2020 World Team Table Tennis Championships

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Dec 2018
In light of the emerging situation in Korea Republic and to best preserve the health and safety of players, officials and fans, the Hana Bank 2020 World Team Table Tennis Championships in Busan have been postponed with the dates of 21-28 June provisionally reserved.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018

...The Hong Kong Table Tennis Team, which won 1 gold and 1 silver at the Hungarian Open a few days ago, was originally scheduled to participate in the World Tour Platinum Qatar Open and move on to the World Table Tennis Championships next month, in an effort to strive for a higher Olympic ranking. The preparations for the Tokyo Olympics are now affected due to the postponement, head coach Chan Kong Wah said: "I will meet with the coaching team to discuss it in the following days and may need to adjust the plan. In April, we will participate in more European stops. There are originally many stops in April, including Japan, Thailand and 2 in Europe. "It's unknown whether Japan Open will be held. At this stage, we can only fall back on closed training and improve the training quality of the men's and women's doubles and mixed doubles."

Although the Tokyo Olympics will be held less than 1 month after the World Table Tennis Championships in June, and the 2 major events are too close to each other, which may be detrimental to preparations, but "brother Wah" said that he is not too worried. The most important thing is for players to focus on their own training first.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
Goodbye to WTTC 2020 and hello to WTTC 2021? The nostalgic 2-week-long WTTC could make a "comeback". Sorry, Houston?

[탁구] 연기된 부산 세계선수권, 2021년 단체+개인 통합대회로?
기사입력 2020. 05. 04 13:01

‘코로나 사태’로 2차례 연기된 부산 세계탁구선수권대회(단체)가 내년 3월에 2021 휴스턴 대회(개인)와 합쳐 개최하는 획기적인 안이 논의되고 있다.

4일 대한탁구협회(회장 유승민)의 고위관계자는 “부산 세계선수권과 관련해 국제탁구연맹(ITTF), 부산시, 대한탁구협회는 한 가지 확실한 원칙을 견지하고 있다. 코로나 위기를 극복한 후 반드시 열린다는 것이다. 그리고 그 구체적인 방법 중 하나가 2021년 휴스턴 대회를 합쳐 부산에서 통합개최를 하는 것”이라고 설명했다.

한국이 처음으로 개최권을 따낸 2020 부산 세계탁구선수권대회는 원래 지난 3월(22~29일) 부산 벡스코에서 열릴 예정이었다. 하지만 전 세계적인 코로나19 감염사태로 인해 1차로 6월(21∼28일), 2차로 9월(27일~10월 4일)로 차례로 연기된 바 있다.

문제는 9월 개최도 장담할 수 없다는 사실이다. 코로나19 사태가 한국은 진정국면을 맞았지만, 전 세계적으로는 확산 추세가 계속되고 있다. 백신이나 치료제가 개발되지 않는 한 세계인이 한 자리에 모이는 글로벌 스포츠이벤트는 정상개최가 어려운 상황이다. 이에 부산 세계탁구선수권은 2020년 말이나, 2021년 초로 3번째 연기가 검토되고 있다.

이런 가운데 2021년 미국 휴스턴 세계탁구선수권대회(개인)가 화두로 떠올랐다. 이 대회는 2021년 6월 21~27일 휴스턴의 토요타 아레나에서 열릴 예정이다. 참고로 1926년 시작된 탁구 세계선수권은 1957년까지 매년 열리다가 이후 개최주기가 2년으로 변경됐고, 2003년 파리 대회부터는 개인전과 단체전을 분리해 홀수해에는 개인전이, 짝수해에는 단체전이 치러지고 있다. 2020 부산(단체), 2021 휴스턴(개인)도 이 방식을 따른 것이다.

그런데 미국에서는 사상 처음으로, 그리고 1939년 이집트 대회 이후 처음으로 유럽과 아시아가 아닌 대륙에서 열리는, 이 휴스턴 세계탁구선수권이 코로나19로 취소나 연기를 검토할 만큼 어려움을 겪고 있다.

