2020 World Team Table Tennis Championships

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Oct 2014
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SUH Hyowon disappointed at the OQT, losing to KIM Song I and then to KIM Nam Hae.

I was a big fan of her, but she's alas already well past her prime. I tend to agree that Korea must renew their line-up even if they don't have a great result in 2020, they must prepare for the future. Anyway it looks like they won't be at the Olympics now

That's going a bit far. They have a good draw to the final match at the Olympic Qualification.
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Active Member
Nov 2018
Stray observation. The Japanese men's team for WTTTC2020 was as follows:

張本 智和(木下グループ)wr5
丹羽 孝希(スヴェンソン)wr15
水谷  隼(木下グループ)wr16
森薗 政崇(BOBSON)wr42
宇田 幸矢(JOCエリートアカデミー/大原学園)wr54

But if you look at the ITTF entry list now, it becomes:

JIN Takuya

All because Uda lost in the prelims of German Open?
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May 2019
I think the name list of the Japanese men’s team and women’s are not updated yet.

Looking at the prospectus, the final entry deadline was Jan 17 while the All Japan Championship only finished on Jan 19. That means JNT didn’t know who would be the champion back then when they submitted their entry. But modification of entries is allowed between Jan 18 and Mar 21. So I believe JNT will modify it before Mar 21.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I wish the ITTF would do it the old way, where they publish the excel file in which they keep a column of "last updated".

The new way sucks royally. It's hard to keep track of changes as they replace them completely instead of leaving them there but grayed/crossed out.

Anyway, always check the official JTTA site where they announce lineups/changes. They announced the official lineup on Jan 27, the day before German Open.

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Nov 2018

KNT: We're not sending Jeon Jihee but we're still gonna use her face for publicity :D
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
I wonder ... Will Hina Hayata be able to recover from injuries before the start of the games ....
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May 2019
Poor Jeon Jihee. KNT didn’t even apply her for any women double or mix double in German Open and Qatar Open. Looks like they don’t plan to select Jeon Jihee for Tokyo 2020 either. Not sure if those applications were decided by Yoo Nam Kyu or the new coach Chu Kyo Sung.

Looks like KNT is preparing to send Suh Hyowon, Choi Hyojoo and Shin Yubin for Tokyo 2020?

View attachment 20768

KNT: We're not sending Jeon Jihee but we're still gonna use her face for publicity :D
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
※ 2020 부산 세계탁구선수권대회 국가대표로 선발된 선수는 2020 도쿄 올림픽단체 세계 예선전 참가 국가대표 선수로 선발한다.
※ Athletes selected as the national team members of the 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championship will be selected as the national team members of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Group.
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Aug 2018
View attachment 20768

KNT: We're not sending Jeon Jihee but we're still gonna use her face for publicity :D
This is so weird. She’s a National Champion, also the highest ITTF ranked Korean woman, has been in Korea since age 16(2011), naturalized, qualifies for, and with Olympic and multiple WTTC experience, even knocked off Chen Meng in T2, but not chosen for the National team. Not even in the Opens.
Wasn’t there supposed to be a hearing regarding her dispute with the resigned coach end of January? What came of it?
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
It's (semi-)official. JJH's career is over. I'm coming for you, Austria! Just another 9 years.

뒷맛 씁쓸한 유남규, 가슴 쓸어내린 전지희

CBS노컷뉴스 임종률 기자
2020-02-13 06:00

韓 탁구 초유의 녹취 공방 사태 일단락

한국 여자 탁구 국가대표팀 감독과 선수 사이에 일어난 종목 초유의 녹취 공방 갈등이 일단락됐다. 이미 유남규 전 대표팀 감독(삼성생명)이 자진 사퇴한 가운데 귀화 선수 전지희(포스코에너지)가 견책 징계를 받았다.

대한탁구협회는 12일 오후 서울 송파구 방이동 올림픽파크텔에서 스포츠공정위원회(위원장 이장호 변호사)를 열어 국가대표 상비군 전지희에 대한 징계 심의를 진행했다. 그 결과 최종적으로 견책 징계를 내렸다.

협회는 "국가대표 선발 규정 제 6조(성실 의무 및 품위 유지)에 따르면 국가대표 선수는 국가를 대표하는 신분으로서 스스로의 품위를 떨어뜨리는 행위를 삼가하며 사회적 책임감과 도덕성을 유지하여야 한다"면서 "그러나 전지희가 국가대표 지도자와 대화를 녹취하는 행위는 선수와 지도자와의 신뢰도를 깨뜨리는 행위"라고 징계 배경을 설명했다.

