Excessive sweat weakens wood?

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Apr 2016
Read 1 reviews
I friend of mine sweats a lot. After a few rallies it's like he dunked his hand in a bucket of water and then picked up his bat.

Recently, his bat broke. The point of failure was between the blade head and the handle - right in that "hinge". He reckons it's because of his sweat seeping into the wood and weakening it over 2+ years of playing.

Had anybody else experienced something like this? Can anything be done to prevent it?
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
That is where blades break. It usually happens after a table hit, collision with a doubles partner, or after mistreatment in aggravation (throwing it, hitting it against your leg or handpalm).

But there’s also simple wear and tear over time. Moist might help, softening the wood and loosening the glue bonds.

Blades with hollow handles often also have the core wood layers hollowed out. That probably exacerbates this naturally more fragile spot.

It happens now and then, even without immediately apparent trauma.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
Moisture definitely softens woods. That is why blocks of wood are steamed or pulled out of water before peeling into veneer.
Wood is softened with steam to bend it around frames like building wood boats.
I don't sweat that badly but I have seal my blades with light coat of polyurethane.
Yeah, sweat softens the wood for real.
I spoke a lot that I have 2 identical main blades and change them between matches or in a longer training.
I sweat a lot and after an hour and a half of extensive play I feel the hinoki is going dull. Though nobody believed that and were loughing on that.
But its real.
Wouldn't you miss the feel of the old wood?

I sweat even more and break blades earlier and more often, it is real. The silver lining is it gets us a chance to shop for TT gear again if we needed an excuse.