Ideal contact height for forehand topspin

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Jul 2017
I watched some pro videos and looked at the height of contact.

Often in comparison to the net it was hit around net height or so and lower against backspin but I'm more talking in relation to the body.

I have seen many pros staying rather low and then hit the ball around chest high.

But when I hit it is more like waist high.

What is the advantage of going low and hitting the ball at the height of the chest or even shoulder especially when the ball is below or at net height and not bouncing high?

For example in this video
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Oct 2015
Can't see any video there, but my guess is if you contact at chest height your swing has to go mostly forwards. If you play the ball from waist height your swing is more likely to go upwards and make lower shot quality.
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Jul 2017
Can't see any video there, but my guess is if you contact at chest height your swing has to go mostly forwards. If you play the ball from waist height your swing is more likely to go upwards and make lower shot quality.

That makes sense, if you bring down the shoulders (where the arm is attached) closer to net level and you hit the ball at about net level it is easier to pull forward more horizontally.

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Oct 2016
But is it that you hit the ball to late or that you are standing tall? Feel like you should try to hit the ball at the highest point since then you can play more forward. I think many players stand pretty wide and bend the legs a lot to be able to get power from the ground and move well.
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Jul 2017
But is it that you hit the ball to late or that you are standing tall? Feel like you should try to hit the ball at the highest point since then you can play more forward. I think many players stand pretty wide and bend the legs a lot to be able to get power from the ground and move well.

I think I'm probably standing too tall. I notice I hit the ball better when I'm lower but it is hard to sustain that as my legs start burning . I probably need to get fitter :)

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Oct 2016
Hos wide Do you stand? Maybe harder to move but if you stand wider you get lower.
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Utilll I see how you hit, it will be difficult to say something that fits you.

If I assume some things, which could be wrong, like you have a decent crouch and are not upright, are in position on balance no huge backswing etc...

Assuming that stuff, here are a few pros and cons of early/later. I will say this situation is vs an incoming medium pace ball with light to medium topspin.

Take it net height or higher near top of bounce

- you are able to take ball earlier and rob time from opponent
- you can swing more forward and make easier pace
- you can have more safety landing the ball given lower trajectory as you have more vertical room to work with
- you have more angles to use as you are taking ball closer to net/table
- you are not worrying about how to adjust for the vertical energy of the ball - there isn't much

Take ball as it is falling - impact at table height or 10 cm below table

- you have more time to see what is on the ball and where it is going/when
- you have more time to be in position/leverage
- you are squatting down a little more, so easier to use leverage for spin/power
- you swing upwards more - it is easier to generate topspin
- there is downwards vertical energy on the ball - your more upwards swing cancels this so it is intuitive
- you have safety - you are making more spin generally and lifting the ball more
- you get confidence - you se the ball land often
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Jul 2017
10cm above png.png

10cm below png (1).png

Lula;357257I think many players stand pretty wide and bend the legs a lot to be able to get power from the ground and move well.
You don't get power from the ground. It comes from you. You have been listening to Emrathich too much. If power came from the the ground we wouldn't have energy shortage problems. Cars would just go.

Der Echte is right to list the pros and cons but I have some comments about his lists. Hitting the ball from 10 cm below the table is tricky. You won't be able to hit the ball very fast and if you do, you better be able to put a lot of spin on the ball so it will land. Also, you want the apex of the trajectory to occur just as the ball goes over the net. This will result in a lower bounce. If you hit the ball back from the table, the apex of the trajectory moves closer to you on your side of the table and the ball will be falling as it goes over the net. This means the apex will need to be much higher than the net to clear the net but it also means the ball will bounce higher making it easier for the opponent to return with speed.

Hitting the ball 10 cm below the table is too low. 10 cm above the table is OK but the ball still needs to be hit up to go over the net.

I added two simulations, one is hitting the ball from 10 cm below and the other hitting the ball 10 cm above, two meters back from the net and the same spin. It is easy to see the ball hit 10 cm above can travel at a higher speed and still hit the table. Hitting the ball from 10 cm above the table is a much easier shot, still most people struggle with this because you must really loop the ball. Most people just lob the ball where it floats and is easy "slam bait"
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