먼저 2020 도쿄 올림픽이 2021년 7월 23일~ 8월 8일로 1년 연기되면서 휴스턴 세계탁구선수권과의 간격이 한 달 이내가 돼 버렸다. 세계선수권을 마친 선수들이 4주 만에 다시 올림픽을 치르는 빠듯한 일정이다. 이에 3월로 당기거나, 올림픽 후로 연기 하는 방안도 제시되지만 1만 8천 석 규모의 토요타 아레나가 미국프로농구(NBA) 휴스턴 로킷츠의 홈구장인 까닭에 이것도 여의치 않다.

이에 국제탁구연맹과 대한탁구협회, 그리고 부산시는 올림픽을 앞둔 2021년 3월께 단체와 개인을 합친 통합 세계탁구선수권을 부산에서 개최하는 것을 검토하는 것이다. 여기에는 코로나19 사태가 2021년 상반기까지 이어진다면, 개최시기를 하반기로 늦출 수 있다는 장점도 있다.

2021 부산 ‘통합’ 세계탁구선수권은 본격적인 메이저 프로스포츠로의 도약을 노리는 ITTF의 전략과도 맞아떨어진다. ITTF는 향후 세계선수권은 단체전만 치르고, 자체 월드투어를 활성화해 골프와 테니스의 그랜드슬램대회처럼 ‘그랜드 스매시(Grand Smashes)' 대회를 연다는 복안을 가지고 있다. 부산 통합 세계선수권이 ITTF 토너먼트 혁신에 기폭제가 되는 것이다.

IOC위원이자, ITTF의 집행위원이기도 한 유승민 회장은 “코로나19 사태를 주시하면서 여러 가지 방안을 검토하고 있다. 휴스턴 대회와의 연계도 그중 하나다. 확실한 것은 부산에서 세계선수권이 반드시 개최된다는 것”이라고 말했다. 유병철 스포츠전문위원
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[Table Tennis] Postponed Busan World Championship, 2021 Group + Individual Integration Competition?
Article input 2020. 05. 04 13:01

The groundbreaking proposal that the Busan World Table Tennis Championships (group), which was postponed twice due to the “corona crisis,” will be held in March next year in conjunction with the 2021 Houston event (individual) is being discussed.

On the 4th, a senior official of the Korea Table Tennis Association (Chairman Yoo Seung-min) said, “The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), Busan Metropolitan City and the Korea Table Tennis Association have a firm principle in regard to the Busan World Championships. After overcoming the corona crisis, it must be opened. And one of the specific methods is to combine the Houston event in 2021 and hold an integrated event in Busan. ”

The 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships, where Korea won the first title, was originally scheduled to be held in Busan, Korea on March 22nd to 29th. However, due to the worldwide Corona 19 infection, it was postponed to June (21-28) first and September (27- October 4) second.

The problem is that it cannot be held even in September. Although Korea was in a calm state due to the Corona 19 crisis, the spread trend continues throughout the world. Unless vaccines or treatments are developed, it is difficult to hold a global sports event where people from all over the world gather together. As a result, the Busan World Table Tennis Championship is being reviewed for the third postponement in late 2020, but early 2021.

In the midst of this, the 2021 American World Table Tennis Championships (individuals) emerged as a topic. The tournament will take place on June 21-27, 2021 at the Toyota Arena in Houston. For reference, the World Table Tennis Championship, which began in 1926, was held every year until 1957, and the holding period was changed to 2 years afterwards. From the Paris Convention in 2003, individual and team events were separated. . 2020 Busan (group) and 2021 Houston (individual) also follow this method.

However, for the first time in the United States, and for the first time since the 1939 Egyptian Games, this Houston World Table Tennis Championship, held on a continent other than Europe and Asia, is struggling to review cancellation or postponement with Corona 19.

First, as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was postponed for one year from July 23 to August 8, 2021, the gap with the Houston World Table Tennis Championships was less than a month. It is a tight schedule for athletes who have finished the world championship to play the Olympics again in four weeks. In the meantime, a plan to either pull to March or postpone after the Olympics is also proposed, but this is also not surprising because the 18,000-seat Toyota Arena is home to the American Professional Basketball (NBA) Houston Rockets.

