What game are you playing now?

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Jul 2019
i play
go a japanese board
known in korea as
and in china as wei qi
its a strategic game with more moves than chess, simple to learn a lifetime to master. I used to play in club with a clock like chess but now i play on line with maybe twenty games on at once.games might have 200+ moves but you can just login and make 1 move and your opponent somewhere else in the world makes a reply in his/her own time so games take months to finish but need only take a few minutes of your time.
each day.
this game is perfect for families in corona situation. teach your
a go game unfinished.
a go board with bowls://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~rozan/108-0802_IMG11.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
I played go in college. I would challenge the Chinese students that normally kept to themselves and didn't associate with white guys. I also played Chinese chess which is strange. I had moderate success because I was not familiar with all the patterns.

I wrote a computer chess program in the 1980s. It never was that good because it wasn't my full time job. However, I personally played in a USCF chess tournament in a 1988 and the first time out I got a rating of candidate master or expert which is just below master. Unfortunately, chess and TT took a back seat to working 12-14 hours days.

I majored in TT my freshman year of college. I went from hard bat to double inverted. I came in 5th in a college tournament. My sophomore year 3 of the better players graduated. There was one Chinese super looper that was better than me but he was an EE student too. When I was a freshman he was a sophomore. When I graduated he was still a senior.
I majored in bridge my sophomore year of college.
My junior and senior year a majored in board wargames. Avalon Hill and SPI.
I got my EE and CE ( computer engineering ) degree despite the distractions but eventually all that faded away as real life took precedence for the next 38 years.

I own a very successful business but the beginning the only capital you have is human capital. That means working long hours.

I like games. They keep your mind active. I still have a closet of games like Go, Chess, Master Mind, and many others. I don't have time to play face to face.

Now I watch YouTube videos about LCO or lela chess 0 and stock fish which are top rated chess "engines" ( I don't like the term. I prefer programs. ). On YouTube there is a channel by King Crusher that is very good.

The computer I am writing this on has a high powered graphics card. The "chess engines" use the 2560 CUDA cores to do parallel processing. There is no way any body can beat that.
Sc2 player here :) not so much atm but I always come back to it. Also it has a lot of similarities to tabletennis. What race are you playing and what league?
Would be cool to meet up ingame

I am a big StarCraft:BW and StarCraft II fan.
Though I do not play a lot myself (my best result was Diamond league in SC2 as a Terran), but I really enjoy watching Korean pros playing in ASL and GSL with Tastosis commentary. Best casting duo and best RTS of all times :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
Chess on lichess.org
Peak 2180 on Bullet
I know that takes time to study opening and experience.

I like chess but I don't have time to study it now.
I did play in one USCF tournament. I got a 2057 rating. I took one week off and play with my 2300 rated Novag Chess computer. But then I had to work 14 hour days because of a big project ( money ).

I now a I9 core and a video card with 2650 CUDA cores for running the Stockfish program on my computer. I watch YouTube chess channels about computer chess.
I object to calling the chess programs 'engines'. This is bad use of the term engines. Chess computers don't move anything like an engine does.

I wrote a chess program in the 1980s but it didn't do very well because of a lack of time and low processing power. It never borke 1700. Business and programming got in the way. I would watch my program calculate and display what it thinks should happen and sometimes I would cringe. That is when I knew I was much better than my program and entered as myself.
I have the ECOs and ECE in book form because it was the 1980s. Now you get them in a computer format.

There is another thread on this forum about passion. My first passion is business and the related motion control algorithms. Everything else takes a second seat to that but I play TT for the health of it. I played for 1.5 hours 4 times this week.

Now I play StarCraft Brood war more than chess. I will be retired at the end of the year and will have plenty of things to keep my occupied.

I just put new strings on my 1966 Gibson ES-330 TDC. It had been sitting in its case for 35+ years. Owning and running a business that competes with the likes of Siemens and Bosch is time consuming. I use to be pretty good at guitar but I didn't have the magic that I do when it comes to physics and math. Now I tried playing a few chords but my fingers don't have callouses so ouch. I intend to relearn and maybe even get one of those new midi keyboards ( Yamaha ES-373 ) for $200.

I forgot to add. I bought a 1 ton dually with an Arctic Fox 990 camper so I could go into the sticks. At night I sometimes play chess with the compuiters
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New Member
Aug 2022
I've been playing Lost Ark. It has a very nice blend of action style of fighting along with being an RPG as well. The combat is arguably what it does the absolute best. The combat feels really good and fast-paced, with lots of variation and sub-classes to choose from. There's lots of content to do on day one. It will be overwhelming at first due to the sheer amount of content, lost ark gold, and systems, but if you take it all in slowly, it's a ride you'll surely want to continue staying in.