Changing from european forehand to chinese issues!

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Jul 2017
NDH. I did have a big issue with my lack of relaxation then I posted my first post which was some days ago. I have worked on it over last few days and feel I am getting on top of it, at least against the robot. The last email feedback from my pro level coach was more positive.Feel free to comment about this technical aspect in a forehand. Maybe a forehand this way is more unreliable for club players?The video above this post is just like my old forehand where you start with a straight arm before the forward swing. What I am talking about is different. I think this Chinese style forehand creates more racket head speed in a more effortless way based on my limited practice to date.I'm interested in others experience.

I think in theory keeping arm slightly bent and then extend it as the upper arm accelerates could give your biceps a bit more stretch so the arm flexion (forearm whip) is slightly more dynamic.

However in practice usually most rec players have a lot of stuff they need to worry about more than "getting the final 2 percent of forearm acceleration" as the footwork, timing and contact precision doesn't even allow them to operate at max racket speed.I'm not saying that you shouldn't work on that but unless your level is 2300+ there is probably a lot of other stuff that is more important. I mean dima went 7 sets with ma long at the Olympics and he has that "bad" euro forehand, so we probably talk about an advantage of 1 or 2 percent that the Chinese forehand is better at the highest level (which of course can make a huge difference if you score 2 more points per set with it against a very Slightly weaker opponent).

Of course if you can pull off the new forehand successfully rather quickly then go for it but if it takes a ton of work maybe that is better invested elsewhere.

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