Therefore, the International Table Tennis Federation, the Korean Table Tennis Association, and the City of Busan are considering holding an integrated World Table Tennis Championship in Busan in March 2021, ahead of the Olympic Games, which brought together groups and individuals. This also has the advantage that if the event of Corona 19 continues until the first half of 2021, the holding time can be delayed in the second half.

The 2021 Busan “Integrated” World Table Tennis Championship is also aligned with the ITTF's strategy to make a leap into a full-scale major professional sport. ITTF has a plan to open the 'Grand Smashes' like the grand slam competitions of golf and tennis by promoting only world championships in the future and activating its own world tour. The Busan Integrated World Championship is the catalyst for ITTF tournament innovation.

Chairman Yoo Seung-min, who is also an IOC member and executive member of the ITTF, said, “We are considering various measures while watching the Corona 19 incident. The connection with the Houston Convention is one of them. What is certain is that the World Championship will be held in Busan. ” Yoo Byeong-cheol Sports Specialist
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
부산 세계탁구선수권, 연말·내년 초로 3번째 연기할 듯
김진성 기자 [email protected]
입력 : 2020-05-03 18:57:36 수정 : 2020-05-03 18:59:26 게재 : 2020-05-03 19:00:40 (18면)

[출처: 부산일보] http://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2020050318571266436

‘3월→6월→9월→연말 또는 내년 초?’

코로나19 여파로 두 차례나 연기됐던 2020 부산 세계탁구선수권대회(단체전) 개막이 또 한 번 미뤄질 전망이다.

3일 탁구계에 따르면 국제탁구연맹(ITTF)은 부산 세계탁구선수권을 올해 연말이나 내년 초로 다시 연기하는 방안을 추진 중이다. 코로나19의 세계적 대유행이 부산 세계선수권이 열릴 예정인 9월까지 호전되지 않을 것으로 판단하기 때문이다.

코로나19로 9월 개최 장담 못해

참가국 방역 사정에 재연기 우세

ITTF, 6월 집행위 열어 결정

대한탁구협회 관계자는 “한국이 코로나19 방역 모범국인 만큼 세계선수권의 부산 개최에 문제가 없다는 점에는 ITTF 집행위원들이 동의하고 있다”면서도 “다른 참가국의 방역 사정이 여의치 않아 대회를 더 늦춰야 한다는 목소리가 우세해 재연기가 매우 유력한 상황”이라고 전했다.

ITTF 집행위원들은 새 개막일로 올 연말을 유력하게 검토 중이지만, 보다 안정적인 준비를 위해 아예 내년 ‘상반기 중’으로 대회를 늦추는 방안도 고려하고 있다.

당초 내년 상반기에는 미국 휴스턴에서 개인전 세계선수권대회가 열릴 예정이었다. 하지만 미국 탁구계가 코로나19 방역 문제를 이유로 이 대회의 연기나 취소를 원하고 있어 부산 세계선수권의 내년 상반기 개최에 걸림돌이 되지는 않는다.

ITTF는 최근 집행위원회를 열어 부산 세계선수권의 연기 여부, 연기 시 개막 일정 등을 6월 집행위에서 확정하기로 결정했다.

ITTF는 이와 함께 오는 7월 30일까지 열릴 예정이던 모든 주관 대회를 무기한 연기하기로 했다.

한국에서 그것도 부산에서 처음 열리는, 한국 탁구계의 숙원인 이번 세계선수권은 코로나19에 이미 두 차례나 개막이 미뤄졌다.

당초 3월 22일 개막해 29일까지 부산 벡스코 경기장에서 열릴 예정이었으나, 코로나19 여파로 6월 21~28일로 미뤄졌다가 또다시 9월 27일~10월 4일로 연기됐었다. 김진성 기자 paperk@

[출처: 부산일보] http://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2020050318571266436
Busan World Table Tennis Championship likely to postpone for the third time at the end of the year and early next year
By Kim Jin-sung, reporter [email protected]
Input: 2020-05-03 18:57:36 Edit: 2020-05-03 18:59:26 Post: 2020-05-03 19:00:40 (p. 18)

[Source: Busan Daily] http://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2020050318571266436

‘March → June → September → Year-end or early next year?’

The opening of the 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships (group competition), which was postponed twice in the aftermath of Corona 19, is expected to be postponed again.