전지희는 지난해 대표팀 훈련 중 독대한 유 감독의 발언 내용을 동의 없이 녹음했다. 이후 자신이 피해를 입었다며 녹취 내용의 일부를 협회에 제출하며 진정서를 냈다. 이에 유 감독은 지난해 11월 자진 사퇴 의사를 밝혔고, 12월 말 사표를 공식 제출해 지난달 수리됐다.

협회는 경기력향상위원회를 열어 둘 사이의 갈등에 대한 해결 방안을 찾았지만 결론을 내리지 못헸다. 협회는 "선수는 물론 지도자의 인권이 걸린 예민한 사안"이라면서 "대한체육회에 이 사안을 공정위를 통해 해결하는 방안을 건의했다"고 밝혔다.

결국 공정위는 전지희에 대해 가장 가벼운 징계인 견책을 결정했다. 당초 공정위는 전지희에 대해 6개월 선수 자격 정지 중징계를 검토했다. 6개월 징계면 전지희는 오는 7월 도쿄올림픽에 출전하지 못하게 된다.

하지만 논의 과정에서 징계 수위가 낮아졌다. 공정위는 "전지희가 우리나라 국적을 취득하고 2014년 인천아시안게임 동메달, 2017년 하계유니버시아드 금메달 등 그동안의 국위 선양에 이바지한 점과 유 감독에게 진정 어린 사과를 하고, 유 감독 역시 전지희에 대해 선처를 요청한 점 등을 고려해 징계를 감경했다"고 설명했다.

전지희는 공정위 하루 전인 11일 경기도 용인시에 위치한 유 감독의 소속팀 삼성생명 체육관을 찾았다. 소속팀 김형석 포스코에너지 감독도 동행했다. 이 자리에서 전지희는 "그동안 오해가 있었다"면서 "녹음을 한 부분에 대해 죄송하게 생각한다"며 유 감독에게 사과했다. 협회는 이같은 내용을 양 측으로부터 확인하고 공정위에 알렸다.

사태가 일단락됐지만 한국 여자 탁구의 현실에 대한 씁쓸한 뒷맛이 남는다. 전지희를 비롯한 일부 베테랑 선수들이 감독의 지도 방식에 반발해 전복을 시도했지만 오히려 '몰래 한 녹취'에 대한 여론의 역풍에 화들짝 놀라 고개를 숙인 모양새가 됐다.

전지희와 의견을 함께 한 선수들은 서효원(한국마사회), 양하은(포스코에너지) 등이다. 유 감독이 지난해 3월 부임하기 전까지 거의 붙박이로 태극마크를 달았던 선수들이다. 그러나 유 감독이 베테랑들에 대한 배려 없이 여자 대표팀 무한 경쟁을 선언하면서 이들의 불만이 커졌고, 결국 녹취 사태까지 이르게 됐다는 게 탁구계의 대체적인 시각이다. 실제로 전지희는 지난달 대표 선발전에서 탈락해 올림픽 최종 예선에 나서지 못했다.

유 감독은 "2008년 베이징올림픽 이후 여자 대표팀의 국제 경쟁력이 떨어졌다"면서 "그런데도 일부 선수들은 '나는 무조건 대표팀에서 뛴다'는 다소 안이한 태도를 보여 분위기를 바꾸려고 했다"고 밝혔다. 이어 "긍정적인 경쟁 구도가 생기면서 탁구 신동 신유빈(대한항공 입단 예정) 등 후배들도 국제대회에 나갈 수 있다는 자신감이 생겼다"고 자평했다.

물론 대표팀 선수들을 이끌어야 할 유 감독도 이번 사태의 책임에서 온전히 자유로울 수 없다. 유 감독의 발언에는 선수의 사기를 꺾거나 소속팀과 관련해 차별적인 내용도 포함된 것으로 알려졌다. 유 감독은 "선수를 끌고 가려면 당근과 채찍이 필요하다"면서 "더 훈련에 집중하게 만들기 위한 방식"이라고 항변했지만 어쨌든 전지희 등 선수들은 마음에 상처를 입었다.

