2020 World Team Table Tennis Championships

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Jul 2020
i think they don't have the right to limit and don't permit women Korea to participate. :mad:
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
250% to 262% during last week.



「今回、2020 JAPAN オールスタードリームマッチに出場出来る事を大変嬉しく思います。国内外での試合が中止になる中で、今回のドリームマッチで少しでも元気や笑顔をお届けできるように精一杯のプレーをしたいと思います。是非応援宜しくお願いします。」


宇田幸矢(琉球アスティーダ/明治大学 所属)
丹羽孝希(岡山リベッツ/スヴェンソン 所属)
森薗政崇(岡山リベッツ/BOBSON 所属)

早田ひな(日本生命レッドエルフ 所属)
Comment from Hina Hayata

"I am very pleased to be able to participate in the 2020 JAPAN All-Star Dream Match this time. With all the matches in Japan and overseas being cancelled, I will do my best to bring you a little more energy and smile in this Dream Match. I would appreciate your support."
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
While the zombies are running rampant in Busan...

2021 World Championships in Houston
Alas, Houston has withdrawn from running the 2021 World Singles and Doubles Championships. (It would have been the first Worlds in the US.) I'm told it's not directly because of the pandemic, but because the Olympics in Japan are now scheduled to start July 23, 2021, which would be just after the Houston Worlds in June. (They would, in fact, be sandwiched between the World Team Championships in South Korea, which moved from 2020 to Feb. 28-Mar. 7, 2021, and the Olympics, and they'd no longer be the premier event of the year.) This was discussed at the July 13 USATT board meeting (held online on Zoom, which I attended). Here is the USATT minutes page, and here is a direct link to the minutes of that meeting. Here's the pertinent info - "Ms. Sung" is USATT CEO Virginia Sung:

"Ms. Sung noted that two very important factors will impact the financial analysis for USATT. The first is the decision with respect to the 2021 Table Tennis World Championships, which were scheduled for Houston, Texas in June of 2021. However, Houston has withdrawn its offer to serve as a host the World Championships, and USATT is still awaiting the official decision of the ITTF as to how the international governing body for table tennis would like to proceed in this matter."

"Ms. Sung stated that there are several possibilities of how things will proceed, including the possibility that the ITTF will honor the contract that is already in place – and make the corresponding payments due to USATT under that contract – on the presumption that the US will host the World Championships at some future date. There is also the possibility that USATT will work out a different arrangement with the ITTF for a future World Championships in the United States."

I know that USATT is now actively looking for another site, but I have no idea if they would be able to do it now in 2021. We'll see. Alas, I was hoping to attend and do coverage, and then some sightseeing.

As I noted in a previous blog, I was supposed to go to the Olympics in Japan this year to do table tennis coverage for USA (both USA and international teams), and would be there now - but then the pandemic came. I may be going next year instead.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
OTOH, Harimoto and Mizutani will play in the 2020 Japan All-Star Dream Match.

◆ 出場決定選手(男子)
張本 智和  (木下マイスター東京/木下グループ 所属)
「2020 JAPAN オールスタードリームマッチに選出いただき、ありがとうございます。

水谷 隼 (木下グループ 所属)
「2020 JAPAN オールスタードリームマッチに参加できること、とても光栄に思います。
◆ Confirmed players (men)

Harimoto(Kinoshita Meister Tokyo/Kinoshita Group)
"Thank you for inviting me to the 2020 JAPAN All-Star Fantasy Tournament.
Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, many competitions have been suspended. Under such circumstances, I am full of gratitude to those for providing us with a venue for the competition and for providing a lot of support through crowdfunding.
I hope that while savoring the joy of playing table tennis, I will turn my gratitude to everyone into a match and enjoy the long-lost table tennis tounament. Please offer us your support."

Mizutani(Kinoshita Group)
"I feel very honored to be able to participate in the 2020 JAPAN All-Star Dream Match.
Although my career is on countdown, I will try my best to engrave my own game that keeps evolving every day in the hearts of more people."
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Winner: Team Hayata
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Apr 2019
At this rate, Hayata is gonna be the WS champion by default. Woots!

Winner: Team Hayata

Ishikawa and Hirano saw your comments and it only took them an hour to respond. Haha.