According to the table tennis industry on the 3rd, the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is pursuing a plan to postpone the Busan World Table Tennis Championships again at the end of this year or early next year. Corona 19's global pandemic is not expected to improve until September when the Busan World Championship is scheduled to take place.

Corona 19 held in September

Re-predominance in prevention of participating countries

ITTF decides to open conduct in June

An official from the Korea Table Tennis Association said, “The ITTF executives agree that Korea has no problems with hosting the World Championships in Busan because it is an exemplary country for corona defense.” The predominance is that the re-acting situation is very strong. ”

ITTF executives are strongly considering the end of the year as the new opening date, but are also considering ways to delay the competition to “in the first half of next year” for more stable preparation.

Originally, in the first half of next year, an individual world championship was scheduled to be held in Houston, USA. However, because the US table tennis world wants to postpone or cancel the competition for reasons of anti-corona 19 prevention, it will not be a hindrance to holding the Busan World Championship in the first half of next year.

The ITTF recently held an executive committee and decided to decide whether to postpone the Busan World Championship or not, and the opening schedule when it was postponed in June.

ITTF decided to postpone indefinitely all the organizers scheduled to be held by July 30th.

This world championship, which is also a wish of the Korean table tennis world, which is also held in Busan for the first time in Korea, has already been postponed twice in Corona 19.

It was originally scheduled to open on March 22 and will be held at BEXCO Stadium in Busan until 29, but was postponed from June 21 to 28 in the aftermath of Corona 19 and postponed again from September 27 to October 4. By Kim Jin-sung, reporter paperk @

[Source: Busan Daily] http://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2020050318571266436
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Nov 2018
So... WTTC becomes like ATTC? Team, Singles, Doubles, XD. Sorry, more like back to before 2001.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
부산 세계탁구선수권대회 세 번째 연기…내년 상반기 개최 전망

송고시간 2020-06-05 12:00

최송아 기자
2월 열린 세계탁구선수권대회 코로나19 관련 기자회견 모습

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 영향으로 두 차례 연기됐던 2020 부산 세계탁구선수권대회(단체전)가 또 한 번 미뤄졌다.

대회 조직위원회는 5일 국제탁구연맹(ITTF)의 요청에 따라 대회를 한 차례 더 연기했다고 밝혔다.

이번 세계선수권대회는 애초 3월 22일 개막해 29일까지 부산 벡스코 경기장에서 열릴 예정이었다.

그러나 코로나19 여파에 6월 21∼28일로 미뤄졌고, 9월 27일∼10월 4일로 한 차례 더 연기된 바 있다. 이번까지 세 차례 연기다.

조직위원회는 "ITTF가 코로나19로 선수 이동이 어려운 현 상황을 감안, 2021년 상반기에 대회를 개최할 수 있도록 새로운 날짜 제시를 함께 요청했다"면서 "부산시, 문화체육관광부, 벡스코 등 유관기관과의 협의를 거쳐 대회 일자를 결정하고, 국제연맹과 최종적으로 협의해 공지하겠다"고 덧붙였다.

[email protected]
Busan World Table Tennis Championship third acting… Expected to be held in the first half of next year

Sending time 2020-06-05 12:00

Reporter Choi Song-ah

Press conference for Corona 19 at the World Table Tennis Championships held in February
[Photo of Yonhap News]

(Seoul=Yonhap News) Reporter Choi Song-ah = 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships (group exhibition), which was postponed twice under the influence of the new coronavirus infection (Corona19), was postponed once again.

The organizing committee said on the 5th that it had postponed the contest once more at the request of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

The world championship was originally scheduled to open on March 22nd and will be held at Busan BEXCO Stadium until 29th.

However, it was delayed from June 21 to 28 in the aftermath of Corona 19, and was postponed once more from September 27 to October 4. It is three acts until this time.

The Organizing Committee said, “It was requested that the ITTF provide a new date to hold the tournament in the first half of 2021, considering the current situation in which it is difficult for the player to move to Corona 19.” “With Busan, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and BEXCO After the consultation, the date of the competition will be decided, and the final consultation with the United Nations will be announced."

