i want buy DHS Hurricane 3 Neo National (blue sponge)

says Innerforce blades are sold! Im sorry. How about the...
says Innerforce blades are sold! Im sorry. How about the...
Oct 2020
Hurricane is meant to be boosted. It is better to leave the factory tuned layer on and put the booster straight on.

Now what I do for new rubber is as follow:
1. First layer of oil, wait for about 2 or 3 hours, then put second layer of oil on.
2. Waiting about one day, check if the oil gets dry (If there is no finger printer when you press the sponge, which means it is dry). Then put 2 layers of glue on.
3. Once the glue gets dry, put the third of layer on, wait till it gets dry. Then the rubber is ready to go.

Normally, three layers of oil is enough. Small tip: if you have any kind of metal box at your place, put the rubber in after you put the oil on (maybe at the first 2 or 3 hours)

Enjoy Boosting!

Can I tune it that away with the normal H3 without the pre tuned layer ?
Or do I have to go for 1 glue layer first with that one ?
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This user has no status.
Jan 2020
Is that you the H3 newbie again tabletennistom123? I think you are worrying too much. Just tune it the way you want. There are thousands variations and there won’t ever be a “correct” one. It’s just your first commercial rubber anyway. Just remember this, it won’t ever become Tenergy and it will certainly be much more lively than unboosted :rolleyes:
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Hurricane is meant to be boosted. It is better to leave the factory tuned layer on and put the booster straight on.

Now what I do for new rubber is as follow:
1. First layer of oil, wait for about 2 or 3 hours, then put second layer of oil on.
2. Waiting about one day, check if the oil gets dry (If there is no finger printer when you press the sponge, which means it is dry). Then put 2 layers of glue on.
3. Once the glue gets dry, put the third of layer on, wait till it gets dry. Then the rubber is ready to go.

Normally, three layers of oil is enough. Small tip: if you have any kind of metal box at your place, put the rubber in after you put the oil on (maybe at the first 2 or 3 hours)

Enjoy Boosting!

This is exactly how it should be done as Chen Chen says !!!
Then the H3N is a real weapon !!!
Personally, I add a few more layers of Haifu water-based glue (4-5 layers) and then use a booster.

says Buttefly Forever!!!
says Buttefly Forever!!!
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Hello my friends
I want to buy DHS Hurricane 3 Neo National 39 '(blue sponge) but I have a question
What is the difference between 39, 40 and 41

What measurement to be soft sponge

Wait for answers from you

Nooooooo! Stay away from these so called Nat Ver H3 as the possibility of encountering fake is very high.

Instead, do consider Friendship Battle 2 blue sponge ( Provincial Version ) or the Nittaku Hurricane 3 Turbo Pro Blue Sponge which IMHO is just as good, if not better. Furthermore more, they cost half the price of Nat Ver H3. You can buy two sheets instead of one some more.