공정위의 결정에 대해 일단 당사자들은 따른다는 입장이다. 그러나 완전히 감정을 털어낸 것은 아니다. 유 감독은 "그나마 명예를 회복한 것 같다"면서도 "그러나 이번 사태로 대표팀에서 빠진 것은 나밖에 없다"고 하소연했다. 이어 "대승적인 차원에서 전지희의 사과를 받고 선수 생명이 끝나는 것까진 원치 않았지만 공정위 하루 전에야 찾아온 걸 보면 진정성에 의심이 드는 것은 사실"이라면서 "그런 점에서 시원섭섭하다"고 입맛을 다셨다.

전지희 측은 견책 징계에 가슴을 쓸어내리면서 말을 아끼는 모양새다. 김형석 감독은 "유 감독이 대표팀 지휘봉을 놓은 것은 안타깝지만 다행히 늦게나마 오해가 풀렸다"면서 "전지희도 마음 고생을 많이 했지만 어쨌든 동의 없이 녹음을 한 것에 대해 반성하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

유 감독은 "이번 사태를 모든 탁구인들이 지켜보고 있는데 흐지부지 끝나면 앞으로 어떤 지도자가 선수들을 제대로 가르치겠는가"라고 반문하면서 "동의 없이 지도자의 발언을 녹음하는 데 대한 (징계 등) 강력한 제도적 장치가 마련돼야 할 것"이라고 강조했다. 공정위는 이날 "향후 이런 일이 다시는 재발하지 않도록 지도자와 선수 윤리 강령 등을 제정하는 것을 권고하기로 했다"고 밝혔다.

[email protected]
Aftertaste bitter Yoo Nam-kyu

CBS Nocut News Reporter
2020-02-13 06:00

End of recording studio situation of table tennis bee sting

The recording studio conflict between colleague and player of Korean women's table tennis national team was over. Former national team coach (Samsung Life) voluntarily resigned, and Jun Ji-hee, a naturalized player, was punished.

The Korea Table Tennis Association held a sports fair committee (Chairman Lee Jang-ho) at the Olympic Parktel in Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of December. As a result, reprimands were finally punished.

According to Article 6 of the National Team Selection Regulations (Maintaining Duty of Duty and Dignity), the National Team athletes must maintain their social responsibility and morality, refraining from degrading their dignity as a representative of the country. " But Jeon Ji-hee's act of recording conversations with the national team leader is to break the trust between the player and the leader. ”

Jeon Ji-hee recorded the remarks of Yoo Yoo's remarks during his training last year without his consent. Afterwards, he filed a complaint, submitting part of the recording to the association, saying that he was harmed. Director Yoo expressed his willingness to resign in November last year, and was resigned last month after officially submitting his resignation in late December.

The Association held a Committee on Improving Performance to find a solution to the conflict between the two, but failed to conclude. The association said, "It was a sensitive issue with the human rights of athletes as well as the leader." "We suggested to the Korean Sports Association to resolve this issue through the FTC."

In the end, the FTC decided to reprimand the lightest disciplinary charges against Jeon. Initially, the FTC reviewed Jeon Hee's six-month suspension. After six months of disciplinary action, Jun Ji-hee will not be able to attend the Tokyo Olympics in July.

However, the disciplinary level was lowered during the discussion. FTC said, "Jeon Ji-hee acquired Korean nationality and contributed to the advancement of the position, including the 2014 Incheon Asian Games Bronze Medal and the 2017 Summer Universiade Gold Medal. "We have reduced our discipline in consideration of our back."

Jeon Hee-hee visited Samsung Life Gymnasium of Yoo's team in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do on the 11th before the FTC. Kim Hyung-suk, manager of POSCO Energy, also accompanied. At this time, Jun Ji-hee apologized to Yu, saying, "I have been misunderstood." The Association confirmed this from both sides and informed the Fair.

The situation is over, but a bitter aftertaste of the reality of Korean women's table tennis remains. Some veteran players, including Jeon Ji-hee, attempted to overturn in response to the coach's coaching method, but they turned their heads in amazement at the backlash of public opinion about 'secret recording'.

Athletes who shared their opinions with Jeon Ji-hee are Seo Hyo-won (Korean Horse Racing Association) and Yang Ha-eun (POSCO Energy). Before Yoo's appointment in March last year, he was almost intimately attached to the Taegeuk mark. However, when Yu declared the women's national team competition without veterans' concern, their dissatisfaction arose and eventually recorded. In fact, Jeon Ji-hee was eliminated from the national team last month and failed to qualify for the Olympics.

