Hurricane 3 or Hurricane 3 NEO for boosting?

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Feb 2020
Hello, so I want to buy Hurricane 3 (bh) and Skyline 2 (fh) and boost them with Falco Long. Is it better to buy the NEO versions and boost them afterwards? If yes, why is it better? Thanks y'all!!
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Oct 2020
Hello, so I want to buy Hurricane 3 (bh) and Skyline 2 (fh) and boost them with Falco Long. Is it better to buy the NEO versions and boost them afterwards? If yes, why is it better? Thanks y'all!!
Can you tell me what is the difference between hurricane 3 and hurricane 3 NEO? I am also going to buy one of these but I dont know what is different in normal hurricane 3 and NEO version.
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There are already several posts here about this topic.

Neo Version is more receiptive to booster and is overall the better rubber (faster, more spin...)

@ArturS if you google for interview with dhs you gonna find the answer on several websites.
In short the neo version is slightly factory tuned
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
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Hello, so I want to buy Hurricane 3 (bh) and Skyline 2 (fh) and boost them with Falco Long. Is it better to buy the NEO versions and boost them afterwards? If yes, why is it better? Thanks y'all!!

Have you used Chinese rubbers before?? Especially on the BH side??

I think the Neo version is a different sponge to Std H3, and the Neo version may be factory tuned. I know that the H3 Neo provincial version is.
Neo version is faster than the std H3, but not a lot.
Both rubbers react well to boosting, with either FLT or Seamoon.
I’ve used both boosted and un-boosted H3 Neo rubbers, provincial versions.

As this is your 1st time using these rubbers, it may be a good idea to try both versions un-boosted to see how they feel and play, then take them off and boost them, then you’ll notice the difference in how they play and feel, which I think is quite important, as it will help you know that the boosting is/has worked. Even better is to have 2 of the same blades, put un boosted on one and boosted on the other, then the difference is much easier to see and feel !!!

now, after going thru this myself, I’d boost either version straight off!!! But do the above and learn!!!

also consider trying to find the 37 degree version of either the H3 or H3 Neo, and use this on the backhand side. Can be difficult to find, I have 37 degree H3 Neo provincial version which is more expensive than the std version. I have boosted one sheet and used the other straight out of the pack, boosted feels better!!!

for the record there are a few versions of H3 and H3 Neo, these are-
standard - cheapest
provincial - mid price
national - most expensive.
this is then further expanded with blue sponge variations for the provincial and national versions!!!! Plus the different sponge hardnesses 37, 39,40,41 degree for all versions !!!

regarding Skyline, there’s a few versions of this as well. !!!
Skyline 2 & 3 std and provincial not sure about national version, if there is, it’s not available in Europe. Blue sponge etc
Skyline Neo TG2 and Neo TG3
Skyline 3-60 soft, medium and hard.

check Table Tennis 11 out for these and DHS-729 for 37 degree H3 Neo Provincial and National.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
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Hello, so I want to buy Hurricane 3 (bh) and Skyline 2 (fh) and boost them with Falco Long. Is it better to buy the NEO versions and boost them afterwards? If yes, why is it better? Thanks y'all!!

Falco Long won't work well. Haifu seamon is what everyone in China uses on H3 and TG2.
Falco Long won't work well. Haifu seamon is what everyone in China uses on H3 and TG2.
Falco works but needs more layers. The good side is that Falco does not damage the rubber as much as Seamoon.
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says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
Falco works but needs more layers. The good side is that Falco does not damage the rubber as much as Seamoon.
Hi Yogi,

when you say damage the rubber, do you mean sponge or sponge and top sheet??

the booster expands the sponge but not the top sheet (at first) hence the doming. The sheet size is actually increased slightly by 2 or 3 mm, after time the doming subsides but the sheet size remains larger suggesting that the top sheet has also ‘stretched’ but is now not as tensioned and isn’t trying to pull the sponge back.

So does the booster affect the top sheet as well as sponge?