Tokyo 2020 | 2020/7/24-8/9

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Jan 2020
Where are the young Europeans? Maybe Anton Kallberg and Darko Jorgic some day?
But where are the spinny complex Europeans? Still Boll and Dima? Even up-and-down Liam Pitchford is getting a little too mature…
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Remember when Dima was the GOAT of about 2 months era? Back when the new rankings made him world number 1.

This era thing is absolutely silly. I would maybe entertain a thought of 2 eras: before and after the sponge. But between JOW's time and now not nearly enough has changed for us not to compare them all. The biggest deal was obviously the 38-40 transition but it didn't change the game dramatically, as clearly demonstrated by multiple players who managed to retain top status through the change (including Waldner himself). Some people, like Boll and Vladi, survived not one but TWO ball changes and were world class with any ball. That's enough proof to me that there was no real shift in the paradigm.

So yeah, Ma Long it is, by a landslide. Waldner had his chances, Wang Hao had his (3 finals!!), Zhang Jike had his, yet not one of them did it and Ma Long did.
ML must be silly, then. He used "this era" in the interview with CCTV after the end of the MS final at Rio 2016.
I feel that in this era, being able to be on par with Jike makes me really proud.

After winning WTTC 2017, he said the following when he was technically the most decorated already.
After the match, Ma Long also thanked his good brother Zhang Jike. He said: "At the same time, I'd also like to thank Jike, because Jike has always been my goal and my role model. I looked up at him before, but now I can be shoulder to shoulder with him."

So how bad did ZJK hurt him at World Cup 2014?
Ma Long’s close friend Cui Qinglei[TL's note: ex-CNT member] recalled that around World Cup 2014, Ma Long talked to him several times, feeling that he was too far away from Zhang Jike and "can't reach him." After losing to Zhang Jike, Ma Long developed a strong sense of loss and self-doubt. His former passion became torment, and he felt that "playing table tennis is excruciating."
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

No players in any sports are competing for the GOAT name. It is the fans of the sports want to do it. It is a simple concept and if you don't understand it then don't participate in the discussion. Simple, huh?

I feel obligated to spend some of my precious time to address an elderly.

I can't thank you enough for pointing that "WANT" out. Just to remind you, in the 3 GOAT threads that I participated, 2 in 2017 and 1 in 2019, the 3 different OPs clearly presented the question "what do you think?"

I couldn't care less what you or the fans WANT. Do you see me in the other GOAT thread?

Quoting the whole thing for completeness sake.

blahness said:
Ma Long is now officially in the GOAT club alongside Waldner and Zhang Jike, with 2 WTTC's, 1 OG and 2 World Cups. Arguably, Ma Long is more qualified to be the GOAT among the 3 as he has won more Pro Tour Grand Finals (the next big event), Pro Tour events and has also won the ultra difficult Chinese National Games, Asian Championships and Asian Games.

What do you guys think? Our hero (for many years) has finally made it!
The west disses Hiroji Satoh in spite of his pivotal role in the transformation of the sport into its modern form, yet other people do not think of him as one the greatest because he didn't achieve anything else. The keyword here is THINK.

Which is what the OP asked about? What do you THINK? Not what do you WANT?

lokicha said:
is he better than malong , fan zhendong!

I think Chinese now a days and much faster than 10 year back they were but still waldner is considered as greatest ever...

Read out below article:

Share your thinking....
Not another thread...

Where were these threads for ZJK when he overtook Waldner in the 3 majors in 2014.

As stated in the other thread, Ma Long is the most decorated PERIOD

Great? Yes. Greatest of All Time? Not quite. Why, you ask?

So long as people don't/can't eliminate personal bias in their less than objective views, there is absolutely no point in debating over this shit. As I stated in the other thread, "what do you think?" does not mean "what do you want?"
I am still not convinced ZJK is "the greatest of all time". He may be arguably "the greatest Chinese player of all time". However, no matter how many titles he wins, he is still a product of the Chinese TT system/machine, not comparable to JO.
I am really happy for him. I think he is better than ZJ K, and if he could get another world championship or Olympic champ, he will be alone by himself.

