Table Tennis has turned into an expensive commercialised crap

says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Just bring out a 38mm ball and play with it for a few minutes then switch to a 40+ ball and it feels like slow motion. The 38mm ball comes at you like a rocket. This is especially noticeable when you're playing someone who's a few levels better than you. Your chances of keeping up goes down dramatically with the old ball.

Entirely true. When I returned to the game it felt like playing in slow motion indeed.
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Surely Federer is using equipment that is available to consumers. DHS has released press many times saying they do not sell the blue sponge rubbers to the public.
What is the point of the no booster rule of it isn't enforced? And what is the point of the no booster rule, if it can come boosted from the factory but you can't boost it yourself. So every Chinese pro just gets their desired chemicals applied by dhs before shipping to them, which I'm sure they can do so they effectively aren't breaking any rules.
It'd be a level playing field between pros of everyone had access to the same equipment, or at least let it be known that secret rubbers, chemicals and equipment are allowed.
What's the point of having rules with loopholes and no enforcement? Stupid organisation.

I think our discussion might be missing the point a little bit. I don't think ML's blue sponge H3 is objectively better than regular T05. It just suits ML's play style better. ML's H3 isn't a mystical rubber that will make every player better.
We can buy H3 national blue sponge, boost it some more, and it should turn out fairly similar to ML's H3 in terms of speed & spin. Other pro players can do this too. I wonder if they will be able to beat ML then.
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Oct 2016
They will not beat him anyway since the rubber is personalized, he uses 42 degree hardness for instance. The equipment should match ones playing style, not vice versa.

I think our discussion might be missing the point a little bit. I don't think ML's blue sponge H3 is objectively better than regular T05. It just suits ML's play style better. ML's H3 isn't a mystical rubber that will make every player better.
We can buy H3 national blue sponge, boost it some more, and it should turn out fairly similar to ML's H3 in terms of speed & spin. Other pro players can do this too. I wonder if they will be able to beat ML then.
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I think our discussion might be missing the point a little bit. I don't think ML's blue sponge H3 is objectively better than regular T05. It just suits ML's play style better. ML's H3 isn't a mystical rubber that will make every player better.
We can buy H3 national blue sponge, boost it some more, and it should turn out fairly similar to ML's H3 in terms of speed & spin. Other pro players can do this too. I wonder if they will be able to beat ML then.

Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt in my mind that ML is the best and no one could beat him regardless of equipment. I think you missed my point actually. I'm saying that the current state of 'rules' regarding boosting and legal equipment are a joke. Exist but not enforced.

And surely you don't really believe you can buy the same rubber that ML uses. Surely you aren't that ignorant.

What you're saying is the exact issue. Buy a rubber and boost it even more... So buy a rubber and cheat. Players with that mindset perpetuate the problem.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
One thing will never change - China's dominance.

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Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt in my mind that ML is the best and no one could beat him regardless of equipment. I think you missed my point actually. I'm saying that the current state of 'rules' regarding boosting and legal equipment are a joke. Exist but not enforced.
And surely you don't really believe you can buy the same rubber that ML uses. Surely you aren't that ignorant.
What you're saying is the exact issue. Buy a rubber and boost it even more... So buy a rubber and cheat. Players with that mindset perpetuate the problem.

No, my point isn't about cheating. My point is how much advantage is there to be gained by having personalized rubber/blade.
IMHO, the advantage gained through personalized equipment is minimal. Not enough to warrant systematic changes across the whole sport.
If personalized rubber really is such a big advantage, than personalized blades should definitely be banned.
Any player without a namesake blade should be crying foul and are at a great disadvantage, since blades affect rackets' playing characteristics even more than rubbers.
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Btw, I just checked DHS flagship store on TMall. They sell ML, FZD, and DN's personalized FH H3 rubbers online for mere $111.60 per sheet.
So, now anyone can buy ML's FH rubbers directly from DHS. Also FZD and DN's rubbers.
With this piece of information, should we expect these three players' WR to drop?
Since their "secret" equipment has been released to the public. :D
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Hey @usualsuspect, I had a custom blade made after my own design. I selected the composition, the materials, the thicknesses, the layer orientations, the way the layers of wood and composites were put together, and most importantly the shape, size of the handle — and the blade balance, by weight of the handle.

It's a great blade. It is my blade. There are others that might be like it, but this one is mine. My blade is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

That being said, am I, in your eyes, creating an unfair advantage by using my own custom blade? I honestly don't think I am. I do realise a blade like mine is not for everybody, even though relatively modest in price; there are many still that barely manage to subsist, and I'm fully aware of and grateful for the privilege of being able to dedicate surplus to resources above and beyond subsistence, for leisurely activities. It's an awareness that makes me consider frugality a virtue — that, and we only have the one world to burn. So, what do you think? Extravagant decadence creating an unlevel playing field?
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Hey @usualsuspect, I had a custom blade made after my own design. I selected the composition, the materials, the thicknesses, the layer orientations, the way the layers of wood and composites were put together, and most importantly the shape, size of the handle — and the blade balance, by weight of the handle.

It's a great blade. It is my blade. There are others that might be like it, but this one is mine. My blade is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

That being said, am I, in your eyes, creating an unfair advantage by using my own custom blade? I honestly don't think I am. I do realise a blade like mine is not for everybody, even though relatively modest in price; there are many still that barely manage to subsist, and I'm fully aware of and grateful for the privilege of being able to dedicate surplus to resources above and beyond subsistence, for leisurely activities. It's an awareness that makes me consider frugality a virtue — that, and we only have the one world to burn. So, what do you think? Extravagant decadence creating an unlevel playing field?

No, I completely agree with you.
That's was my original point. I don't think personalized equipment is creating unfair playing field.
I think advantage gained through personalized equipment is very very small, so it shouldn't matter.
And it certainly isn't cause for a sweeping regulation change.
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Sep 2011
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OP dude, I hear you and understand your reasoning...

...but doing that gunna wipe out what little tt industry there is... and the there would be only one outfit making stuff... and they sell for whatever price... and when ittf decertified them and get another outfit to manufacteur... then everyone gotta buy equipment all over again.

Do we REALLY want that?

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