Russian guy learned serving from a Japanese. Well done.

says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
I don't think I'd mind that serve all that much. Yes, it's fast, but it's also quite predictable with sufficient good options to handle it advantageously; I actually train with people doing that kind of thing, and they tend to stop using it real quickly.
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This user has no status.
Jan 2021
I'm inexperienced, but it looks like a practice rally feed. The speed would be surprising but not much more than that.

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says Aging is a killer
The really nasty one is where the server's action looks like a normal cross table, pendulum serve. But he hits the ball with the backside of the bat causing the ball to swerve away down the line. Sadly only about <50% chance that the serve lands on the table and impossible to perform under match conditions
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
Well-Known Member
Feb 2015
Read 6 reviews
In first.... Your legs are nit bend enough... Experience player will do a quick block and you will not be able to react because of the straight legs. And for second.... Try to do a proper toss in beginning .
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