Yoo said, "The women's national team's international competitiveness has fallen since the 2008 Beijing Olympics." Still, some players tried to change the atmosphere by showing a rather uneasy attitude that 'I'm playing on the national team.' "As a result of the positive competition, we have confidence that juniors such as table tennis Shin Dong-bin (to be joined by Korean Air) can go to the international competition."

Of course, Yoo, who must lead the national team, is not completely free from the responsibility of the situation. Yoo's remarks were said to include breaking the player's morale or discriminating against his team. Yoo argued, "You need a carrot and a whip to pull the player," he said. "It's a way to focus on training." But Jeon Ji-hee and other players were hurt.

The parties are in a position to follow the FTC's decision. But it's not entirely out of emotion. Yoo said, "I don't think I've recovered my honor." But "I'm the only one missing from the national team." "I didn't want to receive the apology from Jeon Hee and the end of the player's life on the big side, but when I came to see the day before the fair, I doubted the authenticity," he said.

Jeon Ji-hee is saving her words by sweeping her chest in retribution. Kim Hyung-seok said, "It's a pity that Yoo put the national team's baton off, but fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved late."

Yoo replied, "If all the table tennis players are watching this situation, and if it doesn't get too hard, what kind of leader will teach them properly?" I will do it. " The FTC said on the day that it would recommend enacting a code of ethics for leaders and players so that this will not happen again in the future.

[email protected]
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
전지희 “감독님께 죄송”…유남규 前감독 “사과 받아들였다”
뉴시스 입력 2020-02-12 18:13 수정 2020-02-12 18:13
지난해 말 녹취 사건으로 스포츠공정위원회 회부

훈련 중 갈등을 빚어 스포츠공정위원회에 회부된 여자탁구 에이스 전지희(포스코에너지)와 유남규 전 여자대표팀 감독이 허심탄회한 대화를 통해 오해를 풀었다.

유 감독은 12일 송파구 방이동 서울올림픽파크텔에서 열린 3차 대한탁구협회 스포츠공정위원회 출석에 앞서 취재진과 만나 “전날 전지희가 사과를 하러와 감독으로서 이를 받아들였다”고 전했다.

유 감독과 전지희의 갈등이 수면 위로 떠오른 것은 지난해 말이었다. 전지희는 당시 여자대표팀 지휘봉을 잡고 있던 유 감독의 지시 내용을 허락없이 녹취했고, 부당하다고 느낀 듯 파일을 대한탁구협회에 제출했다.

유 감독은 전지희가 자신의 스타일에 불만을 품고 이같은 일을 벌였다는 소식을 접한 뒤 사직서를 내고 대표팀을 떠났다. 전지희도 세계선수권 대표 선발전에서 탈락하면서 태극마크를 반납해야했다.

전지희는 소속팀 포스코에너지 김형석 감독과 함께 유 감독이 선수들을 지도하는 삼성생명 탁구단을 찾아 최근 사태에 대해 사과했다. 전지희와 유 감독은 2시간 가량 대화를 통해 앙금들을 일정 부분 걷어냈다.

전지희는 “내가 오해한 부분들이 있는 것 같다. 어제 유 감독님께 사과드렸다”면서 “불만이 있었다기보다는 내가 좀 많이 불안하고 혼란스러웠다”고 털어놨다.

유 감독은 “전지희가 ‘감독님이 그만두는 것은 원하지 않았다’고 하더라. 사과는 받겠지만 세계대회와 올림픽을 잘해보려고 했는데 진짜 마음이 아프다고 했다. 전지희도 그 부분에 대해 죄송하다고 했다”고 소개했다.

유 감독은 또 “개인적으로 두 번 전지희와 면담을 했다. 두 번만 했기에 기억이 다 난다. 크게 뭐라고 했던 것이 없었는데 왜 그랬는지 궁금하다”면서 “정신을 차리고나니 대표팀 감독직을 빨리 사임한 것 같다”고 보탰다.

녹취 내용을 들었다던 대한탁구협회 관계자는 “생각에 따라 발언을 문제 삼을 수도 있겠지만 성추행이나 폭언은 전혀 없었다”고 전했다.

유 감독도 현실에 안주하는 선수들의 정신력을 끌어올리기 위해 여러차례 이야기를 나눈 적은 있지만 이 과정에서 폭력적인 행위는 일체 하지 않았다고 강조했다.

