"Beginner equipment that also suits the new polyball playing strategies"

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Jan 2020
I am new to this forum. I have been following many threads which has helped me so much. Thank you to all reviewers!
But please help me with this..

Looking for starter equipment for my son (7years). He has never played before, but loves the game sooo much!

Can you please advice me on a good setup for a beginner (preferrably a flexible blade), but which also facilitates the playing strategies required for the new polyball game.. (on the bounce strike-counterattack-quick block?)

I am an ex-TT player.. played for 8 years stating at the age of 7. But unfortunately could not continue due to personal reasons. So I have not played in over 12 years, and therefore have no experience with the new polyball.

Would really appreciate your help.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
The title is so funny.

Think about it... a beginner... but able or soon able to use modern strategy.

No need to overthink anything right now.

The middle of the road equipment you knew back then will be perfectly OK for a beginning player to grow with effective coaching to a level above club average easily. At that point one could re-assess and move to equipment more suited to what kid does well, likely a dynamic looping oriented game.
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This user has no status.
Jan 2020
Thank you for your advice Der_Echte,
Yes, I know the title sounds rather confusing..:)

What I had in mind was a Stiga Allround Classic with Chinese rubbers (Hurricane 3). But was worried whether this would be a difficult start for a child (with less muscle power) with the heavier and slower ball. And whether this would lead to wrong application of force and incorrect strokes?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2018
Hi Priya, a lot of advice already. But keep in mind that at 7 your son's wrist is far from developed, try to keep the weight down. Haven't tried the Vega Intro, but Vega Europe is very light. Vega Europe plus Stiga All-round (or an All-round from any other brand) should be fine with a total weight of around 160g.
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says Thank you for the great info! I really appreciate it!!!
says Thank you for the great info! I really appreciate it!!!
Jul 2019
I am new to this forum. I have been following many threads which has helped me so much. Thank you to all reviewers!
But please help me with this..

Looking for starter equipment for my son (7years). He has never played before, but loves the game sooo much!

Can you please advice me on a good setup for a beginner (preferrably a flexible blade), but which also facilitates the playing strategies required for the new polyball game.. (on the bounce strike-counterattack-quick block?)

I am an ex-TT player.. played for 8 years stating at the age of 7. But unfortunately could not continue due to personal reasons. So I have not played in over 12 years, and therefore have no experience with the new polyball.

Would really appreciate your help.
U should get All round 5 layer wood blade that will last for number of years. I got my daughter Donic Appelgren All play Senso V2 (one of the best blades for control) with ST handle (very comfortable) (you can get it for $40-45) and paired it with inexpensive Chinese rubbers. You can use Palio CJ800 (42-44 degrees) (2 for $ 14 on ebay) or AK47 yellow sponge (for poly ball).
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