Omega VII Asia vs Hurricane 3

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Aug 2016
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I am a long term Hurricane 3 user. Neo H3 Provincial orange sponge is my favorite.

My style is spin oriented control play. I am a FH dominant player. I have recently"downgraded" to the old Stiga OC with Hurricane 3 on my FH.

I have done some research on Omega VII Asia. Mant said it has insane spin and pretty good control. But no review on O7A vs H3.

Has anyone played with both rubbers? Is O7A as tacky as H3? How is its arc, spin and catapult compared to H3?

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Not sure, but I think Asia is with a tensor sponge and not tacky topsheet. If you like the H3 feel maybe Xiom Vega China is what you're looking for?
Thanks @RidTheKid

I have tried Vega China. It's a great half tacky rubber Xiom produced. Nice control and good spin. I just feel it lacks the powerful kick H3 has when you do power loop. So I thought the high end Omega VII might offer a better sponge. And when they released the O7 Asia I naturally speculated the topsheet might be tacky.

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Feb 2017
I am a long term Hurricane 3 user. Neo H3 Provincial orange sponge is my favorite.

My style is spin oriented control play. I am a FH dominant player. I have recently"downgraded" to the old Stiga OC with Hurricane 3 on my FH.

I have done some research on Omega VII Asia. Mant said it has insane spin and pretty good control. But no review on O7A vs H3.

Has anyone played with both rubbers? Is O7A as tacky as H3? How is its arc, spin and catapult compared to H3?

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You can try with a Jupiter II 40 deg boosted, or a 38 without boosting, is a very nice rubber.
Actually, vega china is faster than h3 and needs lesser effort. With O7A, you will have a fster rubber but somewhat lesser spin on pure loops. With powershots away from the table, it outclasses H3.
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Thanks @RidTheKid

I have tried Vega China. It's a great half tacky rubber Xiom produced. Nice control and good spin. I just feel it lacks the powerful kick H3 has when you do power loop. So I thought the high end Omega VII might offer a better sponge. And when they released the O7 Asia I naturally speculated the topsheet might be tacky.

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A boosted battle 2 39-40 hardness and boosted 2 layers would do the trick. Alot more gears and more spin than H3.
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A boosted battle 2 39-40 hardness and boosted 2 layers would do the trick. Alot more gears and more spin than H3.
Interesting. I have played Battle 2 before without boosting. The spin is mediocre compared to H3. Control is ok and power is good. I dumped my Battle 2 after two sessions.

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Actually, vega china is faster than h3 and needs lesser effort. With O7A, you will have a fster rubber but somewhat lesser spin on pure loops. With powershots away from the table, it outclasses H3.

It sounds like you find vega china to be as good as H3. So what is the reason that keeps you from using it instead of H3? Thanks for your opinion.
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I've used Battle II provincial. I think Battle II is a bit overrated and I would stick with H3 which has a solid track record after many years in the market. If a person's style suits Chinese tacky rubber, I'd say look no further than H3/H3N provincial. Forget any other tacky rubbers or hybrid euro/Chinese rubbers out there because they really just don't live up to H3 at the end of the day.

Get the 39 (40 if you are very well advanced, 41 if you are insane) degree in hardness and boost it a couple of layers and you are set. Omega VII Asia would be a modern tensor rubber that plays completely differently from H3. It may be slightly less bouncier and offers somewhat more control than other tensor rubbers, but it would never replace H3.
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Because I can control H3 way better. I am using vega china as a bh rubber now. After the tackiness almost disappears, it is where the rubber is very good to use in the bh.
It sounds like you find vega china to be as good as H3. So what is the reason that keeps you from using it instead of H3? Thanks for your opinion.[/QUOTE]
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Because I can control H3 way better. I am using vega china as a bh rubber now. After the tackiness almost disappears, it is where the rubber is very good to use in the bh.
It sounds like you find vega china to be as good as H3. So what is the reason that keeps you from using it instead of H3? Thanks for your opinion.

Thanks for your reply Yogi, I really appreciate your opinions. So vega china with the tackiness worn off is good for your backhand. But then wouldn't that just be vega asia?
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Oct 2016
I use 41 degree national and used 4 layers of Haifu black oil, the strongest booster. I can tell you it was overkill, 2-3 layers would've been enough :)

Hmm . . . For a 40degree one you just need 2-3 layers.

If you managed to a hand on the national 42 degree then you might need 6 layers.

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Not really, vega asia is softer. Vega china is at 54 to 55 degrees. Also, i am just pointing out the initial tackiness wearing off. It still has some tack to it but not as much as the time you removed it from its plastic cover.

Thanks for your reply Yogi, I really appreciate your opinions. So vega china with the tackiness worn off is good for your backhand. But then wouldn't that just be vega asia?[/QUOTE]
Interesting. I have played Battle 2 before without boosting. The spin is mediocre compared to H3. Control is ok and power is good. I dunped my Battle 2 after two sessions.

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For those who say Battle 2 Provincial is better than H3 Provincial are definitely low level players.
H3 has much better spin (like 2x of b2) and control. However when boosted/speed glued properly, B2 Provincial is still playable and is a cheaper alternative than H3P.

I am currently using B2P right now, the other thing that I like from B2P is the strong glue between topsheet and sponge. I use speed glue and reglue every time before I play. There's no bubble or topsheet peeled off from the sponge which I had several times with H3p.
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Aug 2016
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For those who say Battle 2 Provincial is better than H3 Provincial are definitely low level players.
H3 has much better spin (like 2x of b2) and control. However when boosted/speed glued properly, B2 Provincial is still playable and is a cheaper alternative than H3P.

I am currently using B2P right now, the other thing that I like from B2P is the strong glue between topsheet and sponge. I use speed glue and reglue every time before I play. There's no bubble or topsheet peeled off from the sponge which I had several times with H3p.
I had one incident of bubbling with my H3 blue sponge. According to Prott any H3 with blue sponge is more likely to develop bubbles after boosting.

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