“그동안 남자대표팀을 오랜 기간하면서 여자대표팀이 성적을 못 내는 이유를 잘 알고 있었다”는 유 감독은 “선수들의 ‘내가 아니면 안 된다’는 인식을 깨주겠다는 생각이 가장 컸다”고 소개했다. “지도 방법이 감독들마다 조금씩 다르다. 나는 현장에서는 호랑이 선생님 스타일이지만 밖에서는 아버지처럼 진짜 편안하게 지낸다”면서 “자극도 주고 혼을 내고 격려도 하고 다독거렸다”고 덧붙였다.

한편 전지희와 동행한 김 감독은 “(세계랭킹이 높은) 전지희가 무한경쟁을 반발해서 그랬다는 이야기들이 있는데 그것은 절대 아니다. 전지희는 세계선수권 선발전 탈락도 모두 받아들이고 있다. 오해를 반드시 바로잡고 싶다”고 말했다.

유 감독은 전지희는 스포츠공정위원회에 따로 출석해 그동안 벌어졌던 과정들을 상세히 소명했다.

스포츠공정위원회는 두 사람의 발언과 전지희가 제출한 녹취 파일 등을 종합해 징계 여부와 수위를 결정할 계획이다.

Jun Ji-hee “Sorry for the Director”… Former Director Yu Nam-kyu “Accepted Apple”
Newsis input 2020-02-12 18:13 edit 2020-02-12 18:13

Referred to by the Sports Fair Commission as a recording case at the end of last year

The misunderstanding was resolved through a confusing conversation between the women's table tennis Ace Jeon-hee (POSCO ENERGY) and former director Nam Yu-kyu, who had been referred to the Sports Fair Committee due to a conflict during the training.

Yoo met with reporters before attending the 3rd Korea Table Tennis Association Sports Fair Committee at the Seoul Olympic Parktel in Bangi-dong, Bangpa-dong, Songpa-gu on the 12th.

It was late last year that Yoo and Jeon Ji-hee's conflict surfaced. Jeon Ji-hee recorded the instructions of Yoo, who was holding the women's national team baton, without permission, and submitted the file to the Korea Table Tennis Association as if he felt unfair.

Yoo left the national team after resigning after receiving news that Jeon Ji-hee was dissatisfied with his style. Jeon Ji-hee also had to return the Taegeuk Mark as he was eliminated from the World Championships.

Jeon Hee-hee apologized for the recent situation with his team manager POSCO ENERGY Kim Hyung-suk, who visited Samsung Life Ping Pong with coaches. Jeon Ji-hee and Yoo took some sediments through a two-hour conversation.

Jun Ji-hee said, “I seem to have some misunderstandings. Yesterday, I apologized to Yoo, ”he said.“ I was a little anxious and confused rather than complained. ”

Yoo said, “Jeon Ji-hee said, 'I didn't want the director to quit.' I apologize, but I tried to do well in the world competition and the Olympics, but it hurts me. Jeon Ji-hee said that she was sorry for that. ”

Yoo also said, “I personally interviewed Jeon Ji-hee twice. I only remember it twice. I didn't say anything so much, but I wonder why it was. ”“ I felt like I quickly resigned as the national team coach. ”

An official of the Korea Table Tennis Association, who heard the recording, said, "You may have a problem in speaking, but there was no sexual harassment or verbal abuse at all."

Yoo also talked several times to raise the mentality of athletes who settle for reality, but emphasized that he did not commit any violent acts in the process.

“I have been aware of the reasons why the women's team is not performing well for a long time with the men's team,” said Yoo. “The biggest thought was to realize the players' perception that they had to be me.” “The coaching method is a little different for different directors. "I'm a tiger teacher in the field, but I'm really comfortable outside like a father."

On the other hand, Kim, who accompanied Jeon Ji-hee, said, “There are stories that Jeon-hee (the world's highest ranking) did it because he resisted infinite competition. Jeon Ji-hee is also accepting the elimination of the World Championships. I want to correct the misunderstanding. ”

Director Yoo Jun Ji-hee attended the Sports Fair Committee and clarified the processes that took place.

The Sports Fair Commission plans to combine disciplinary statements and recording files submitted by Jeon Ji-hee to determine whether or not to discipline.

