KNT: Why We use National H3!

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This user has no status.
Dec 2020
The pros are talking about what T05 does in a situation and what H3 does. Some situations they can trust H3 more.

When Joo S H speaks, it is a revealing thing about pros and mentality.

Joo says that the hard struck shots with some rubbers will go into the net... and with pros, they remember that in the close moments of a match, like say when the score is 9-9 and when they attack, at the very end of the stroke they will do a tensing up thing to try to get the ball over the net. This means a pro cannot hit confidently, and that kills you.

Many friends of mine also say during FH to FH rallies, T05 and D05 is not as consistent and does net a lot more than H3.
Granted, they change H3 every week, while the Butterfly about 4 weeks

PS. these guys players on the world circuit.
PS. the ones not using H3, does have "special" rubbers made for them (ie firmer sponge)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
What happened to your old account? :confused:


Joo's comment reminds me of Boll's whining.
Q: Neben den Bällen sind die Beläge für die Qualität des Spiels entscheidend. Es heißt, dass die überragenden Chinesen auf diesem Gebiet einen Vorteil haben sollen. Wie kann das sein?

A: Die Beläge sind ein extremer Vorteil für die Chinesen.


Q: Und woher wissen Sie das?

A: Ich habe schon mit dem Material von Spielern gespielt, die ihre Beläge nachbehandelt haben. Das war schon ein gewisser Unterschied. Und dann habe ich mir in China im Training schon mal den Schläger eines Kollegen geschnappt. Ich will es mal so sagen: Wenn die Chinesen mit meinem Schläger und ihrer gewohnten Technik einen Topspin ziehen, dann landet er in der eigenen Hälfte.
Q: In addition to the balls, the rubbers are decisive for the quality of the game. It is said that the preeminent Chinese should have an advantage in this area. How can that be?

A: The rubbers are an extreme advantage for the Chinese.


Q: And how do you know?

A: I have played with the material from players who have treated their rubbers. That was a certain difference. And then I grabbed a colleague's club during training in China. Let me put it this way: if the Chinese pull a topspin with my racket and their usual technique, then it ends up in their own half.


This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Jan 2020
So they agree with us that it gives a lot more control? And where has the like button gone?
This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Jan 2020
zeio;338670I love your UKranian flag! 🤣

I can't even like your love 😂
Actually I found it!!! Somehow it's got its own place.

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