Ma long stopped and now he's back playing like 80% of his game, and still he managed to win the WTTC without dropping 2 sets for anyone. I started to check table tennis in 2014, but of all i see of Waldner and other playes, for me Ma long is the GOAT. What do you guys think

I also made a compilation for theses last tournments it's called :[h=1]Return of the dragon - Table Tennis [/h]
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Courtesy of Google Translate.
한국 여자탁구는 2008년 베이징 올림픽에서 단체전 동메달을 딴 뒤 3대회 연속 빈 손으로 끝냈다. 가장 메달 가능성이 높다는 평가를 받는 단체전에서도 메달을 수확하지 못해 아쉬움을 자아냈다.

첫 올림픽 도전이었던 신유빈은 공동취재구역 취재진 앞에서 "내가 이겼어야 했는데 못 잡았다"며 "언니들이 다 잡아 준 경기를 내가 마무리 하지 못했다"며 눈물을 흘렸다.

자신을 뒷바라지 해온 아버지 신수현 씨가 언급되자 "아버지의 응원이 늘 고마웠다. 그렇게 도와주셨는데 성적으로 보답했다면 좋았을 텐데"라고 털어놨다.

대표팀 맏언니 전지희도 눈물을 숨기지 못했다. 그는 첫 올림픽이었던 2016년 리우에서도 4강을 앞두고 좌절했기 때문이다.

전지희는 "준결승에 가서 메달을 따고 싶었다. 또 다시 비슷한 상황으로 같은 감정을 느끼게 됐다"며 아쉬움을 전했다.
After winning the bronze medal in the team event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Korean women's table tennis finished empty-handed for three consecutive tournaments. Even in the team event, which is considered to have the highest chance of medals, it was disappointing that the medals could not be harvested.

Shin Yu-bin, her first Olympic challenge, shed tears in front of reporters in her joint coverage area, saying, "I should have won, but I didn't."

When her father, Soo-hyeon Shin, who had supported her, was mentioned, she confessed, "I was always grateful for her father's support.

Jeon Ji-hee, the oldest sister of her national team, could not hide her tears. That's because he was also frustrated ahead of the semifinals in Rio 2016, which was her first Olympics.

Jeon Ji-hee said, "I wanted to go to the semifinals and win a medal. I felt the same emotions again in a similar situation."
한편 신유빈은 이번 올림픽에서 여자 단식 3라운드까지 진출했지만 홍콩에 패해 탈락했고, 단체전에도 출전해 8강에서 독일에 패했다. 이후 지난 5일 인천국제공항을 통해 귀국한 신유빈은 “큰 무대에서 내가 급해지면 (앞서고 있더라도) 언제든 분위기가 바뀔 수 있다고 느꼈다”면서 “여유를 갖는 게 참 중요하다는 걸 배웠다”고 소감을 전했다.
Meanwhile, Shin Yu-bin made it to the third round of the women's singles at the Olympics, but lost to Hong Kong and was eliminated, and also participated in the team event and lost to Germany in the quarterfinals. Shin Yu-bin, who returned to Korea via Incheon International Airport on the 5th, said, "I felt that the atmosphere could change at any time (even if I was ahead) if I was in a hurry on a big stage.
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Active Member
Nov 2018
After winning WS Gold, CM said her era is finally here (我的时代到来了).

In a subsequent interview, LGL said that CM is still a junior player (小将), and that it's too early for her to be called the leading lady (领军人物). He then elaborated that previous winners had to win numerous World titles before they could even be selected to play the Singles event, but the special circumstances surrounding Tokyo2020+1 have called for a different approach.

Talk about awkward, being shot down directly by the CTTA President 😅. I presume it's because of her lacklustre doubles ability and inconsistency with choppers, and of course the fact that she has never beaten Ito in any of the major events.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Gotta translate this for future reference!

In the women's singles final, Chen Meng defeated teammate Sun Yingsha to win the gold medal. After the match, Chen Meng once claimed, "My time/era has come."

Liu Guoliang said: "As the reigning women's Olympic champion, Chen Meng should be regarded as a young gun. Participating in the Olympic Games for the first time, she realized her dream. However, to claim you are the leading figure just because you have become the Olympic Champion, then I think you have jumped to conclusions. Think how many World Titles were needed to participate in singles in the previous Olympics, but for this special Olympics, they seized the opportunity. In my opinion, Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha, and Wang Manyu are still neck and neck in level."

CM: My era has come. 🤩
LSW: Didn't play me x 1. 😑
WMY: Didn't play me x 2. 😑
Ito: Didn't play me x 3. 😑
Hirano: Didn't play me x 4. 😑
Hayata: Didn't play me x 5. 😑
Ishikawa: Didn't play me x 6. 😭

Liu Guoliang said in a talk show that if Ito and Chen Meng were in the same half, Chen Meng could also have knocked her out.

