Strategy for dealing with Harimoto's screaming

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Ask @ttmonster and @Giangt … They will tell you a certain California TT club had an older doubles pair many times more severe than Harimoto..

ttmonster will tell you the way to stop their noise is to win points, lot of points... in a decisive manner... and win games and the match.

An old thread comments pertinent to the screaming...

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I propose the following tactic: grow a pair of balls and stop complaining about it.

If I were playing him I'd worry about my game, and since I'm not a lame complainer like most of the people who are still re-hashing this topic after 3 years, I'd be able to tune it out and do my thing. Seems like that tactic has worked for most of the players who have played against him thus far.

Calm down there, mr. captain of harimoto’s fan club. Not a lame complainer my ass, you’ve just never played someone who screams like a little bitch every chance they get. Just because there are some players who can beat him when he screams doesn’t mean there aren’t players who can beat him when he doesn’t scream.

maybe grow a pair yourself and stop whining.
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Calm down there, mr. captain of harimoto’s fan club. Not a lame complainer my ass, you’ve just never played someone who screams like a little bitch every chance they get. Just because there are some players who can beat him when he screams doesn’t mean there aren’t players who can beat him when he doesn’t scream.

maybe grow a pair yourself and stop whining.

I'd be willing to bet a large amount of money that I've played way more table tennis than you and I've played way more meaningful matches - and surely I've played a large amount of kids who cho a lot. You are literally proving my point with this post. You are so mentally weak and insecure that you lose control based on another person's actions. I don't. Am I, or you, the person who created a thread beating a dead horse, full of lame jokes about some Japanese kid who celebrates loudly after winning points in a table tennis match?
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Unlike the people who defend his childish squeaking and get to play with him every other friday :)

I'll translate piligrim's post since you missed the point. The only people getting upset over cho'ing are mentally weak, bad players who are upset that they lost to the loud 900-rated kid at their club on a Wednesday league night. Not any serious or professional players who accepted that is part of the sport or have bigger priorities in their table tennis game than someone else's celebration.
Its funny that people who complain on his screaming never will get chance to play against him.

same logic can be applied to boosting/speed gluing?

Both are not in the same category. Please specify the ITTF rule against chooing and please do not quote me the non-sportsmanship like conduct rule.
says regularly shitposting
says regularly shitposting
Jul 2019
I'll translate piligrim's post since you missed the point. The only people getting upset over cho'ing are mentally weak, bad players who are upset that they lost to the loud 900-rated kid at their club on a Wednesday league night. Not any serious or professional players who accepted that is part of the sport or have bigger priorities in their table tennis game than someone else's celebration.

You ok there buddy ? You sure seem upset over someone else not sharing your opinion. Also that translation is some serious mental gymnastics, maybe you should stop playing table tennis and go into politics with all that bullshit you have for sale.
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Mar 2019
You ok there buddy ? You sure seem upset over someone else not sharing your opinion. Also that translation is some serious mental gymnastics, maybe you should stop playing table tennis and go into politics with all that bullshit you have for sale.

The translation is pretty obviously what piligrim was implying, learn to read through the lines.

No problem with you stating that you are annoyed by his cho'ing. Just simply stating a few facts - pro players are largely not bothered by it since it is low on their priority list of things to worry about. And for the people watching on YouTube, use the mute button or don't watch his matches if its really so intolerable. What is so complicated about that? Oh, but then how will you get your "no greater pleasure in life" than seeing him lose? LOL.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Anyone who has seen harimoto the last two years in matches can see Harimoto has a very well defined reason, time, and manner he does his screaming.

Anyone with any level of experience and judgment can see respects opponent by promptly holding hand up on points won by not edge (and not cho) and turns his back to other side to do his scream.

If Der_Echte faced a player who does that, I wouldn't like the times I lose a point, but I would know what as going on and why.

The players who scream and really rub me raw are those who do the craziness at the "wrong" times, such as after a an obvious error, or a net, or an edge, or something that surely involved pure chance. When I play someone who rolls like that, it is all bets off no-holds barred when they go there. There is only ONE joy in TT that is more satisfying than winning points vs an obnoxious wrong-time choer…

The single most thing that is even more satisfying is serving to someone who uses LONG PIPS, receives the serves with long pips, and watching that player not even able to make the ball to the net on my serve.

There is absolutely NOTHING that exceeds that in my personal enjoyment of table tennis, except for causing trouble in different places, nothing exceeds that. And we know my brand of trouble is involving people in the TT action to enjoy themselves and have fun on and off the table.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Here is a possible scenario in a "Sanctioned" USA tourney. This applies to the CHOing, Illegal Serves, complaining about lighting not to USATT tourney guide specs... and whatever.

Player One: Lands Powerloop for a winner. Turns to stands and yells CHO!!!! Cho. Turns back to table to be ready for next point.

Player Two: Gave easy ball to opponent, who lands power loop, turns to stands and CHoooo loudly. Player One does not like it, informs player Two it is unsportsman-like conduct... runs off to find tourney referee (who is also running the tourney)

Tourney Referee: I see you are hyperventilating over something, is there a medical emergency? Did a elected politician say something to offend you recently?

Player Two: My opponent says CHO!! loudly after some points !!! It is really affecting me and I think it is unsportsman-like. I would like you to stop him from doing that !!

Referee: I see, we, I can send the only available umpire to your court... but he is busy umpiring a finals match right now... and I have to operate the control desk. it looks like it will take another 30 minutes before I can send you an umpire. Can you settle it between yourselves?