Kasumi Ishikawa Comment ―
“I decided to participate in the 2020 JAPAN All-Star Dream Match. I think that the Japanese table tennis world will be a symbolic event that will move forward step by step, starting from this event. It's a great honor to hear from you at the event, and although it's remote, it's a great pleasure for me as a player to be able to play in front of table tennis fans. Please stay!"
Miu Hirano comment ―
"I'm really looking forward to playing in front of you for the first time in a long time in the 2020 JAPAN All-Star Dream Match. Even in this difficult situation, many people will be able to see it and I will be energized through table tennis with a little effort. We will do our best to serve you. Thank you for your support."
Last edited:
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Report to the AGM
Document A6


4) Equipment
• The equipment department is also being professionalised with a new office opened five
months ago, having two full time and one part time staff members. There is cooperation
between the department staff and the equipment committee in all aspects.
• A pilot phase was successfully completed to check true rubber thickness of players on
dismantled blades. This will help in future development of new more accurate devices for
racket control.
• Intensive cooperation is being done with ball manufacturers to ensure consistent quality
of balls in all ITTF events.
• Coloured rubbers have been defined and will be approved soon.
• Close to 2000 products are currently on the ITTF approval list, and this is still increasing.
• The revenue from equipment approvals and testing has increased the last two years by
an average of 20%.
• All technical leaflets are being updated and databases are under development for all
approved products.
• Closer monitoring of unauthorised use of the ITTF logo and proper action against non-
compliant companies is strictly undertaken.


Report to the AGM
Document D1


Approved/authorised Equipment – Evolution since 2014 – Label “ITTF approved”


The ITTF has accredited independent testing institutes, which provide the measurements, run the tests,
verify the declarations of the suppliers about their equipment and also advise ITTF technically. Together
with Claudia Herweg, the EqC experts evaluate the transmitted results and decide about the approvals /
authorisations. The related administrative work lies on the shoulders of ITTF staff, presently Emese Barsai.
The triangular cooperation, involving external professionals, ITTF professional staff and experts from the
field-of-play, has created and strengthened the label “ITTF approved”, which is nowadays worldwide
recognised, also by governmental and educational bodies, as a guarantee for high competition quality and
for safety. The EqC recommends to keep this system, which works well, as it permits fruitful, multiple input.
However, improvements are necessary:
- An EqC member and expert shall fulfil criteria of a technical, scientific or research background, and
be able to dedicate time enough to his/her task, which he/she shall conduct in a strictly neutral way.
“Political” members and persons strongly linked to manufacturers shall not serve.
- An ITTF Equipment Department shall not only take care of all administrative and financial aspects,
but also initiate and coordinate efforts for a coherent, fair and transparent equipment policy. Important
progress has been made in 2019.
- The representatives of the suppliers, shall provide advice about all aspects related to TT equipment,
as it already happens through the FIT Working Groups. The decisions of ITTF shall stay with the ITTF,
and shall remain independent and transparent, to serve table tennis as a sport.
- Legal and marketing aspects, modern and complete information have to be considered, developed
and integrated.

Racket coverings, Racket control after the match
Thanks to the deep knowledge and personal involvement of Claudia Herweg,
- Deadlines and procedures for the authorisation of racket coverings shall be better adapted to the
needs of players and manufacturers.
- Authorisation criteria, especially for re-tests and market survey, will be reviewed.
Rubber suppliers with wrong claims or illegal products were forced to comply with the rules, and some
products were deleted from the lists.
Racket dismantling after the last match safely detects post-treatment of blades and illustrates how easily
it is to deceive the ITTF devices. It is not possible to conclude with certainty. Finally, the EqC does not yet
propose changes of the rules and methods of racket control. Nearly all players understand and accept well
such control, it is positive news.


Good governance, data – bases, information on the ITTF equipment page


The EqC considers that for all equipment data-bases with relevant information should exist, and that the
available pictures of approved or authorised equipment should be put back to the related lists of the ITTF
web page.

Research: general – new materials for blades – friction - balls
The EqC recommends to join the ITF (Tennis) Technical Centre in London for guiding research before
implementation of equipment changes, and not set up an own expensive centre.
A British University was entrusted with the research about “new materials for blades”; it did not deliver
useful results.
The order for building the device measuring the frictional properties of a table surface, and hopefully also
of the (ageing) ball surface, finally was passed to a German company; we are waiting for the product.

Technical leaflets – changes and improvements to be implemented
T2 – Net assemblies: legalise good, but illegal net structures and advertising, test net sturdiness (advice
of the testing Institute has been taken), reorganise presentation of TL.
T3 – Balls: unused production-tolerances are cut off, this after intensified re-testing and a detailed
statistical analysis, celluloid-free balls only (the last celluloid ball will run out by end of 2020), presentation
of document.
T4 – Racket coverings: new authorisation deadlines and procedures shall be integrated to be legal, new
colour ranges.
BoD is the constitutional body for the final and prior decision of contents of the technical leaflets; layout
and design into well – presented manuals shall be entrusted to Equipment Committee and Department,
with the substantial expert help of professional designers.

