Can't find an answer to a question about a TT serving rule

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Hi, please help me to answer a question about one of the serving rules, I cannot find the answer, neither by googling it nor in the ITTF handbook.
Let's say during the service I toss the ball upwards and miss it completely - the ball drops on the floor untouched by the bat. Is this a fault and I lose a point or is it a let?
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
A fault, and it’s described in the ITTF. Paraphrasing, a point is awarded once the ball is in play unless a let occurs. The ball is in play once the serve commences, i.e. once tossed.

In amateur play it’s not uncommon to grant a let if the server makes no serve motion but catches the ball instead (or attempts to). This might happen when a high toss was off.
says Aging is a killer
A fault, and it’s described in the ITTF. Paraphrasing, a point is awarded once the ball is in play unless a let occurs. The ball is in play once the serve commences, i.e. once tossed.

In amateur play it’s not uncommon to grant a let if the server makes no serve motion but catches the ball instead (or attempts to). This might happen when a high toss was off.

Not really a fault. It's simply a point to the opponent. You won't hear an umpire call "fault!"
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
Having a moment, and something other than a bloody mobile phone at hand, I looked it up. It's in the ITTF Handbook ( on page 26:

2.5.1 A rally is the period during which the ball is in play.
2.5.2 The ball is in play from the last moment at which it is stationary on the palm of
the free hand before being intentionally projected in service until the rally is
decided as a let or a point.
2.5.3 A let is a rally of which the result is not scored.
2.5.4 A point is a rally of which the result is scored.
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Apr 2020
In amateur play it’s not uncommon to grant a let if the server makes no serve motion but catches the ball instead (or attempts to). This might happen when a high toss was off.

I suppose all sorts of things happen in amateur play but I would say that even at local league level lets are only rarely (and mistakenly) given in this scenario. Especially if it was an unsuccessful high toss.
Everybody, thanks so much. The keywords seem to be "being intentionally projected in service", I'll need to quote the rule to my TT friends ;)

You forgot the word "before". It is important not to leave that out.
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This user has no status.
Feb 2017
Good answers!

Be aware of "intentionally". If the ball just "rolls off the hand", it never was in play.

Be aware of "let". It might happen that something happens after the ball has been projected in a service, that might cause a let. Maybe a disturbance, a ball coming in from another table, receiver not ready etc.
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