How to impove the training sessions of my club

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New Member
Feb 2022

Hi, I am looking for some advice or system that can improve the training intensity of my club. To give you some context, I have played table tennis since I was 9, up to the age of 18. During that time, I always played in my local club, which is a really small one. The club never had a professional coach so everything I know was from my experience as a player. I stopped playing for 5 years and came back about 6 months ago. Since then I have taken a more active role in the club’s younger team and have been trying to improve their quality of training.

Each session, I have a training scheme with the exercises that each pair must complete. However, I feel there is lacking commitment from my players since if I am not over them, they end up doing other stuff.

Do you have any suggestions to ensure that they complete the exercises? How should I measure the amount of time dedicated to each exercise? For instance, should I time the exercises? Or should I use number of repetitions (like Do X for Y times but it only counts if stays on the table for W)?

How do you deal with an odd number of players in each session? How do you decide who trains with who? Should I exchange partners in the middle of the training?

Hope you can help me.



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Sep 2020
In our club we do exercies in the following order. Warmup - consistency - 3th ball attack - complicated or tactical exercice - matchplay. Every side does each exercice for about 5 min.
I use the TT fit app for inspiration.
We change partners after every exercice.

We always have one table doing multiball or serve training.

Trainer either trains multiball or walks around giving pointers
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2019
Read 2 reviews
Maybe let everyone chip-in to buy a good quality robot? It'll make multi-ball training easier, and since everyone paid for the robot, they'll want to use it. It will also give you more time to go to other tables to check progress, since anyone can operate the robot with a 5-minute tutorial.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
How old are they? I think if you got them involved in planning their own training that would separate the more serious ones from those who only want to play around. Take a little time to talk as a group about how they win and lose points, where they want to improve. Let them see where they are now and where they want to be. Then give them some exercises for that.

And I would time them on your phone and switch.

If some players don't want to train with focus then let them do whatever they want. Mixing kids who are serious with ones who aren't will only make everyone frustrated. Including you.