Two independent approaches permitted to propose acceptable bright colour ranges for racket coverings:
opinion poll based on colour tiles (Pantone) and expert advice from ESN based on rubber samples
produced for this purpose. Both added the colour violet to the EqC’s proposed red, green, blue, purple;
violet tones which can also be considered as bright. The definition of the colour domains required much
time and energy in order to avoid errors and not to succumb to personal requests for non-bright colours.
Contributions from players and from a movie were valued.
Therefore, the documentation for the resolution about a yellow ball was postponed; a strategy will be
established in Busan to hopefully convince the AGM that yellow is a very good option.

Equipment for the World Championships and the Olympic/Paralympic Games 2020
Tables and their nets have been inspected and approved. At the moment of this report, other test results
are expected soon.

Blade authorisation procedure
After many years of fruitless discussions, a concrete project has now been drafted. It still needs discussion
and refinement before possible agreement and implementation.

Paul Schiltz
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Do you currently still feel the same re: your 2018/2019 predictions?

Yes, for the most part, judging from what happened in 2019 and early 2020. They'll have a much harder time than Hirano, Ito and Hayata when they displaced Ishikawa in 2017, 2018, and 2020. Miwa Harimoto will turn 16 in 2024. This is essentially the Warring States period.
says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012
[size=+3]Mima Ito did opted to pass by the coming All Japan 2020. [/size] Mima Ito does not seek for money, she eager for Olympic gold. I totally agree with every reasoning Mima gave for not participate in the Show.
Yes, she is Queen of Table Tennis, moreover she is a True Cutie, a woman consummate.

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Nov 2018
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I'm assuming there are no doubles in the All-Star Japanese match? Ishikawa, Nagasaki & Hayata = triple lefties in the same team?

Right. No doubles.

8月26日、Tリーグは、「2020 JAPAN オールスタードリームマッチ」(9月14日実施・リモートマッチ)の試合形式、対戦ルールを発表した。

大会は2部制となり、第1部は「日本代表選抜 vs. Tリーグ代表選抜」、第2部「日本代表男子 vs. 日本代表女子」。それぞれの試合形式は以下のとおり。

◆第1部 日本代表選抜 vs. Tリーグ代表選抜
・男子シングルス 5 試合(Tリーグ代表1名が2回出場)
・女子シングルス 4 試合(日本代表1名が2回出場)

◆第2部 日本代表男子 vs. 日本代表女子
・チームマッチ シングルス4ゲーム
・4 ゲームマッチ、2-2 の場合は男女代表1名による 1本勝負を実施
On August 26th, the T-League announced the match format and competition rules for the "2020 JAPAN All-Star Dream Match" (remote match[TL's note] on September 14th).

The tournament will be a two-part system. The first part will be "Japan representative selection vs. T-League representative selection" and the second part "Japan representative men vs. Japan representative women". The format of each match is as follows.

◆ Part 1 Japan's Representatives vs. T-League Representatives
・Five men's singles games (one T-League representative participates twice)
・Four women's singles games (one Japanese representative participates twice)
・1 game match, first to 11 pts (no deuce)
・No timeouts
・No changing ends
*Orders to be announced on the day

◆Part 2 Japan's Male Representatives vs. Japan's Female Representatives
・Team match, 4 singles games/matches(?)
・First to 11, losing player gets replaced after dropping 1 game/match(?), winner remains
・4 points handicap for women in game 1, only women serve
・Handicap and service right may change depending on the result of game 1
・4 games match, in the case of 2-2, 1 male and 1 female representatives will play one tie-breaker game
・No timeouts
・No changing ends
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Apr 2019
2020 Japan All-Star Dream Match Format

Thanks Zeio, for outlining the match format for the 2020 Japan All-Star Match! If it's okay, I would just like to add on to your post to further clarify the format to the readers. I will be using most of what Zeio has written in his post #136 of this thread, so full credit goes to Zeio.

