What is your favorite song?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
Ode die Freide
until the EU made it their anthem.
If I were a Brit I would support Brexit.
I like the flash mobs on YouTube.
I am not a real stick in the mid.

I like Good Vibrations and God only Knows by the Beach Boys.
Yes I am an old geezer.
I like Hurt by Johnny Cash.
I like some old Beatles songs.
I like Led Zeppelin
Stair way to heaven
Thank You
Crosby Stills and Nash. Their vocals are great.
Yes. I think I have as many Yes albums as any other.
Perpetual Change
Your Move
Yours is no disgrace
And you and I.
It was sad that Christopher Squire die. He wasn't that old.
Boston, more than a feeling, a man I will never be.
Heart, these dreams, alone.
There is a lot of good music out there. It depends on my mood.
When ever I hear a song it brings me back to when I first heard it or when I first heard it.
Nothing has changed.
Most music is crap.
There is the top 1% that will be remembered.
says STAX X9000 is the BEST!
If I had to choose only one, this is gonna be tough... basically I don't have "eternal one" favorite song, it's changes with time, also it depends on my mood, but at a moment, probably my favorite is Yono Kanno "Walt" from Zankyou no Terror anime OST, I just love all of her works and there is a bunch of tracks that can be my favorite song, but at a moment it's "Walt" (even set it as ringtone in my mobile phone) :D
It's impossible - perry como
And i love you so - don mclean
Still - commodores
Time in a bottle - jim croce
Immigrant - led zep
The search is over - survivor
Burning heart - survivor
Eversince the world began - survivor