boll, and Gionis!

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