Donic Ovtcharov Original No.1 / Senso comparison

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Oct 2019
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I recently picked up the non-senso version of Donic Ovtcharov No.1 (signed by Dima) at a charity auction. Few players asked me how the blades compare. The short answer is they don't. The non-senso version is the same but worse in every aspect. The difference is minimal but it is present. As you can see on the photo the non-senso version is barely used while Senso version is battle-worn. The Senso just feels better and provides more feeling. If you can pick up the non-senso version for 50€ then go for it. Great blade for the price. If I had to pick between used Senso vs new non-senso I would pick the usedand dinged Senso (and that is what I did...).

PS: The non-senso also has been sealed (to preserve the signature) while the Senso is not. I doubt this makes measurable difference though.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2019
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Kind of sort of. A lot of people claim it's more like W968 and Long V. I've had Bo B2 blade in my hands for a while and I think that Long V is much better in terms of feel. The gap is much bigger. As I said in the Original Post, "The difference is minimal but it is present". Senso is better if you can get it, it is not something to cry about though. The weight distribution is much different too.
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Mar 2021
Kind of sort of. A lot of people claim it's more like W968 and Long V. I've had Bo B2 blade in my hands for a while and I think that Long V is much better in terms of feel. The gap is much bigger. As I said in the Original Post, "The difference is minimal but it is present". Senso is better if you can get it, it is not something to cry about though. The weight distribution is much different too.
Can you explain more detailed what's the difference between Long V and Bo b2 please?

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Jan 2017
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Fang Bo Carbon feels a bit stiffer but especially harder. The ball leaves the racket very soon, HL5 is slightly softer with the feeling that the ball stays longer in the racket.

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Mar 2018
No. 1 Senso is a great blade in all aspects, though, it has quality control issues which shouldn't be there for that price.

I have two of them and both have warping issues out of the box (one is like 5mm and another one is 1-2mm). Both came from different sources and revisions, one bough used, another one is new. It may be caused by inappropriate storage, but still, the coincidence is quite unfortunate and I would recommend checking your blades when buying. It also might be a gluing method they use, for example, AFAIK hide glue tends to cause warping in humid conditions.

This might not affect the way how they play, at least on our level. I successfully played with the first one for over a year and now using the second one.
Also, although they have the identical weight of 85gr and the same ST handle, they play a little bit differently, the second one is noticeably harder. The overall feeling is still quite soft, though.

And the spin and control you get with the blade are unbelievable.