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
부산세계탁구대회 '3월→6월→9월→내년으로' 또 연기


기사 스크랩 이메일로 기사공유 기사 인쇄 글꼴 설정

입력 2020.06.05 14:33

부산세계탁구선수권대회 D-30일 행사 및 마스코트 제막식

하나은행 2020부산세계탁구선수권대회가 결국 해를 넘기게 됐다.

국제탁구연맹(ITTF)은 5일 대회 조직위원회에 9월로 예정됐던 대회의 연기를 공식 요청했다.

ITTF는 지난 4일 집행위원회를 통해 세계적 대유행인 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19)여파로 선수 이동이 어렵다고 판단, 조직위원회에 내년 상반기로 일정을 미루라고 통보했다. 대회 개최를 위한 새로운 날짜를 제시해달라는 요청도 했다.

조직위원회는 부산시, 문화체육관광부, 벡스코 등 유관기관과 의 협의를 거쳐 대회일자를 결정하고 ITTF와 협의에 나설 계획이다. 하나은행 2020부산세계탁구선수권대회가 뒤로 밀린 것은 벌써 세 번째다. 최초 3월 열릴 예정이던 대회는 코로나19의 영향으로 6월과 9월로 두 번 연기된 바 있다.

역대 최초로 국내에서 세계선수권을 준비하던 탁구계는 코로나19라는 변수를 만나 쉽지 않은 길을 걷게 됐다.
Busan World Table Tennis Competition'March→June→September→Next Year' postponed again


Input 2020.06.05 14:33

Busan World Table Tennis Championship D-30 Day Event and Mascot Unveiling Ceremony

The Hana Bank 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships is finally over.

The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) officially asked the Organizing Committee on the 5th to postpone the competition scheduled for September.

On the 4th, ITTF judged through the Executive Committee that it was difficult to move players due to the global epidemic of new coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and notified the Organizing Committee to postpone the schedule in the first half of next year. He also asked for a new date for the event.

The organizing committee is affiliated with related organizations such as Busan, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and BEXCO. Through the consultation, it is planned to decide the convention date and discuss with ITTF. It is the third time that the Hana Bank 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships has been pushed back. The first tournament to be held in March was postponed twice in June and September under the influence of Corona 19.

The table tennis world, which was preparing for the world championship for the first time in Korea, met the variable Corona 19 and walked the difficult path.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
韓 최초 세계탁구선수권, 결국 내년으로 연기

CBS노컷뉴스 임종률 기자 메일보내기 2020-06-05 13:28

지난 2월 하나은행 2020 부산세계탁구선수권대회 기자회견 모습.(사진=연합뉴스)
한국에서 처음 열리는 세계탁구선수권대회(단체전)가 또 다시 연기됐다.

대회 조직위원회는 5일 "하나은행 2020 부산세계탁구선수권대회가 다시 한번 연기된다"면서 "이번이 세 번째"라고 밝혔다. 국제탁구연맹(ITTF)은 이날 조직위에 오는 9월 27일부터 10월 4일로 예정된 대회를 연기해줄 것을 요청했다.

당초 이번 대회는 지난 3월 부산 벡스코 특설 경기장에서 열릴 예정이었다. 그러나 코로나19 확산으로 6월로 연기됐다가 다시 9월로 미뤄졌다. 결국 세 번째 연기로 대회의 올해 개최는 사실상 무산됐다.

연맹은 코로나19로 선수 이동이 어려운 현 상황을 감안해 2021년 상반기에 대회를 개최할 수 있도록 날짜를 제시해줄 것도 함께 요청했다. 연맹은 지난 4일 화상 집행위원회를 개최하고 이와 같은 결정을 내렸다.

이에 따라 조직위는 부산시, 문화체육관광부 및 벡스코 등 유관 기관과 협의를 거쳐 대회 일자를 결정할 예정이다. 이후 연맹과 대회 개최 기간을 최종적으로 협의해 공지한다는 방침이다.
[email protected]

Korea First World Table Tennis Championship, eventually postponed to next year

Reporter Jong-yul Lim of CBS Nocut News 2020-06-05 13:28

Hana Bank 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships press conference.(Photo = Yonhap News)

The world's first table tennis championship (group competition) was held again in Korea.

