DHS Hurricane 8 Soft advice

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I would like to know if anyone has any experience with the hurricane 8 soft, I would like to buy sheet but there's not even one review about it.
DHS site states about the hurricane 8 rubbers that the hardest one is for power and the softest one is for spin. Would it be good without boosters?
I'm gonna glue it down to Nittaku Septear lead, all-wood blade with hinoki outer layers.

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Dec 2019
Zašto bi htio H8 soft? Koliko sam ja razumio na nekim od recenzija mekana spuzva i ljepljiva površina gume ne idu dobro zajedno.
Ovo je rasprava u kojoj UpSideDownCarl objašnjava zašto ne preporučuje mekanu spužvu na ljepljivu gumu. Ne govori specifično o H8 soft nego genaralno. Iako je dosta star post vjerujem da je tako i s plastičnom lopticom.
Ne vidim razlog zašto bi htio ovu gumu kad recimo H3 i slične gume mogu također stvoriti velike količine spina, a nisu brze. Također vjerujem da postoje i ESN gume koje nisu prebrze, a mogu stvoriti puno spina. Za njih možeš naći puno više recenzija, ali odabir je tvoj, sve je do osobnog mišljenja i ukusa. Nadam se da sam pomogao.
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Nikad nisam mislio da bude jos nasih na ovoj stranici, ali hvala na na odgovoru.
Više volim mekše gume jer moja igra se bazira na osjecaju, bloku i rotaciji, nikada nisam brzo napadao. Oduvijek sam htio isprobati kineske gume pa sam rekao zašto ne?

Read the post from UpSideDownCarl, nice post and explanation
To summerize, Marko said that a sticky rubber and soft sponge don't go together because of the characteristics.

I asked about this rubber because i'm looking for a full spin oriented rubber (got more of a brushing technique) so I thought that the soft chinese rubber would be the answer for ultimate spin.
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Dec 2019
Nikad nisam mislio da bude jos nasih na ovoj stranici, ali hvala na na odgovoru.
Više volim mekše gume jer moja igra se bazira na osjecaju, bloku i rotaciji, nikada nisam brzo napadao. Oduvijek sam htio isprobati kineske gume pa sam rekao zašto ne?

Read the post from UpSideDownCarl, nice post and explanation
To summerize, Marko said that a sticky rubber and soft sponge don't go together because of the characteristics.

I asked about this rubber because i'm looking for a full spin oriented rubber (got more of a brushing technique) so I thought that the soft chinese rubber would be the answer for ultimate spin.

Ima nas još :)
A što se tiče H8 soft ako baš želiš probati to ti je dosta veliko kockanje jer nema recenzija na nju. Ako već voliš mekane gume jesi li ikada probao neke ESN kao tibhar Fx-p, Fx-s, El-p itd. ili rasanter 42,... Te mi prve padaju na um kada se sjetim mekanih guma. To bi moglo biti ono što tražiš.

Explanation for everyone who doesn't understand croatian: Ivke said he wants to try H8 soft because he's game is based on feeling, block and spin and he likes soft rubbers and he doesn't attack quickly.
I said that buying H8 soft is a gamble because the lack of info and that he could try some soft ESN rubbers like Fx-p, Fx-s, El-p, R42,...
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Ima nas još :)
A što se tiče H8 soft ako baš želiš probati to ti je dosta veliko kockanje jer nema recenzija na nju. Ako već voliš mekane gume jesi li ikada probao neke ESN kao tibhar Fx-p, Fx-s, El-p itd. ili rasanter 42,... Te mi prve padaju na um kada se sjetim mekanih guma. To bi moglo biti ono što tražiš.

Explanation for everyone who doesn't understand croatian: Ivke said he wants to try H8 soft because he's game is based on feeling, block and spin and he likes soft rubbers and he doesn't attack quickly.
I said that buying H8 soft is a gamble because the lack of info and that he could try some soft ESN rubbers like Fx-p, Fx-s, El-p, R42,...

Ajde super ima nas, hvala bogu
A ništa onda, dobio sam ju od kluba tako da naljepiti cu ju pa budem napisao recenziju kakva je guma i isplati li se uzeti.

Mekane gume koje sam sprobao su xiom vega europe i tenergy 05 fx, ali to je bilo valjda prije 4-5 godina od onda mi se stil promjenio jako, pogledat cu mozda da si nabavim andro powergrip sfx ili neku mekanu omegu 7.

I will get the rubber from my club to try so I will write a review for anyone wanting to try and play with this rubber.

I'll try to find a new soft rubber, like a powergrip sfx or a soft omega 7 rubber, but till then I got my trusty aurus prime with me.
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Dec 2019
Ajde super ima nas, hvala bogu
A ništa onda, dobio sam ju od kluba tako da naljepiti cu ju pa budem napisao recenziju kakva je guma i isplati li se uzeti.

Mekane gume koje sam sprobao su xiom vega europe i tenergy 05 fx, ali to je bilo valjda prije 4-5 godina od onda mi se stil promjenio jako, pogledat cu mozda da si nabavim andro powergrip sfx ili neku mekanu omegu 7.

I will get the rubber from my club to try so I will write a review for anyone wanting to try and play with this rubber.

I'll try to find a new soft rubber, like a powergrip sfx or a soft omega 7 rubber, but till then I got my trusty aurus prime with me.

Nadam se da će valjati, sve najbolje :)
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New Member
Mar 2020
To summerize, Marko said that a sticky rubber and soft sponge don't go together because of the characteristics.

I've read elsewhere that Hurricane 8 Mid is 39 degrees and Hurricane 8 Hard is 40 degrees, so it's possible that Hurricane 8 Soft is just 38 degrees - which is only soft compared to the other 2 H8 versions but still hard enough to go well with a sticky topsheet.
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I've read elsewhere that Hurricane 8 Mid is 39 degrees and Hurricane 8 Hard is 40 degrees, so it's possible that Hurricane 8 Soft is just 38 degrees - which is only soft compared to the other 2 H8 versions but still hard enough to go well with a sticky topsheet.

Yeah 2-3 days ago I made a review for the rubber, can't post links but it should be on the equipment forum, it's fairly new.