Where can I buy Table Tennis 'skin tight' under shorts?

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Dec 2016
There may be advantages to compressing the thigh muscles, especially when you get to my age. But also, as in cycling, the use of "breathing" material (similar to that used in TT shirts etc) keeps your legs from chafing, as it passes sweat through the material, which is a good thing. Recommended for all genders. I buy these from Aliexpress, or from Amazon and they still come from China. Not managed to buy any bad ones.
says I would recommend all wood. Samsonov Alpha sgs is the...
says I would recommend all wood. Samsonov Alpha sgs is the...
Active Member
Nov 2017
Read 8 reviews
There's a guy that plays with skin-tight short pants in our club and sometimes you cant tell whats a penis and whats a ball.

I mean sometimes he sticks balls under the legging.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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Sorry. This subject is too funny. All I can think of is that I have CNT National Issue Socks and Underwear. :) Okay. No I don't....

But if I was going to give Ridderz a real answer, probably the kind of compression leggings that Basketball players usually wear, or when soccer (futbol) players wear them. The need for lateral movement and sometimes having knees bent would be as close as you are going to get to what would be useful for TT. But I don't think this would need to be specific. You just would not want it to be the ones for bikers that are padded in areas for the seat and to help prevent chaffing.
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This user has no status.
Nov 2015
Sorry. This subject is too funny. All I can think of is that I have CNT National Issue Socks and Underwear. :) Okay. No I don't....

But if I was going to give Ridderz a real answer, probably the kind of compression leggings that Basketball players usually wear, or when soccer (futbol) players wear them. The need for lateral movement and sometimes having knees bent would be as close as you are going to get to what would be useful for TT. But I don't think this would need to be specific. You just would not want it to be the ones for bikers that are padded in areas for the seat and to help prevent chaffing.

Thanks Carl. I shall look at soccer ones!