Yun-Ju Lin Tpe equipment ?

says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
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Jan 2012
lin yun ju interview

[size=+1]2016年度桌球成人國手選拔賽在臺南市桌球館開打,攸關明年奧運席次,競爭激烈,男子先出線2名新生代好手林昀儒、楊子儀,麗山國中三年級14歲小將林昀儒更擊敗2名今年度國手王李中羿、孫嘉宏及曾3度當選國手洪子翔。提到連續過關秘訣,林昀儒展現省話王本色,只說:「球來就擰。」林昀儒出身教育世家,父親林學宜是宜蘭大學休閒產業與健康促進學系副教授,母親陳貴玲是壯圍國中校長,他小學三年級接觸桌球,父母和舅公因他有天份大力支持,去年8月起更每個月自費約 13萬 (USD 4,160) 台幣聘請教出過世界冠軍張繼科、李曉霞的前山東魯能教練綦戈來指導。林學宜說:「教練過來前幾天根本什麼都沒教,只是看,認定昀儒有天份才收。真的要很感謝昀儒去年底過世的舅公,每個月都贊助好幾萬元,剩下的就我們想辦法。現在他白天自學,下午和晚上練球,我們希望證明不同模式也能成功,但也希望昀儒不會自滿。」在綦戈眼裡,林昀儒除手感佳、頭腦好等天賦外,更重要的特質是能吃苦,他說:「昀儒最難得就是很抗練,不管練多久都能照單全收,更難得的是從頭到尾都能保持專注。不過不能讓他就此自滿,選手要成材必須永不滿足。」男子另1席由合作金庫19歲新星楊子儀拿下,他在比賽前感冒、肩傷外,還在練球時扭傷腰,打止痛針才上場,他說:「甚至想過選不上,很意外。後來心態放開,有傷又不拚的話根本沒機會,打順了信心就出來。」女子首日2席由名將國泰人壽鄭先知、合作金庫熊乃儀選上。鄭先知說:「前陣子狀態很差,要求太完美,不容許任何失誤,還氣到摔拍不練,後來想說別太逼自己。選上還是要再加強,希望排名賽也能打好,可以去世界錦標賽,還有在明年1、2月國際賽都打好,拚進奧運。」熊乃儀去年落選,今年又選上,她歸功於教學相長,她說:「之前因為研究所的功課,加上自己又去學英文、韓文,比較沒專心練球。但今年想說還是要幫合庫打下席次。也有幫忙帶合庫學妹,要教她們總不能自己不會,多學了不少,另外也選拔賽也要打給她們看,證明學姊還可以。」[/size]

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Sep 2013
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classic example that with talent, you will also need millions of dollars of investment.
What makes Lin so good is, he has maybe 1/10th or 1/100th of the budget of his Japanese counter parts.
So that is a lot of talent there
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New Member
Feb 2019
Hi Tony.

Do you know who Lin's main/head/long term coach is? I've seen many different people by his side.

I'm glad he's getting more media exposure now due to his recent achievements.
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Sep 2013
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Hi Tony.

Do you know who Lin's main/head/long term coach is? I've seen many different people by his side.

I'm glad he's getting more media exposure now due to his recent achievements.

Its coach Lu, formal Taiwan national player, and a coach of - Taiwan Co-Op bank and works at coach at Li Shan High School too.

In between, Lin also had a formal Shangdong Luneng coach (someone that works with LXX and ZJK when they were still young) that came to train him for some time, but formally his coach is Coach Lu - under the Taiwan Co-Op bank structure, of which Lin belongs to (his major sponsor)

Coach Lu is a student of the twins - the Ji brothers of Taiwan, in the days of Chiang Peng lung and Wu Wen Jia
I had the honour of meeting the Ji brothers when Lu invited me to lunch once. I was sitting at a table with some of Taiwan's previous generation greats.

Coach Lu doesn't travel internationally that often. You will see Chiang Peng Lung more for the mens team nowadays. But Chiang is in the south, while Lin is in the North of Taiwan.

Chiang is the mens team coach, as well as the national training centre head coach, coach Hsu. There is also a coach Chiang of Song Shan that travels, but mostly with the junior team.
Some other coaches in the structure don't travel that much and allow the "younger" coaches to travel.
Unless it is diplomatic reasoning, then the high ranked guys like Coach Wu, Coach Liao will travel (Ie if senior figure in Chinese Taipei goes with as VIP)

So to answer your question
1) his coach - coach lu
2) his Taiwan co-op bank head coach - coach Liao
3) his national team head coach - coach Hsu
But I dont know who is Lin's coach when he was a cadet. Coach in Taiwan kindof work in levels, you move up a level, you get a new coach etc. Coach Lu has been his coach for the past good few years

I am friends with Lu, Chiang, Hsu and the junior Chiang.
Better friends with Liao and Wu.
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Sep 2013
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Lu is in the right
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