[Seoul = Newsys]
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
韩国釜山新型肺炎疫情爆发 世乒赛恐将被迫延期


  据《SPOTV NEWS》和《MK经济新闻》等韩国媒体报道说,原本预定在3月22日-29日于釜山进行的世乒赛很可能会被延期举办。

  《SPOTV NEWS》说:3天前,韩国韩国乒协主席柳承敏和国际乒联首席执行官史蒂夫·丹顿召开发布会,表示世乒赛会正常举办,但是现在已经呈现了极大的变数。当时釜山只有2例新型肺炎确诊,但是当下已经出现了19人的确证病例,需要隔离的人群状况不明。



Outbreak of new pneumonia in Busan, South Korea
World Table Tennis Championships may be forced to postpone

On the afternoon of February 24th, a number of sports associations in South Korea met to postpone adjustments to future events or play without spectators.

According to Korean media such as "SPOTV NEWS" and "MK Economic News", the World Table Tennis Championships originally scheduled for March 22-29 in Busan are likely to be postponed.

"SPOTV NEWS" said: 3 days ago, Liu Chengmin, chairman of the Korea Table Tennis Association, and Steve Denton, CEO of the ITTF, held a press conference, saying that the World Table Tennis Championships will be held normally, but now it has shown great variable. At that time, there were only two confirmed cases of pneumonia in Busan, but 19 confirmed cases have appeared, and the status of the population to be isolated is unknown.

ITTF CEO Denton once said on the 21st: "Although the desire for normal competition is strong, other conditions must be considered when the situation deteriorates sharply." It is said that 83 countries originally registered for the competition More than half of the associations have said they will withdraw from the World Table Tennis Championships or will not be able to play in Korea because of the government's travel ban. ITTF believes that players must not be allowed to compete in fear and uneasiness.

"MK Economic News" reported in the afternoon: "At the press conference on the 21st, the organizing committee stated that it would continue the game as usual. However, the situation has deteriorated sharply on the afternoon of the 24th. At present, 38 people have been diagnosed in Busan, and the city government designated With the Asia-Pacific Sanatorium as an isolation hospital, isolation and treatment of confirmed patients ... The extension of the World Table Tennis Championships seems inevitable. "

At present, the K-League, Handball League, Basketball League, Tennis Tournament, etc. have been postponed or suspended. (Zhou Chao)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
ITTF: We have to postpone the postponement. :rolleyes:

韩国新冠肺炎疫情严峻 釜山团体世乒赛延期举办




  1、 延期举办原定于3月22日-29日进行的团体世乒赛;

  2、 暂定延迟至6月21日-28日举行该赛事;同时,在接下来几周密切关注疫情局势;




South Korea's coronavirus epidemic is severe
Busan Team World Table Tennis Championship postponed

In view of the severe situation of the new domestic coronavirus epidemic in Korea, due to the safety and health considerations of players, staff and fans, the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) has decided to postpone the event originally scheduled for March 22-29 Asiana Bank 2020 World Table Tennis Team Championship in Busan, South Korea.

On Friday, the ITTF was informed of the presence of confirmed patients with a new type of coronavirus in Busan, the venue of the event. Subsequently, ITTF senior management held an emergency meeting with the Korean Table Tennis Association and representatives of Busan to discuss the situation of the Asian World Bank 2020 Team World Table Tennis Championships.

The meeting made the following decisions, which have been approved by the ITTF Executive Committee and the parties in Busan:

1. The postponement of the group World Table Tennis Championships originally scheduled to be held from March 22nd to 29th;

2. The event is tentatively postponed until June 21-28, and at the same time, pay close attention to the epidemic situation in the next few weeks;

In view of the uncertainty and variability of the current domestic epidemic situation in Korea, the ITTF makes a decision to postpone the event from the perspective of ensuring the health and safety of players, staff and fans.

The postponed group World Table Tennis Championship schedule collided with the Korean Open and the Australian Open. Currently, the ITTF is discussing the rescheduling with the organizing committees of the two events.

The International Table Tennis Federation sincerely thanks the Busan Local Organizing Committee and the Korean Table Tennis Association led by Liu Chengmin for their outstanding professionalism in responding to this unexpected situation. The ITTF will continue to cooperate with all parties in Busan and is confident of delivering a grand World Table Tennis Championship in June.

The ITTF will provide further information when more information is available.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018






1. 延期举办原定于3月22日-29日进行的团体世乒赛;

2. 暂定延迟至6月21日-28日举行该赛事;同时,在接下来几周密切关注疫情局势;





Same as the one on Sina.
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