The organizer of the tournament said on the 5th, "Hana Bank 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships will be postponed once again." The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has asked the organization to postpone the competition scheduled for September 27th to October 4th.

Initially, this tournament was scheduled to be held at the special stadium in BEXCO, Busan in March. However, with the spread of Corona 19, it was postponed to June and then postponed to September. Eventually, with the third acting, this year's event was virtually futile.

The Federation also requested that a date be provided for the tournament to be held in the first half of 2021, given the current situation in which it is difficult for players to move to Corona 19. The Federation held a video executive committee on the 4th and made the decision.

Accordingly, the Organizing Committee will decide the date of the meeting after consulting with related organizations such as Busan, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and BEXCO. After that, the policy is to finalize the announcement of the conference period with the Federation.
[email protected]
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
2 weeks of WTTC? Count me in. The nostalgia!

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
3 to 6 times harder now for WTTC Busan?

Coronavirus spreading now in Korea has its origin in Europe, US

The novel coronavirus spreading in South Korea now has its origin in Europe and the US, health authorities said Monday, and it is known to be six times as infectious as the original strain that emerged in China.

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Dec 2019

Sad. Can't see how any international events can start up anytime soon.

Soccer at least it's domestic leagues but events like TT which are world tours requiring international travel makes it hopeless atm. I sound bad, human life should be #1, but TT is a big passion and being locked up like this seeing what's happening without an end in sight you miss it even more.

Would be nice if solution does come about soon to recommence table tennis safely, even if play is in just 1 city and even if at expense viewers just paying one off fee to watch.
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Active Member
Mar 2019
With Houston being one of the hotspots now, you wonder when ITTF will make a decision on 2021 WTTC.
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Dec 2019
With Houston being one of the hotspots now, you wonder when ITTF will make a decision on 2021 WTTC.

ITTF can't look too far ahead atm.
Too much happening, not enough enough progress and situation not improving.

You would think plenty tournaments right now in jeopardy between now and next year not just Houston World Championships.
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Active Member
Mar 2019
ITTF can't look too far ahead atm.
Too much happening, not enough enough progress and situation not improving.

You would think plenty tournaments right now in jeopardy between now and next year not just Houston World Championships.

Yes, but the USA has the unfortunate distinction right now of being the poorest performing country in terms of limiting the spread, so Houston 2021 comes into particular focus. Given the postponed Busan 2020 Teams WTTC and 2021 Olympics, 11 months out is not too far to start thinking about it. There are a full slate of other majors in 2021 (Team Cup, World Team Cup, Teams WTTC, Olympics), and the current Houston venue is also used by the NBA's Houston Rockets. Planning a re-scheduling and/or re-location is not something that can be done in just a few months.
This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Dec 2019
Yes, but the USA has the unfortunate distinction right now of being the poorest performing country in terms of limiting the spread, so Houston 2021 comes into particular focus. Given the postponed Busan 2020 Teams WTTC and 2021 Olympics, 11 months out is not too far to start thinking about it. There are a full slate of other majors in 2021 (Team Cup, World Team Cup, Teams WTTC, Olympics), and the current Houston venue is also used by the NBA's Houston Rockets. Planning a re-scheduling and/or re-location is not something that can be done in just a few months.

I get it but think of it from CEO or ITTF President angle.

You have contracts/schedules in place, would be repercussions if made decision now and say situation is cleared say 6 months late? Personally I agree with you that USA is not location to be hosting the event, situation has worsened and no signs now of improvrment but can't make early decisions based on circumstances can't forsee.

Why do you think Olympics hasn't been cancelled? Contracts, sponsors, billions of dollars. Neither IOC or Japan want to make the call as whoever makes the call will have the cover the bill. This situation instead of cancelling I think Japan & IOC will negotiate to postpone til 2024, that's my opinion, they have bought themselves plenty of time, don't think either side keen to rush or push the event given the situation. Don't think France will object to postpone their games til 2028, don't think they have planned to far ahead.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
ITTF has finally announced today that Japan Open will be canceled.

Speaking for the first time as WTT Council Chair, LGL says he will get in touch with WTT and ITTF to discuss about the possibility of resuming international competitions in China, which for whatever reason is not mentioned in the English version of the article.

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