Top tournaments based on prize money and ranking points

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Apr 2016
I'm a bit new to table tennis. I've been following it for a while now on ITTF streaming services. But I was a bit confused about the tournaments structure. Is there a breakdown somewhere that describes which are the top tournaments based on prize money and ranking points?

For instance, in tennis I can easily check what the prize money is for a winner say of Wimbledon or Roland Garros. I cannot see this in the normal calendar of the ITTF website.

Roughly from just experience I know the Olympics are the most important followed by World Championships.

After maybe there are the Platinum events followed by regular World tour events.

But I don't know how the recent ITTF-ATTU Asian Table Tennis Championships compares to all these.

And what are prizes and ranking for each? Then there's also the world cup which is a bit of a mystery how it works.

Thanks a lot for helping shed some light on the subject.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Olympic and World Title Events:
Olympics - every 4 years, singles, team, and mixed doubles(new for Tokyo 2020), typically in the 3rd quarter of the calendar year, 3 players per NOC for team, 2 of which for singles, 1 pair of which for mixed doubles
World Table Tennis Championships, usually shortened to WTTC - biannually, odd years, singles, doubles, mixed doubles, typically in the 2nd quarter of the calendar year, 3 players per association, 1 extra if top WR100, 1 extra if top WR20, 2 pairs for doubles and mixed doubles, host gets more
World Team Table Tennis Championships, usually shortened to WTTTC or just WTTC - biannually, even years, team only, typically in the 1st quarter of the calendar year, 3 players per association
World Cup - annually, singles only, separate for each gender, typically in the 4th quarter of the calendar year, 20 winners and top finishers from each of the 6 Continental Cups in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Oceania
Team World Cup - annually, sporadically, team only, typically in the 4th quarter of the calendar year, 12 teams

ITTF Sanctioned Events:
World Tour Grand Finals - top 15 singles, top 7 doubles, top 8 mixed doubles in the World Tour Standings near the end of each calendar year, wild card for host
World Tour Platinum - 6 stops, a soft quota of 6 per association for singles, 2 for doubles, 2 for mixed doubles, host gets more
World Tour - same as above
Challenge Plus
Continental Championships - used to be higher than World Tour and Challenge before 2018
Continental Cups - same as above

ITTF Recognized Events:
Multi-sport events - Commonwealth Games, Pan-Am Games, Francophone Games, Continental and Regional Games, Universiade, etc.

That's about it for the senior competitions.

For the Olympics and WTTC, you play for the prestige. World Cup(singles and team) and World Tour Grand Finals, OTOH, have the highest prize money. World Tour Platinum and World Tour have some prize money.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018