Choosing between Nittaku 40+ premium or Butterfly's 40+

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Feb 2018
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Both balls are not very popular around here. Especially the BTY S/G40+ are horrible.

Buy the DHS D40+ if you’re on a tight budget or the Stiga Perform which is a bit more expensive. Both balls are made in the same factory and play very similar but the Stiga balls seem to undergo a more strict QA process thus being a bit more consistent.
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Aug 2016
Both balls are not very popular around here. Especially the BTY S/G40+ are horrible.

Buy the DHS D40+ if you’re on a tight budget or the Stiga Perform which is a bit more expensive. Both balls are made in the same factory and play very similar but the Stiga balls seem to undergo a more strict QA process thus being a bit more consistent.

I wish people around here felt that way. Here in the states, a lot (not all) of USATT tournaments are played with the Nittaku ball and for that reason, I think some players here just automatically assume it's vastly superior like it's gospel. I also think that stupid price also aids in that. Honestly, there are a lot of people out there who will assume something is of higher quality partially because it's more expensive.

Anyways, from what I've seen, the DHS D40+ ball is vastly superior. It's softer & flexes every so slightly more. So I think it spins better and for sure has less breaks & cracks.

You run any hardbat tournament using those Nittaku balls and I feel sorry for your tournament organizers who see a lot of cash going out the window.
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Jan 2017
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The Nittaku ball IS vastly superior. The QA is two levels better. Not saying that there are no good DHS balls, it’s just that you sometimes get a bad batch. Never had that with Nittaku. Those are always 100% round for me.
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Aug 2016
The Nittaku ball IS vastly superior. The QA is two levels better. Not saying that there are no good DHS balls, it’s just that you sometimes get a bad batch. Never had that with Nittaku. Those are always 100% round for me.

And I'm good with you feeling that way. I guess what gets me, and not saying this is you, but to me it seems there are a lot of Nittaku snobs out there. We live in an age where there's several plastic balls. To some level, we all have to adapt and be willing to play with a different ball.

Here in the states for example, I believe it's the Joola ball, the butterly ball and the Nittaku ball approved for USATT events. So some of these people might have to play with a different ball than what they want if they show up to "X" tournament.

But there's this one guy at our club who will not play a match, practice, whatever unless we do it with the Nittaku ball and it just irks me I suppose given our club pays to supply DHS balls. He brings his 1 ball and we're chasing, bending down and picking up that one ball after every point. I'm 40 and mindful of wear & tear on my knees & back. ;)

He's not the only one who feels this way. For one reason or another, there are those Nittaku ball snobs out there. Just my impressions.
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Nittaku premium is top notch, but I can't justify the price. I stick with DHS. I have played with Joola as well and they are great also.

Many people might not be aware but XuShaoFa makes very high quality balls at great prices. We use that here in our league sometimes. I actually prefer XSF slightly more than DHS and will likely start using them once my DHS batch runs out.
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Feb 2018
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The Nittaku is very consistent but most people around here don’t like the bounce and the way it behaves in general. Go to anywhere you have elite level players training and you will very rarely find anything other than the two balls that I mentioned (unless the club/team is sponsored by Butterfly).


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Oct 2015
One thing most players can agree on is that the Bty G40+ is horrible. If thise two are your choices go with the NP3* every time.
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Feb 2018
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One thing most players can agree on is that the Bty G40+ is horrible. If thise two are your choices go with the NP3* every time.

And the S40+ is even worse. It plays in one way for about 30 minutes until the white powder has rubbed off and then it starts behaving like the G40+. Unplayable. That factory should focus on their core business which is balls for roll-on deodorant.
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Oct 2016
This is hands down the best ball I've ever played with:

DHS has clearly improved upon their manufacturing process or QC compared to regular D40+. It leaves very little residue on the rubber compared to other balls, and the price is a joke. I've purchased 5 boxes but gonna get more. With with price this should also be the ball to do multiball with. Why practice with a lesser ball?
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says Aged and infirm of purpose
Every Butterfly 40+ ball I've used has been awful, they haven't made a decent ball since the celluloid days - although I've not tried the S40+ yet. Nittaku Premium are excellent so long as you bin them once they start to go shiny, otherwise Sanwei ABS 40+ Pro or DHS D40+ are the best way to go.
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Feb 2019
And the S40+ is even worse. It plays in one way for about 30 minutes until the white powder has rubbed off and then it starts behaving like the G40+. Unplayable. That factory should focus on their core business which is balls for roll-on deodorant.

I experienced this same thing with the A40+ ball. I bought a batch of the DoubleFish V40+ and they play a lot like the A40+, but they do not lose their texture like the A40+. I got a bunch from Aliexpress.
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Jun 2018
I have played with both DHS 40+, Nittaku 3* Premium, Andro 3*, etc. and I can say without any doubt, worst ones were DHS 40+ 3* balls. I bought 12 of those and 3 broke during the same training session. 2 more broke 2 weeks later. I never had such bad batch of balls. Bought Nittaku 3* Premium after this and I'm never changing from that :D The best balls by far from my experience.
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
I have played with almost all 3-stars plastic balls out there and the Nittaku Premium is by far the best: always round, good bounce and the best spin of any plastic ball.

Now if you play at a facility where the flooring and tables are good and bouncy, the D40+ are a fine choice, although they used to be a lot better in quality when they first came out than nowadays, they also get hella dirty and don't stay white now which is bothersome. I use to order them for my club for training but I've now switched to the Nittaku J-Top which behaves like a good 3-star ball although it's a training ball.

Stay away from all Butterfly balls, they're terrible, except for the A40+ which is actually fine but very expensive and not as good nor as durable as the NP.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
Strange, never had any issues with DHS D40+. Have you tried the World Tour version?

I have played with both DHS 40+, Nittaku 3* Premium, Andro 3*, etc. and I can say without any doubt, worst ones were DHS 40+ 3* balls. I bought 12 of those and 3 broke during the same training session. 2 more broke 2 weeks later. I never had such bad batch of balls. Bought Nittaku 3* Premium after this and I'm never changing from that :D The best balls by far from my experience.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
A40+ is good, it's made by DHS as well.

I have played with almost all 3-stars plastic balls out there and the Nittaku Premium is by far the best: always round, good bounce and the best spin of any plastic ball.

Now if you play at a facility where the flooring and tables are good and bouncy, the D40+ are a fine choice, although they used to be a lot better in quality when they first came out than nowadays, they also get hella dirty and don't stay white now which is bothersome. I use to order them for my club for training but I've now switched to the Nittaku J-Top which behaves like a good 3-star ball although it's a training ball.

Stay away from all Butterfly balls, they're terrible, except for the A40+ which is actually fine but very expensive and not as good nor as durable as the NP.
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Jun 2018
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
Strange, never had any issues with DHS D40+. Have you tried the World Tour version?

Yea, it's very strange indeed, they get very dirty and lose their white shine very quickly. I've bought so many boxes of D40+ for my club over the past 2 years, didn't use to get this problem the first year but I do now. This doesn't happen with the Nittakus, the crappy G40+, Tibhar etc. which all stay relatively white ans shiny even if dirty.

I haven't tried the World Tour version, I'm sure those are fine, but they're quite a bit more expensive than the regular D40+ 3* for training so I'm gonna stick to the J-Top for that and the Premium for competition.
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