The 2020 Japan All-Star Match will be held on September 14, 2020, 6pm Japan Time. The TV Tokyo Table Tennis Youtube Channel will livestream the match. The Full Match will also be uploaded on the TV Tokyo Table Tennis Youtube Channel right after the live stream, so those who cannot watch live can just watch the replay. https://www.youtube.com/user/tabletennis

The tournament will be a two-part system. The first part will be "Japan 2020 WTTC representatives vs. Japan T-League representatives (These comprise of Japanese players who didn't make the 2020 WTTC team)." The second part will be "Japan Men's WTTC representatives vs. Japan Women's WTTC representatives". The format of each match is as follows:

Part 1 Japan 2020 WTTC representatives vs. Japan T-League representatives
  • Total of 9 Singles Matches
  • Each singles match is a one-set showdown. First to 11 points wins (no deuce).
  • Five singles matches will be Men's Singles (Since the 2020 WTTC team has 5 male representatives while the T-League Team only has 4 male representatives, the T-League team can select a male representative to play in two matches).
  • Four singles matches will be Women's Singles (Since the T-League team has 4 female representatives while the 2020 WTTC team only has 3 female representatives, the 2020 WTTC team can select a female representative to play in two matches).
  • No Timeouts
  • No changing ends
  • Player order and matchups will be announced on the day itself
Part 2 Japan's WTTC Male Representatives vs. Japan's WTTC Female Representatives (Battle of the Sexes)
  • Team Match with at least 4 singles games being played.
  • Each singles game will be played until 11 points.
  • Irregular Match Format similar to King of the Court. The team who loses the point has to rotate its player while the team who won the point keeps its player on the court. To Illustrate:
    • Male team (Rotation is Harimoto, Niwa, Mizutani, Uda, Morizono) vs. Female team (Rotation is Ishikawa, Hayata, Nagasaki).
    • The first point in Game 1 will be Harimoto vs Ishikawa. If Ishikawa wins the point, the Men's team will rotate while the Women's team will keep the player who won the point. The next point will now be Niwa vs Ishikawa. If Ishikawa wins the point again, Niwa rotates out and the next point will be between Mizutani and Ishikawa since only the losing team rotates. It's only when Ishikawa loses the point that Hayata will be rotated in her place.
    • This format allows all players to play since there was an initial problem of having too many men and too few women participants.
  • As an initial handicap, the Women's team will start off Game 1 with a 4-point head start. Furthermore, for all points, the female player will be the one who serves. *However, the organizers have the discretion to change the handicap system for the succeeding game to ensure competitiveness of future games depending on the results of the initial handicap in game 1.
    • For example, if the female team easily wins game 1 against the men due to the handicap, the organizers can lessen the handicap and possibly allow the men to serve in game 2 to make the game more competitive. The organizers can also increase the handicap if the female team is still having a hard time coping against the men's team.
  • If after 4 games are played, the game count is tied at 2-2, 1 male and 1 female representative will play one a tie-breaker game until 11 points.
    • In this tie-breaker game, there will be no more rotation. This will be a standard one-set showdown between the one male and one female player to decide the winning team for Part 2.
    • Author's opinion: I'm probably 80-90% sure that the game count will be tied at 2-2 and that we'll have this tie-breaker game because the organizers have the discretion to adjust the handicap system to help ensure a tiebreaker game will be played. Since the All-Star Game is mainly for entertainment, and most fans probably want to see the tie-breaker, I have a feeling that the organizers will try to make this happen through the adjustment of the handicap system. After all, T-League reached 362% of their target monetary goal in the crowdfunding for the event, so they'll most likely try to give the fans what they want and paid for.
  • No timeouts
  • No changing ends (I'm assuming this is a safety measure for COVID-19, but if the players from both teams are rotating after every point, doesn't it kind of negate this safety measure? Haha.)
Player List
Japan 2020 WTTC Representatives Team

  • [*=1]Tomokazu Harimoto
    [*=1]Koki Niwa
    [*=1]Jun Mizutani
    [*=1]Yukiya Uda
    [*=1]Masataka Morizono
  • Kasumi Ishikawa
  • Hina Hayata
  • Miyu Nagasaki (Replacing Miu Hirano who had to pull out due to a back injury)
Japan T-League Representatives Team

  • [*=1]Takuya Jin
    [*=1]Mizuki Oikawa
    [*=1]Hibiki Tazoe
    [*=1]Shunsuke Togami

  • [*=1]Miyu Kato
    [*=1]Sakura Mori
    [*=1]Miyuu Kihara
    [*=1]Kyoka Idesawa
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Apr 2019
I'm assuming there are no doubles in the All-Star Japanese match? Ishikawa, Nagasaki & Hayata = triple lefties in the same team?

Japans latest innovation to beat China: All-leftie doubles

Winning formula: All-leftie team, even the coach...

Lol. And if you include the 2020 WTTC Men's representatives in the mix, 7 out of the 8 players who will play in Part 2 of the 2020 Japan All-Star Match (Battle of the Sexes) will be lefty players, with Harimoto being the lone righty.

With the abundance of lefties, soon, gone will be the days where natural right-handed players train to play table tennis with their left hand. It might be the other way around in the future with natural left-handed players training to be righties in table tennis. Haha. ;)