Ask a Pro anything: Pitchford, Drinkhall, Walker..

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2011
Read 7 reviews
Hello everyone! I would like to collect some questions from you, if you like to ask these players a question.. UK´s squad is about to come to Slovakia on April 18th to play our national team. I might have a chance of talking to these guys, so if anyone wants to ask them a question, go ahead, hopefully I will get the chance to do the interview! I dont know for sure - who will come. But they will come for sure, so just.. write who you want to ask, what you want to ask, I will not sort the questions and I will do all that I can. If you want, you can try even to ask questions their coach.. Hopefully all of this will workout well ;-)
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
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As a team you seem to exceed expectations. Your win over France in the Olympics in Rio (2016) especially was a strong one, and in terms of what-if history one might wonder how you'd have done of you'd have met Germany, Austria, Hong Kong, Sweden, South Korea, or even Japan in the quarterfinals.

What is it that makes the team work?
says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
Nov 2014
Read 4 reviews
I know it may be a question with an obvious answer but I'm currently 20 years and I wish I could become a professional table tennis player that competes internationally... Is there any slight possibility that I become one?
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Mar 2015
I know it may be a question with an obvious answer but I'm currently 20 years and I wish I could become a professional table tennis player that competes internationally... Is there any slight possibility that I become one?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2015
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If you were trained professionally as a kid, and you have a decent level and talent, yes. Very slight chance (heroic challenge), especially in a country like SKorea. Adam Pattantyus did it, but as a kid he was trained, he was in a good shape and maintained the basic skills (like coordination skills needed in racket sports, reflexes) as he was a tennis player.
Don't give up your dreams but in your boots I would set up easier goals first. (Well, I am in a somewhat similar situation: I am 18+1/2 and already trained for 3+3/4 years.
In my experience training time and quality is what really matters. If you can train 3 hours a day with good partners/coach and you have got some talent then 3rd league isn't irrational even in Korea. Of course your current level counts as well.

However this thread isn't for discussing that topic, so please create a new thread (if you want to).
says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
Nov 2014
Read 4 reviews
If you were trained professionally as a kid, and you have a decent level and talent, yes. Very slight chance (heroic challenge), especially in a country like SKorea. Adam Pattantyus did it, but as a kid he was trained, he was in a good shape and maintained the basic skills (like coordination skills needed in racket sports, reflexes) as he was a tennis player.
Don't give up your dreams but in your boots I would set up easier goals first. (Well, I am in a somewhat similar situation: I am 18+1/2 and already trained for 3+3/4 years.
In my experience training time and quality is what really matters. If you can train 3 hours a day with good partners/coach and you have got some talent then 3rd league isn't irrational even in Korea. Of course your current level counts as well.

However this thread isn't for discussing that topic, so please create a new thread (if you want to).

Thanks for the kind words and I posted the question in this forum since they are who I want the questions answered by since they have gone through all the stages so... If I could afford to train, I could get into divisioin 2 in korea easy but I have tons of things on the way unfortunately... Again, thanks for the nice words. I do appreciate it. it's a lot better than the GIF of Peter getting told off by John Jameson
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2015
Read 3 reviews
If I could afford to train, I could get into divisioin 2 in korea easy but I have tons of things on the way unfortunately...

I didn't thought that your level is that high already!
My questions are if they could choose any 1 player from the world to be their 1:training partner 2:doubles partner who would they choose?
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says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
says Hi I'm new here I would love to be kept up to date about...
Nov 2014
Read 4 reviews
I didn't thought that your level is that high already!
My questions are if they could choose any 1 player from the world to be their 1:training partner 2:doubles partner who would they choose?
It's not that my level is high. it's just that it's not to hard to get into div 3 as long as you have sufficient skills in all strokes. And to answer your question, my answer has to be whoever that is at national level and this now brings me back to question that I wrote before those funny GIFs of Peter getting told off. Enough of this. I do appreciate your concern but I do not see any necessity of having further convo on this.
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says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
Sep 2016
pls believe me it is not impossible, it depends on how much time you can put for your dream. If you have the potential and you have the determination , it could be possible. Of-course the chance is a little remote but nevertheless it is not all impossible. I play quite high level table tennis, one kids one yr ago started to play table tennis, he has table tennis all over him, he plays every night at our club, less then a yr, he beat me 3-1 two months ago. He is only 13.
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says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
Read 6 reviews
That defend style seems to be pretty succesful though.
Do you think if Valuch had better results and would be ranked higher he still wouldn't play?
I does not matter ... i just prefer his play ...and he is growing pretty fast... maybe if he gets more space he can grow even faster.