"It should be said that this was a historical mission and responsibility that had been in the hands of Sun Yingsha, because she and Ito were drawn to the same half. I think if Ito were drawn to Chen Meng's half, Chen Meng could have done it as well."
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
LGL: "Through this Tokyo Olympics, everyone should have seen the awakening of the table tennis world. The women's table tennis world is especially represented by Japan and Ito. Ito won gold, silver and bronze medals in three events and, all alone, brought Japan on to the podium, apart from losing to China, other countries did not pose any threat to her, which shows that she has reached the level of China's top players."
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

When asked how he adjusted after trailing 1-2 in games, Fan Zhendong said: "In fact, I feel today I was still very prepared, but when I first came up with an estimate of the opponent’s combat ability and quality, I think there were still some deviations! Especially the first game in which I lost with just 3 points, and starting slowly with the second game, I feel I was playing better and better. Even after not winning the third game, I felt I had to remain firm, firmly believe that I could turn the tables, and then played accordingly to the preparations and game plan before the match."

When asked to comment on Ochtcharov’s backhand serve today, "Little Chubby" thought: "Actually, I think I did a good job receiving the serve today, but it is true that he has such a high-quality linking to the next shot, forcing a lot of errors from me. Starting from the fourth game, I too, for one, hung on in score, and two, were also seeking for some variations! The fifth game, including the opening, I was able to always lead in score, and therefore won in the end!"
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

After the match, Mizutani said: "I still can't believe it now. I really have the blessing of the best kohais, with a very good ending. I hope the kohais can target the gold medal in the Paris Olympics. Go for it!"

This is the first Olympic medal for the 18-year-old Harimoto. After Mizutani won the fourth match, Harimoto hugged his big brother and said, "I have nothing but gratitude for the five years since the Rio Olympics. This is my first medal in a world event, and I feel that I have finally stood on the starting line of the world."


After the match, Harimoto said: With Mizutani-san here, I believed we would win the fourth match. In the five years since the Rio Olympics, I have nothing but gratitude. Harimoto has full respect for the 32-year-old Mizutani. Mizutani also said that the team bronze medal was a blessing from the younger generations. Niwa said that Mizutani kept telling him during the doubles that he could attack without holding back, no matter how many errors there were.

On parting, Mizutani hopes that the younger generations will aim for the gold medal in Paris. Go for it! Mizutani said after the match: "I think the Tokyo Olympics is the last Olympics in which I participate as a player. This mood will not change."

Niwa said, "I feel very at ease together with Mizutani-san and Harimoto-kun. Although I was worried about whether I could get a medal, it's great to get it for real. Compared to the silver medal at Rio 2016, I am happier this time. This is a bronze medal that the team won in unison."

Niwa: I beat the WTTC 2019 runner-up. 😐
  • Haha
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Dec 2019
After winning WS Gold, CM said her era is finally here (我的时代到来了).

In a subsequent interview, LGL said that CM is still a junior player (小将), and that it's too early for her to be called the leading lady (领军人物). He then elaborated that previous winners had to win numerous World titles before they could even be selected to play the Singles event, but the special circumstances surrounding Tokyo2020+1 have called for a different approach.

Talk about awkward, being shot down directly by the CTTA President 😅. I presume it's because of her lacklustre doubles ability and inconsistency with choppers, and of course the fact that she has never beaten Ito in any of the major events.

Under previous precidents the 2 ladies that would have probably been selected LSW and Ding Ning.

Will be interesting after Tokyo 2021 what new approach is taken for selection. Especially Mixed Doubles as I'm sure will be a medal all countries will give themselves a good chance but one Chinese would want redeem themselves and one Japanese would love to defend.


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Under previous precidents the 2 ladies that would have probably been selected LSW and Ding Ning.Will be interesting after Tokyo 2021 what new approach is taken for selection. Especially Mixed Doubles as I'm sure will be a medal all countries will give themselves a good chance but one Chinese would want redeem themselves and one Japanese would love to defend.​​​​​

sure mixed doubles can get you a gold medal but I think next time, if ITO is in Paris, she will not want to take part in it, and will prefer to focus on singles + team. she got the gold already, and with her oni-san, which is something very special. More likely we will see something like TOGAMI + HAYATA. If a Mixed Doubles event is scheduled in Houston, we will probably see new pairings from the JNT.