Player Two: I would like an umpire, but cannot wait 30 minutes, I will try to work it out with opponent, but I thin I will need umpire.

Referee: Good! Give it a shot and come back if it doesn't work out.

Player Two: Goes back to court and kindly asks Player One to not loudly yell CHO! after a point.

Player One: I think I am going to cho a little louder each point and praise the elected politician that you do not like. how do you like that?

Player Two: (Gets into a deeper hussy fit) You BETTER NOT do that !!! Play Ball

Player One: Returns serve short, Player Two pushes long, player one power loops ball for a winner, turns to stands, CHOOOOO !!! (Twice) and says free Table Tennis rubbers for kids is a great idea.

Player Two: ARRRRGGGHHHH !!!! Goes to control desk to visit referee.

Referee: I see you are back, I take it that you couldn't work it out, eh?

Player Two: NO, my opponent is being even more unsportsman-like and is rubbing it in by babbling political nonsense after the point. Icannot stand the idea of free rubbers for kids!!! Make the man shut up already!!!

Referee: Uhm… I still have to run the control desk... and I see the court requiring my only umpire looks like it will take another extra 15 minutes... You sure you cannot cope alone?

Player Two: I DEMAND that you intervene and report player two's conduct!!!

Referee: I see, but if you cannot work it out and play the match, you may have to forfeit.

Player Two: What!!! and give up a chance to win 150 ratings points!!! That is not fair !!!

Referee: Look, I have a mob of 20 kids I need to deal with, either play the match or forfeit.

Player Two: Goes back to court to finish match, opponent chos way to win.


Unless the match is one of the 3% of matches with a real umpire... good luck on anything, cheating or just irritating behavior.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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I had a sanctioned tourney where it was game 4 and I finally noticed I still couldn't read opponent's serves, because he kept hiding contact with arm. I went to the Tourney Director (was the famous HeavySpin from MyTT) I was lucky he said an umpire available, and I got one.

A few points later, umpire awarded me a point directly on opponent's serve. We were both surprised, often, there is first a warning. I even mentioned that, but umpire identified self as REFEREE, and those things are at discretion of referee, I couldn't argue that!

I ended losing match, umpire didn't call all the illegal serves, opponent was just to ingrained serving that way.

I still shook opponent's hand and the umpire/referee's hand and took my loss. I commented to the player and his wife exactly how I felt - That he served illegally all the time, that it affected my ability to read serve, that it was illegal, that he should learn to serve legally for sanctioned tourneys, that I complained, got my umpire, and still lost, and that opponent deserved to win - I got my fair chance and still lost.

I said all that to opponent and let it go. I got my umpire, I got my chance and I lost. Period, no matter what I felt about umpire's calls.

My friends who accompanied me and supported me, got into it with the wife of the winner, who wasn't too shy about mixing it up. My friends got lippy as well and it was ON. All I could do was say again that I lost.

I even went to HeavySpin, thanked him for the opportunity, expressed my opinion, and admitted I still lost and opponent won, well done everyone.

Weird, as up to that point and maybe a little afterwards, I wasn't know for being to accepting a loss and not whining about it so much after a loss where I thought other stuff was in play.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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JustANoob said:
So what the chinese do. But "just win" is not really a tactic, not like anyone is playing to "not win" anyway.

I said enough of what I said, we simply do not agree, and that is fine.

By the way, I see your country flag as Bulgaria. In a totally different topic, BUTTERMILK in USA, the ones who make buttermilk mostly suck at making buttermilk. I mean it is buttermilk, but it isn't anything special.

Now the ones who make the buttermilk using the BULGARIAN CULTURE, even the inexpensive companies, that Bulgarian Cultured Buttermilk is simply the BEST. Awesome tasting biscuits and pancakes and waffles and just drink it straight tastes so damned good.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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I'd be willing to bet a large amount of money that I've played way more table tennis than you and I've played way more meaningful matches - and surely I've played a large amount of kids who cho a lot. You are literally proving my point with this post. You are so mentally weak and insecure that you lose control based on another person's actions. I don't. Am I, or you, the person who created a thread beating a dead horse, full of lame jokes about some Japanese kid who celebrates loudly after winning points in a table tennis match?


I will take you up on your bet and wager TWO ENTIRE BOXES of Cheeze-its... I am betting on your side. What odds are we giving?

Let's see match records afterwards to back it all up.

Serious though, anyone who has played even a little has enough experience to form opinions and discuss them. I would agree the ones with more experience carry more weight in these discussions though.
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I will take you up on your bet and wager TWO ENTIRE BOXES of Cheeze-its... I am betting on your side. What odds are we giving?

Let's see match records afterwards to back it all up.

Serious though, anyone who has played even a little has enough experience to form opinions and discuss them. I would agree the ones with more experience carry more weight in these discussions though.

Again, I am not trying to invalidate anyone's opinion. I am simply saying that serious players don't generally get worked up about this stuff, much less matches that they DIDN'T PLAY IN and watched on YouTube.

That is why the only people who really care about this are YouTube commenters, especially at this point 3 years after Harimoto has broken onto the world stage.

Therefore, when I answered the thread topic for what I would do if I played Harimoto, I was speaking from a more serious player's perspectives. No doubt fais and JustANoob, who apparently has no greater pleasure in life than watching Tomokazu Harimoto lose a table tennis match, would try to use some petty and useless revenge tactic that they think would somehow give them an edge - and have applied this poor understanding of the mental game of pro players to conclude that that is what the CNT does.
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