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This user has no status.
Dec 2019

sure mixed doubles can get you a gold medal but I think next time, if ITO is in Paris, she will not want to take part in it, and will prefer to focus on singles + team. she got the gold already, and with her oni-san, which is something very special. More likely we will see something like TOGAMI + HAYATA. If a Mixed Doubles event is scheduled in Houston, we will probably see new pairings from the JNT.

Surely Mima will want to defend her title, who wouldn't? It's like saying to Ma Long for Tokyo just focus on team event and we will give you new challenge the Mixed Doubles, don't worry about singles.

I know 3 years still a while away but think teams can start looking ahead for their squads and start making shortlists and put lines through some players names

Team China I don't expect LSW, XX to be present in Paris. ML will be 35 but I still think they will give him every chance to prove himself.

Team Japan I do not, Koki Kasumi, Hirano to be there but same vote, If Good enough they will be given every opportunity to prove themselves, not like the any of them are old, Miizutani retired
Mixed doubles Paris looks exciting already. Really want to see new shake up of teams heading in, would be seriously awesome to see teams like

China-Wang Chuqin & Wang Manyu or Sun Yingsha
Japan-Mima pairing with maybe Harimoto Tokokazu
Chinese Taipei-Lin Yun -ju & maybe Cheng Hsien-Tzu

Think Mixed Doubles should be fun Olympic concept

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Surely Mima will want to defend her title, who wouldn't? It's like saying to Ma Long for Tokyo just focus on team event and we will give you new challenge the Mixed Doubles, don't worry about singles.

I know 3 years still a while away but think teams can start looking ahead for their squads and start making shortlists and put lines through some players names

Team China I don't expect LSW, XX to be present in Paris. ML will be 35 but I still think they will give him every chance to prove himself.

Team Japan I do not, Koki Kasumi, Hirano to be there but same vote, If Good enough they will be given every opportunity to prove themselves, not like the any of them are old, Miizutani retired
Mixed doubles Paris looks exciting already. Really want to see new shake up of teams heading in, would be seriously awesome to see teams like

China-Wang Chuqin & Wang Manyu or Sun Yingsha
Japan-Mima pairing with maybe Harimoto Tokokazu
Chinese Taipei-Lin Yun -ju & maybe Cheng Hsien-Tzu

Think Mixed Doubles should be fun Olympic concept

we will see. I bet Mima will prefer to be paired in Women's doubles instead (with Hayata), and leave XD to other people.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
In typical Japanese fashion, Table Tennis Kingdom turns its attention to the minute detail again.
The Olympics are a battleground for waging competitive life. Amidst the joy of victory and the frustration of defeat, I did not intend to say "clean up the bench". Nevertheless, the casual action of the heroine Soo Wai Yam has become a refreshing agent for the soul - Hong Kong, you're wonderful."

Then, the same old "ex...planation" from Ishikawa-senpai.

After the match, Ishikawa said, “I could not get into the speedy rallies that I am good at, so I wanted to adapt, but I didn’t handle it well. After that, I blew the lead in game 3, which is very regrettable. Although I was determined to attack with my forehand, which I was able to, but the path was not good, and I missed the loose balls, etc. I think a lot of wasted shots were in the 3rd game."
Regarding this result, Ishikawa said, "honestly not a satisfying result at all, but I am really unwilling to lose here." In the team event, she made up her mind again, "I want to change my mood and play without regrets."

And as expected, Harimoto is the type to bear grudges.
I don't regret it because I've given my all, but I'm the first on Team Japan to lose, so I want to return this debt in the team event.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Jeoung Youngsik also said that China, Germany and Japan, which won men's team medals at the Tokyo Olympics, are really strong. As opponents, I respect their efforts and congratulations to them again. In addition, he also thanked the volunteers for their hard work, saying that in Tokyo, under difficult circumstances, the volunteers who helped the players concentrate on the competition also worked hard. Thank you very much. Everyone stay healthy.
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says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
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Jan 2012
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Dec 2019
Japan women's team needs to stop locking themselves into one doubles pairing. It was their downfall in Rio and again in Tokyo. In London they had 3 viable pairs that made their lineup more unpredictable. With a fixed lineup you're just showing your entire hand to the opponent.

Think majority of teams except the Chinese do that, but no one was surprised with end combination. In fairness to some of the teams like Japan, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong doubles pairing rarely let them down. Other than Chinese ladies no one was ever taking Japanese ladies down, even doubles team they had quite dominant
